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Show J THE TIMES-NEW- S. NEPHI. UTAH. Lleuteuunt Aniory wns detailed rVmnterteltsr Caaght I The Nr York health authorities had A Brooks LIFT OFF CORNS! to lead a patrol on a hamrdous and lyn luauufauturer seateuoed to the penitentiary for sailing throughout Important mission of locating the the United States millions of "Taloum powder" tablet as Aspirin Tablet main defense line of the enemy. Fight .Mrs. Jobes Wai in Serious artilhla wuy under their heavy ing Drop Freezone on tolichy Condition From Dropsy. lery and machine gun fire, and wit) no assistance from our batteries, he Doan's Made Her Well. corn, then lift that corn established his command two kilome "I don't think many ' have gone off with fincers ters within the enemy territory. Althrough such miaery aa 1, aaya Mr. V,. .Int.ea. lau Federal St., Burlington, N. J. wounded and his small com- though VP I? A fdsv . t Most striking instances "That awful pain in my back felt aa mund badly cut to pieces and almost Don't buy Aspirin in a pill box! Get Bayer packagel of gallantry for which though my spine were crushed. My entirely surrounded, he refused to head ached and 1 had reeling and full the Distinguished Service Never ask for just Aspirin Tablets! Always say, but the lie had mil wnaaUoin wheu ev taken, give up ground Cross has bean swarded would turn erything small his with by stubbornly resisting kidme a package of 'Payer Tablets of Aspirin.' " "Give black. Though the detachment he finally succeeded In ney secretions panned ten Insist that every Aspirin Tablet you take must come or titteen timea in an driving the enemy from this Important hmir, only a few dropa His notue was in Wilmingposition. in the regular Payer package and the "Bayer Cro tame at a time and they The only criticism thai foreign ton, Del. felt like boiling water. 1 aoon found 1 had drop-kv- . must appear on this package and on each tablet. the piililary leaden had io-- male of I bloated all over. DAVID B. that was soldiers BARKELEY, they American fnee whr o awollen una "irMin My 1 could hardly we out of would not stop when their objective Private, Co. A, 356th Infantry. my eyes. My ankle and feet felt aa thoiiL'h they would burnt if I put any The records of the was reached. Private Kurkeley (deeeused) was weight on them. My night clothea bewar department bear out this "criti decoruted for conspicuous gallautry In came wringing wet with sweat and I France, November would get chilly and ahnke all over. cism." They show that the Amen- - action near Pouilly, Dm n't Kidney Pills aoon hud me feel0. 3018. When Information was de- can soldiers would not stop though sired as to th enemy's position ou ing like a different woman. My kid neya were regulated and all the swellthey faced seemingly certain death the opposite side of the river Meuse, ing went away. The aehea and paina left me and after 1 had tinmhed my from the hail of German machine Private Parkeley, with another solDoesn't hurt a hit! Drop a little eighth box of Joan's, 1 wan aa well aa aun bullets and German shrapnel dier, volunteered without hesitation Freezono on an aching com. ever. My kidneys have never bothered Instantly the reeonnolter Colds to swam the river and For Pain me since Doan I Kidney Pilla cured The story of these soldiers is told in exnet locution. He succeeded In reach- that corn stops hurting, then you lift me." I No wcra who Headache manic It men rlKht out Yes, Grippe the records of the humbug! Subscribed and sworn to before ing the opposite hank, tlesjiltc the evim ' A tiny bottle of Freefone costs but a Influenzal- awarded the Distinguished Servue dent determination of the enemy to preJ. LEEPOM SMITH, Neuralgia sulll-Clefew cents at uny drug store, but Is Cross, for conspicuous bravery on vent a crossing. Having obtained his Kotary Publio. Colds Toothache to remove Vvery hnrd corn, soft the Ct Dean's at Aar Stars. 