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Show THE TIMES-NEW- S 1j Circulates throughout East Juab County. An Independent paper published in the interest of all the people all the time. Let us enter your name on our subscription list. FE QUARTERLY RE ENTERTAINS ' Mrs. Wm. A. Warner entertained Sunday at a family dinner party In honor of her husband's 50th birthThose present were Mr. and day. Mrs. John Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Worthington, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Warner, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Warner Mr. and Mrs W. H. Warthe land. Addresses were also given ner, Mrs. Kate Worthington, Grandby L. E. Lunt, and Mrs. Zina Card. ma and Mr. and iMrs. W. A. Warner, The benediction was given by C. R. Splendid AddreNKeg Given by A. V. Ivens, It. II. Roberta anil Other Jenkins. e Drethern- - Vacant ViHitiug The last session of the conference Filled. convened at 2 p. m. and every avail able seat In the Tabernacle was occupied when President Rees called The Quarterly Conference of Juab the meeting to order. The opening Stake pt Zlon convened for Its first number was rendered by the High session Saturday at 2 p. m., with a School chorus, under the direction of PresiProf. Bird, who furnished the music good congregation present. dent T. D. Kees was in charge and for the afternoon session. Prayer was the opening number was given by the offered by T. C. Winn. Stake clerk High School mixed quartU, under Geo. A. Allen then presented the the direction of Prof. K. J. Bird. L. Church authorities for the vote of the A. Bailey, Sr.. offered the opening people, the same being sustained by prayer, and the speakers were Mrs. unanimous vote. The name of I. H. C. W. Nlbley, Mrs. Zina Card, Miss Grace was then presented', to the McLellan, Apostle Ivens and closing people as Counselor to the Stake remarks by President Rees. After re- President to fill the vacancy caused ports of officers of the Relief society by the death of T. H. G. Parkes, and and Primary organizations had Ufcen Mr. Grace was unanimously sustain The name of given, and vocal solos by Miss Onita ad for this position. Rees and Miss Alice Ord, and another John S. Nellson was then presented selection by the mixed quartette, the to fill the vacancy in (he high council benediction was pronounced by J. W. caused by the death of Ephrlam H Paxman. Kay, and Mr. Neil on was also sus Sunday "morning at 9 o'clock a gen- tained by' unnimous vote. eral priesthood meeting was held, B II Roberts was the speaker and at the close of which the next seBsion delivered a powerful discourse show of the conference convened at 10.30 ing the relationship of prophecy with a. in. President Rees presided and the late world war He also gave sta vocal solos were rendered by Mlsa Unties of the war, showing the num Delia McCune and Miss Mildred El- ber of killed, wounded and missing. lison. The opening prayer was of- and presented an array of figures fered by Jas. Garrett, Jr. The speak- which were staggering to the human ers were Apostle Ivens, who strongly conception. Elder Roberts occupied urged the support of the people for the greater part of the afternoon the League of Nations as being the session. first step to obtain universal peace.. I. II. Grace (hen made a short "I do not claim to know." said the the people for the talk speaker, "that the present covenant honor thanking conferred upon him, and ask is Just what we want, but it is a being for their support and sustaining ginning and can be amended from influence In the office to which he had time to time Just as our own Consticalled. been fit to amemded be tution has had to President Rees made the closing conditions as they may arise." He Wiland thanked all those who remarks to President a also paid tribute Taft for their had taken part in the services. After son and work in connection with the League a selection by the chorus, benediction of Nations, and characterized the was pronounced by A. H. Belllston. the conference adjourned for lat named as being one of the great-of and months. three statesman est and most 1.,' far-seei- bles, while every girl brought her The evening was spent in playing children games, such as "Farmer In the Dell," LIVE HIGH SCHOOL NOTES doll or teddy bear. Ingram, Reporter Kleze opportunity for