60s s Bs the field of battle, llelow are the Information, he again butentered Stiff Neck' before his corn, or corn between the toes, and the his water for Earache return, kpTJLV records of a few of these Americans goal was reached, he was seised with calluses, without soreness or irritation, Joint Pains Rheumatism CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. Kreesone Is the sensational discovery who did not know when to slop. ins mowicr, cramps and drowned. Is wonderful. It u of Cincinnati genius. Neuritis Mrs. Antonio Ihirkeley, lives In Sua Lumbago , B. STOCKTON, FRANK Tex. HONOR BY HIGH Antonio, UNSPOILED Criticism. Private, Co. E, 167th Infantry. Adults Take one or two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" wllb ISilly Stindiiy tells with gusto of the FRANK J. BART, Private Stockton was decoruted for Officers and Men Alike Recognize In a pretty PhilaIf necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals. thut water. criticism subtle unusual bravery In action neur General Pershing Qualities That Private, Co. C, Cth Infantry. once pussed ou his Infor-iiii-.l girl delphia October Georges, France, Compel Their Affection. Private Part wns decorated for conProved Safe by Millions! American Owned! preaching methods. 14, 191S. After working nil morning spicuous gallantry lu action with the hulled st the nd of revivalist The we swear by JVrshlng?" In rescuing wounded soldiers, Prlvute enemy near Mcdcuh farm, France, Oc- in Dottles of 24 Dottles of 100 Also Capsules. of 12 tablets "Why Impassioned Philadelphia harangue, countered a staff officer In Washington Stockton, a stretcher h'arer, learned tober 3. 1918. Private Part, being on rolled on his l Monoarnlcacidmtr ol Salicylicactd it tlie trade nutli of r.arr Mni!firtur sleeves, his down put Aihiio ne Ouy In response to a question. that u man from another company was duly as a company runner, when the rout mill said : hunIn one a shell hole, "Well. I guess it's bemuse he's the lying wounded Friendly Chatter. advance was held up by machine gun They Still Exist. "And now, dear friends.' are there Pcllc !o I iniike myself plain T "The pciicc real thing a regular Amerleint, If you dred yards In advance of the com- lire, voluntarily picked, up an auto- uny questions?" prict- - uinn doesn't Nell Ah, uuture suvt-you thai know what I mean. pany's position. Ignoring nil warnings matic rifle, ran out ahead of the line, All the congregation was silent ex- exist liny more." "Pocsn't. idit lou't trouble. men conn! nt nil?" married "You enn easily figure out the sort ns to the danger Involved, he and and silenced a hostile machine pun the from iisked She cept the preity girl. of man he Is by the stories they tell another stretcher bearer crawled to nest, killing the Oennnn gunners. The tier front pew : of Mm. 1 was with him when he was the shell hob' tinder violent machine ndvunce then continued and. when It 1 smohe?" "Muy on his way to Washington to reeelve gun fire and f :utid that the man was wus again hindered shortly afterward could he so wounded that th! On nee. Km the way, severely Ills orders for by another machine gun nest, GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER we passed through the town In which only he carried on a litter. Although courageous soldier repented h!s bold disto '.ier attempted lit' liveiT when lie was a boy. On the the wounded by putting the scond machine has been s household remedy nil over exploit suade him from so doing. Private. gun out of action. Ills home address the rivilrzed world for more than half o xtatlon platform was the same old Stockton returned to our line, secured Is Newark, N. J. stones thrown had a century for const I put Ion, Intestinal porter IVrshlng litter and proceeded once imu'e to Ht In his boyhood. The gcucriil chtitteil ?t5 troubles, torpid liver uml lh generally with the old man. Afterward I ask-e-- d the shell hole in direct view of the ARTHUR L. WALTERS, depressed feeling that accompanies Inttlisc most the It is s most vnluabts the Mrter what hpeneil. lie enemy and under such ilisorders. 2nd Ammunition B, Company Sergeant, fire from machine guns yards m Id : for indigestion or nervous dysremedy Train. " 'lie done wanted ter know all 'bout away. He succeeded In reaching the and liver trouble, bringing on Sergeant Walters risked his life to pepsia was placrood, palpitathe folks he tister know, an' when he du ll hole safely, but as he coming U headache, Iteau-mont, litter save others while on duty near and many other sympof tion was sett In' on the ear ngiiin he picked ing the wounded patient on the Stockheart, 1918. thereNovember 0, France, was Instantly killed. Private toms. A few doses of August Flower up a pebble as bis as my thumb an' he winning the Distinguished Service win relieve you. It is s gentle laxahove It ut nie, Jos like he uster when ton wns a son of Rev. J. A. Stockton, by was In Walters Cross. Sergeant charge New Decatur, Ala. Ask your, druggist. Sold In all he was un ornery kid.' " of a compuny of ammunition trucks tive. countries. Ads. Civilized An which was halted In the town. FREDERICK O. GASKINS, An acid stomach cannot digest food any way connected with the stomnch. WITH AN EYE TO THE FUTURE enemy shell struck the train and sot She Understood. Plensnnt tnsiliig KATHNIC TAII- Instead, the food sours nnd Corporal, Company I, 118;h Infantry. one of the trucks on fire. Although protcrly. - l.KTS thnt you est like a bit of candy, been had lutestalking Into the f. The rmeiits anil, passing preacher Tlie Distinguished Service Cross was knocked down by the explosion, Prima Donna Had Good Business Rea- awarded necessity for s "new heart." tines, become a breed. ng pljice for quickly put an end to your stomach to Corp. Cnsklns In recogniWalters quickly recovered hlm- - about the sons for Asking for Slight on trouble. They set as an absorbent his millions of deadly gvnii countless took her r.ess' rather tion of distinguished gallantry resultiand moved his convoy to safety, inii.. . . if i, .1I..I..P- - liitir ooisons i her are colled. These literally wltie up tlie excess nurtrui i.. Change in Contract. n near ng: In his death In action stomocti pure, and. Jumpafter which he return poison are absorbed Into the system acid and mnke th what .1 ..? heart wns. ,,,, ,w.ry. s... you sw.h-and strong. Help digestion so Meneresse, France, October 10. ing to the wheel of the blazing truclt, ,U,.mI -,vlts, Mie Senator I.odge sounded the warning Hale nnswe.cO. Iii.l.til ,.,,, Mlmrl n,ilitie ,.,H, ol,. ye. ( 1918. IB, yu K..t B ,, ,M,.-- r and enerr? When the ndvunce of his com- drove to a place w here It no longer a kind or heuvetily thnt the articles of the lenpiie of na"It's list- - rritn your food. You cannot be well ,.Mk. M brightly. InallT .ptp held mnchlne two He )))( was umkpn of others. lives the gun by up endangered tion should be weighed carefully be- pany loiiiuch." es nnd unfit : saps lle-l- r strength ami without It! led his both fhisklns then the Ore, squad. nests, saving Corp. extinguished that asserted fore helm; adopted, lie If yu srp one of those who hsta own Initiative, In the truck and ammunition. iicrcy; robs them of their vigor s:id too ninny ties might well Jeopardize entirely on his "tried everything' lnt In spite or It ltiiliiv. lilloinens. bad liver, A Lady of Distinction. machine gun Are, latensc of -- rM . face, . . still suffer sll kinds of nir future. blinding, splittlne liendncb.