Entertainment with J;eon Nifty music. In Arlington Hall, Our last party with Refreshments galore at Nenlors. Ball, Saturday. May l?lh. 1819. The domestic science girls of the Sophomore class served the Ladies' Literary club to a delicious supper on Monday night. Friday of last week was field day and the students of the different all took active part to the difrI ferent athletic events. Each class was well represented and there were some exciting contests. The Junior class was the winner of the day and will be awarded the priie that will be given. In devotional Wednesday morning Mr. L. Frank gave a splendid address on "Conditions in Russia" going Into the subject very minutely and giving very valuable Information to the to the cause that biya led op to the present conditions. Thursday of last week Miss Downey, State Library organiser, met tbe student bod and talked on a public library. She showed us where we would be benefitted by the library and encouraged all to work for the maintenance and growth of tbe library and encourage It to every one. fHarting with Tuesday at nortn there has been a book drive by the student and we are going to show the people of Nephl that we appreciate their efforts toward a public library and are collecting all the books that they see fit to give ns. We would appreciate any books that the people can spar. We expect to have over a thousand collected by Friday noon. "Make me a child again Just for tonight," was certainly carried out class by every member of the Junior in the "Kid s party' given by tber.i a few weeks ago. We had I hem from bftbkw learning to walk in boys and girl f lo ten for the Agricultural and Mining valuable advertising medium, being widely read by the citizens of the county. Subscribe Today. QUARTERS ARE SECURED Warner. t'" yr The boys brought top and mar f COMMISSIONERS OF MOTHERS FTlGLi THE COUNTY MEET The Board of County Commission- era met in regular session Monday, there being present P. J. Bonner. Oacar Andrus and George Francom. Claims against the county after being duly audited were allowed. Richard Iverson was appointed constable at Levan and his bond was at $500. Reports of officers for the month of April were approved. A committee from the Nepbl li brary board consisting of Ray Stewart and Dennis Wood, and Miss Downey, the state organizer of Pnbllc Libraries, met with the board and presented the outline of a plan for It establishing county libraries. was brought to the attention of the board that the last legislature bad passed the bill enabling commission- era to take such action, and the mem bers, of the board, after discussing the plan tor some time, expressed themselves as being in favor of the same, and will take the necessary steps in the future to put the county unit library In Juab county Into operation. After attending to other minor business the meeting adjourned until the date of the next regular meeting. . OBSERVED st'-ou- ENTERTAINS ASSN ELECT OFFICERS i0 Vice-Preside- n. UTOPIA t'l.l'll Miss Lulu McPherson was hostess Tuesday evening at her home to the members of the Utopia club. The room was beautifully decorated with carnations. The evening was spent in reading and sewing. At 10.30 dainty refreshment we're served to the following: Mr. V. M. Foote, Mrs. Robert Lomax, Mr. W. G. Orme, Mrs. J. E. Memmott. Mr. Abner Blgler, Mrs. Geo. Booth, MIm . . ii . 1 1. i tri tti Miss Genie Canillaml Mlita Neva 1 Booth, Mis Lillian Blackett and the hostess. Miss McPherson. 1 M.XTKF.N WILL GRADUATE FROM HIGH StUOOL Sixteen will graduate from the Nephl High School this month after having completed the four years High School course. Girls predominate in the class, there being 14 of the fair sex and only two buys. The following Is the lint selected or this honor: Blanche Morgan, Ines Ruth Lundsteen. Vera Pax- man, Bessie Latimer, Norma Blackett. Adrlenne Catler, Ophelia Jennings, Lorette Sparks, Ida Garid. Julia Pax-maPearl Bailey, Nellie Golden, Tbelma Park, Leonard Sidwetl and Chloy Kay , e, n, NF.PHI HNOWKD UXDKR LEVAM;NI:PHI 8 Wake up. you Nephi stick artists, and get down to real workouts! You cannot win game without practice. Levan team came back strong on their own lot Wednesday afternoon and the Nephl boy never had a look in a the score indicates. It was IS to 3 In favor of the Levan Ifoys. The following was the lineup of the teams: Nephi: Hal McCune, Edgar Park, I. M. Petty, Clarence Warner, E. R. Alton. Geo. Wilson, N. W. Hawes and Lenard fildwell. Levan: Iverson, A. Wanklcr, E Ita Wankler, Korensen, Taylor, Jackman, Dalby, Chrlterien and Sherwood. W. A, Stacy, Milton Ockcy was down from Salt I .eke Hsfarday and Sunday Visiting his V rents In this city. Mr. Ockcy Is now employed with the Federal Reserve Bank In the abn-'city e i members of the Library Board In getting organized and outlining the plans for the opening of the library to the general public in the near future. At present It is aimed to have one room for a reading room where the. dally papers and all the latest magaA long felt want will soon be zines will be found, and another room realized In this city and that Is the for the circulating library where possession of a good public library. books can be obtained by those wishThe CUy council at its meeting last ing them. A Step Forward Friday evening appointed a Library The establishing of a public libBourd, constating of the following in this city is a decided step citizens: Mayor Garrett, J. E. Lunt, rary forward In the progres of the town. lluy Stewart. Robert Winn, Dennis Nephl Is one of tha few towns of Its Wood, Mrs. T. D. Rees. Mrs. Geo. A. size in the state that does not have Sperry and City Attorney T II. Bur- one and there is no question but what ton as secretary and legal advisor. the inhabitants of this city are a The county commissioned have reading people, as we don't think very generously offered the use of there la any town in Utah, population two rooms In the coart house for tem- considered, where a larger number of porary quarters until such time as daily papers, magazine, and periodibti moved to perma- cal are taken than the library will right here in nent quarters. this city. This paper has every confiMiss Margaret A. Downey, the dence that the library in Nephl will State' Organizer of Carnegie Librari- be a success If handled along right es., has been in the city for several lines and made to supply th need duys past and has assisted tbe local that a library Is intended to fill. -- Mothers' Day was generally observed in Nephl lust Sunday and many carnutlons were worn. In the evening a good program was given in the Tabernacle under the auspices of the M. I. A. associations and the Ladies' Literary club. Miss Bertha McPherson presided and the opening number was given by the students from the sixth grades of the public schools, under the direction of Miss Spanton. Prayer was offered by Bishop Thomas Bail4' and the a next number was a selection mixed quurtett composed of Mrs. Ralph Belllston. Miss Lutie Brougb. Miss Delia Grace, M!hs llortense Cor-ret- t, Frank Russell, Wllford Duller. Paul Booth and Willie Sells. Judge Morris then gave an address on the subject "Tribute to Mo'her," giving high praixe to the worltt of Miss the motners t our land. Delia McCune then rendered a vocal solo and Miss Watklns a reading H H. Roberts occupied the reu.aimler of the, evening delivering a discourse on the subject of "Mother hood and Mothering." After a selection by the chorus, the meeting came to a close with the benediction by President Rees. PARENTS-TEACHE- RS "Drop the Handkerchief," and "Nuta A good meeting of tire Parents- The refreshments were In May." association was held in the Teachers also carried out, In things that child evenren like so well, such as Ice cream High School building Thursday was which to of the purpose ing, cones, all day suckers and cracker elect officers for another year. Ray Jack. was chairman and made a Prize were given to Melba Hague, Stewart on what th4 as and Dean Winn for being dressed few opening remarks was to sociation accomplish in trying that the funniest. Everyone felt they Miss Downey, the were kids again and had a very the community. State organiser for the Carnegie lienjoyable time. braries, was also present and gave a very Interesting addrejss on the FOR APPROPRIATE question, at the conclusion of library TRAIL I P MT. XF.IIO which the association went on record Forest Ranger A. P. Chrlstensen aa favoring a pubic library for Nephl, received official orders Sunday that and promising it support. Short talks were made by others the United State Forest Service bad this line, after which appropriated the sum of $i00 for present along were elected