-sIs recosniwd by the delicate fasclnnt- - ousn.-sson the right WALDO M. HATLER. rheumatisiii. lumbngo. sciatica these miseries if you luck physical ami "Indeed." we may well follow the ngulnst i.n enemy post ft.. e Influen of perfuiM log he rushed men. tits Followed allflank. at by and vlsr-l-- ln more .rio, ,na many other still ',U,'n; Sergeant, Co. B, 356th Infantry. xntiiple of the prlmn donna who was the A bath with Cutlcura Soap , , , , not; .,. mental , strenuth vvkivhv r...t hrk position, taking It and killing two for was decorated cleanse the rending a rough draft of her new pores, ITtler . to water Sergeant thoroughly vour tdiyslcnl snd mental punch and nn eld stomach. of the gun crew, lie then rushed heroism In action near followed by a dusting with Cutlcura Take KATONK' nnd get rM quickly enjoy the good thing of I fe. l.lko post alone, with his rifle, klllin exceptional "When she came to the paragraph second 1918. 8. means a November l clear, of he pains of Indigestion, benrtbiirn. thousands of otliers yoti will say yoa Talcum Powder usually one of the crew. He was himself Pouilly. France, that horrible, lumpy, bloated feeling never dreamed that such nnwxln&ly providing that she should have trans- killed before he could rench the post. While a member of a patrol sent to sweet, healthy skin. Adv. after eating; dlsgiisllrig. belching, quick relict ami such a renin rkn his the banks of the Meuse portation for herself, her mnhl. her dog Cot p. Casklns' home wns In Chester-fieldr sour, gnssy stomnch. Improvement in your general health food nnd Sig. (iaslhcnl. lier husband, she the means of Is a all when Curse. crossing When river, Money 8. C stomnch miseries are caused bf wss possible. drew a line through the singer's name. river had been destroyed. Sergeant It Is only when money Is clnnpetied These Vt It s Your drutglst tins KATONIC Ws doctors csll what "Must make that husband.' she said. volunteered soldier Huller and another to worthlessness for sonic, and made luat iCttl STl )M "Hvtwrc.Hty." utlw.ri r lilin to emimote It In rlva An. I In Af'll JACKSON D. BURKE, . iiiiiiiu-perassented bemadam.' the to swim "'Yes, though the other ban's lmB.sslbly deUr lo others, that It 1(l)n, nr)( mi.rtM j you a instant relief or refund your ,i(l,m to 1st Battalion, 28th In was held aenrss, Sergeant-Major- , 'but may I ask why?' In force by the enemy. IPs comes a curse. In short. It Is a curse KTOMACII Is the start- - money, liet a b:g bo of KATOXIO AOI finfantry. "The diva Mushed and coyly in stu b fwdlsh swlnl ciiiIltlotis rr of a long train of aliments that bnlny. It cost but little and the r companion wns seized with the cramp Scrgt.-Mnr.nrke wns flecorated for caused by the cold water and that life is a rure. gered her hair. 'I might wish to make erge most people never OTeameil are In suits are wonderful I the display of exceptional energy, drowned, bnt Sergeant llatler con- llemard Shaw. a change, she answered." bravery and loynlty to du'y at Can- tinued on and, after curing the Into rr ftr-'- futHfil rllia ntpvf mm mnS tlgny. France, May 28 to 30. At one formation desired, swain back anlo Aerial Hunt for Whales. l a ans blliua h'lttrh . tp With his airplane equipped with a period In the fight. It was necessary and mode his report. Sergeant Hat-ler- 'a ASv and tndiS' sooa. "KUn Iivhm. D home Is In Neosho, Mo. machine gun, an army lieutenant re- to Send a meMTge of great ImiKirtnnce to the regimental commander. It ' If Some people were to think twlcv Its cently went out on a lcfor: Senkliig they would never ! ABE I ALLEN, Flying at nn altitude of considered Impossible for n runner to C FOR YOUR ACID-STOMACabout a thousand feet altove the Pa- reach regimental hendqunrtcrs, beinytbtng. Z8th Co. B, Infantry. Corporal, cific