a officers the following from the a of trail the construction next the association for the of year: Ranger station to the summit of Mt J. W. Boud. President; Alonto In Nebo. Mr. Chrlstensen commenced u. w. jonn-othe bulfding of this trail about two gram. Miss Marba Canand Secretary; brush out the by years ago cutting and timber a considerable! distance non, Treasurer. Mr. Doud then made a few re along the side of the mountain, but marks on the work of the association, on account of the tack of money to continue the work, It was abandoned stating that he was In favor of the between the parWith this ap closest for the tme being. of tbe public and ents teachers the Ran propriation available, the Forest and that many of the quesschools, considerable make to ger expects In oar schools could be headway In the construction of the tions arising settled by th parent and teachers trail during the present summer. With a good trail built to tbe top getting together and discussing the of Mt. Nebo, many people who have various difficulties that arise from desired to make the ascent to the time to time. The High School mixed quartette top of this historic mountain but who have been deterred from doing so under the direction of Prof. Bird, on account of the difficulties encoun rendered two very pleasing numbers tered, will now be able when the during the evening. trail Is built to gratify that wish June Kendall returned home Toes-da- y without so much difficulty. from Delta where he ha been the past week attending to several NF.rill nOY RECEIVES FOR RRAVERY Job In that vicinity. He reports DEtTHlATIO Delta a booming and says It I one of On April 14th, Stan Park, son of the coming town of Utah. The Mothers' Progressive club Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Park, was decor a ted for bravery on the field of bat were entertained Thursday afternoon tie, according to a letter received by by Mrs. L. W. Pitt. The afternoon his parents this week. Mr. Park wan was pleasantly spent wKh needle decorated with the French "Croix d work and music. At .30 refresh Oaerre" which means the Cross of ments were served to the following: War or an honor similar to on Mr. Alvln Bowie. Mrs. Gilbert Bail distinguished service medal. Stan ey, Mrs. C. W. Taylor, Mm. Davidis still over-eew'th the army of oc Fnrmage. Mrs. Len Jone. Mr. Rotconation In Germany and does not roe Tolley, Mrs. S. R. Winn and the hostess, Mrs. Louis Pitt. know when he will be released. a IS The Establishment of County 1.1- - Judge MorrU itml li. II. Roberts - braries Is Approved by the Board Deliver Interesting AddreNM Usual Routine of Business Is Fine 1'rogriitit ut Tubcrnacle Under Transact ed. Literary Club mid M.I, A. Auspice fixed A PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSURED H. D. Goldsbrough returned from Salt Luke Wednesday where he had been to visit his brother, J, It. Goldsbrough, who wus operated upon Monday at the hospital in Salt Lake. Mr. Goldsbrough has beau suffering for a long time past with a bad foot and an operation was deemed necessary to give relief. His many friends in Nephl hope that he will soon be able Library Hoard Appointed by City to get around again. Council Drve for Hooka Is Being Made ThU Week With Every Indi. cation of Kucccmm Of-ar- tg. boostei interests of Juab County. The New, Vol. 3, No 42 UNDERWENT OPERATION' ' AT SALT LAKE CITY AT BIRTHDAY PARTY IS LARGELY ATTENDED 1 TIMES-NEW- S Nepki, Juab County, Utah, Friday, May 16, 1919 The Times. Vol. 10, No. 30 Il raps y q A THE A. n. giiison writes FROM. GERMANY A. B. Gibson of the writes an Interesting letter to his parenta in this city from Cochem, Germany, where his Division was moved a short time ago to take tbe place of he 40th Division of the Army of Occupation- - The letter is dated April 18th. and Is as follows: "Dear Parents and Family: "We have moved from the land of tbe wooden shoe Into Germany to take our place in the Army of Occupation, and the only regret I have Is that we did not come here five months ago aa every man ha a nice room with a feather bed to sleep on, not In barracks, but In the best German home. We are all strung around the town and .have it real guod. Not In barns like we had it in France, (and at present my landlady is cleaning the windows.) We arrived here two days ago. It you have a map locate Dijon, and then northeast of that place find Lalercey, France, that la where we loaded on and travelled from 2 p. m. one day until 10 a. m. the next day, coming through Metx on to Cochem. Germany, then detraining and marched up the Morel river about 10 kilometers to a little town. We are now on the banks of the Motet river. n tmm lha !! r.t aV.mil ftn kll... so Coblenx, you can find It on the map. Thl Is Just a small valley and bout room for the town, but the people cultivate the mountains, the only thing they raise Is grape, but they certainty get every foot of tbe hill covered with theftt. The town are real and the people are sure hospitable, they have not got much food to eat. but any little thing they can do for ai. Is certainly done.. This part of the world is certainly beautiful. Here Is a view of a mansion that looks good to me and alt the town have larger building than the average American cities, and everything la perfectly clean, not like you see thine In France, "The people In thl part have to have all their supplies cent In from other part of Germany, but they send enough grapes out to make up for that, but Just at present when It foodstuffs are scarce. It make kind of hard on them, "We have taken over the area that the 4Qtb Division ha been oc cupying, that Division having relieved the Rainbow Division. "Just before getting off tbe train we went through a tunnel that was 5 kilometer long, the longetl had ever passed through. The scenery I very pretty here, a you will note fey the cards I am sending yop. Well, I am feeling good, and am being treated fine by the Germans, so goodbye for today, "With love to all, from your on, A. 8. Oibwor. Co. D.. 214th Engineers, Mr. Times-New- s LADIES LITERARY CLUB ELECTION OF OFFICERS A very elaborate banquet was given Monday evening by the Ladles' Literary club, the affair being held at the High School building and consisting of a five course dinner, the occasion being the election of officers for tbe ensuing year. Miss Wight with the aid of the girls of the Domestic Science Dept. arranged the banquet and it was al that could be d (wired. After the dinner, election of officer took place, .Miss Neva Booth being chosen President, Mrs. W. C. Andrews Miss Bertha McPherson Secretary. Mrs. J. W. Ellison Treasurer, and Mrs. Dennis Wood Reporter. Those present were: Mrs. Geo. A. Sperry. Mr. E. R, Forrest, Mis Neva Booth, Mr. Roy Cowan, Mrs. T. D. Reee, Mr. Dennis Wood, Mr. N. J. Ree. Mr. D, O. Miner. Mrs. J. W. Whitmore. Mrs. G. AI. Wbitmore. Mrs. J. W. Boud, Mrs. McMullin. Mrs. J. E. Cole, Mr. J. W. Ellison. Mr. W. C, Andrews, Mr. Wm. Bailey, Mr. T. C. Winn, Mr. 8. B. McCune, Misse Bertha and Luta McPherson, Mr. Mark Sowby. Mrs. J. A. Stalling of Salt Lake and Mr. Jas. L. Belllston, Vice-Preside- CXIURT DOIXG8 THIS WEEK Court ha been having a busy time thl weok and many civil and probate case have been disposed of. In the case of Alexander Jennings vs. L. A. Bailey, which came on for trial on Tuesday, the plaintiff on motion, being allowed to amend the complaint, a jury wa secured. Wednesday morning counsel for plaintiff made a motion that case be dismissed with prejudice, and the cost be against plaintiff, which was granted by the court. In the matter of the estate of John Vlcker. deceased, for admission to probate of will. It wa ordered that sold will be and Is admitted and to probate. Thomas Vlcker Sarah V, Hall were appointed executor to serve without bonds. In lb case of Effie L. Foote vs. D B. Brosdhead, the demurrer here- in having been submitted to the court for argument, it I ordered that same be over-rule- d and defendant given 30 days to answer. In the case of Joseph Kendall vs The Mclntyre Investment Co. by stipulation of counsel herein, thl case Is ordered passed for term la the matter of the estate of Chrlstensen, tbe petition for final distribution and settlement was granted, the executor to file receipt In court when settlement of outstanding debt have been made. In the matter of the estate of T. H. O. Parke, deceased. It was orderA, K. F. Germany, ed that the will be admitted to proMr. H. T. Knowle received word bate, and that Goldie 1. Parke be apa few days ago that hi Hon Alva had pointed administratrix with the will undergone an operation In an eastern annexed, and that a bond of $10 be military hospital. Ral-thaz- er fralbed. |