ocean, the nlrmnn snw his quarry cause of the Intensity of the enemy Corporal Allen won the Distinand fire. He, nevertheless, volunteered lo ,nbntit four miles out at sea, atil-mService Cross for bravery In rrnwllna guished carry the message; and, by monpfd down before the great could submerge. A short round several hundnd yards through ma act Um near Cnntlgny. France, May from the machine gun was sufficient, chine gun fire, he successfully executed 1918. During a henvy bombardment severely Inand a motorboat was soon on Its way his mission. Fcret. MnJ. I'.urke's home of the front line, although a of the shell, which explosion jured by la Ky. which at Maloneton, to pick Up the carcass, yielded burled two comrades, he promptly mid the hunter a considerable profit. Popcourageously dug them out witn bis ular Mechanic Magnxlne. ARTHUR J. FORREST, hands and took theu to sheller. Sergeant, Co. 0, 354th Infantry, subjected all the time to severe fire .f More than 2,400 operation are fcrgeant Forrest received the Dis- suell and shrapncL Corporal Allen's In the manufacture of a good tinguished Service Cross for conspicu- ho.oe Is In Icesville. La. 'watch. ous gallantry In action with the eniuty i Itemonvllle, France, Novemlx-- 1, CAIL H. SACCrt, Youth Is theory hut old age la a tiear comof his 1018. While the progress fact. Corpoul, Co. D, 108th Infantry. pany was held up by a rain of firs Corporal Snger was decorated for from six enemy machine guns. Ser"I took LriU H rinkbam'i Vec-- t Ilcllam, In action near geant Forrest alone went forward, extraordinary heroism for femala troubles and a dls. table Coniponnd France, Septcmtier 29, 1918. working bis way to within fifty yards lloiissoy, Iilacement. IfeltaU rundown and was tery weak. CorI'l-i- n In the hand. wounded discovered. being of the nest tiefore being 1 had been treated by a physician wllhout results. Will reduce Inflamed, Strained, Snger bandaged the wound himCtinglng the tics', he drove out the poral decided to (rtre I.ydia II Ilnkbara'a Vegetable Compotird so e Swollen Tendons, Ligaments, toward alone self and advancing entire company Inilteorder. killing one as or Muscles. Montth lameness and trial, anr1. felt better riht away. I am keeping hotio were holding llnnnl-bn- l. vMii nests, In Is gun 8 II borne rifle. his with s Splint, Sid Done or iince last April ar,d doln a'l my housework, where before ns killed after proKin from Up his company, Mo. Spavin. No bliwer, no hair I was unable. I do ar.y wori. Lylia E. llnkhata's Vrcv a distance, short 50 ceeding only sard. raa be Ita s $2 gone and hone table Compound is certainly tlie best medicine a woman can In lives Dewidow F.iifalo, Sneer's delivered. bottle st dniggiits of DELANO BROWN, take when In tMaccrwiiljoa. I fire yon permissiontopubUsh N. Y. scribe ouf case for apecisl int ruc L llellam, I'a. Corporal, Company D, 6Ut Infantry. lids letter." Urs. E. Ii-- CrtrMLi.vo, li. tions and mrreing bone Book 2 R Free. ABXORBINE,JR., fn sntisentir liniment lot Corporal P.roun, whose Lome Is at Was tit From Ktntuckyf Lowell. fich. "I sufferrl from cramps and drapplr? lown Fulls, In, was decorated for snanktno, ?eiticra oirwnrg, imn -The irinr'tnl down pr.lns, was Irregular a;i I ha l fena' weakness and . ' -,fnents Swollen (.land, vwns st sivsoeai ' .. ol a certain m n H, ..- - - n ........ sum ,. a cicareiin Flea in in- j fc(lm) Sorea. tleala i.mt. pun, loutm to ta!;a l.yi'a li. rinkham's Verithera. Aiutl displacement. 1 I a Kt. Oermalne. Kisnce. Novemlier ti f mm. t. B. f.110 Itset Prut, of the buil'lln?, 81ie Iwan bas'tctit table Compound which ret.'.ereiirf at once and re!orr d sus. lsnri4 I'll H. lie iittncke! a machine gun an Investigation. I'r'-tone rstu te tny health. 1 should like to recommend Lyr'aaTi. Plnkhm'a and In tlie face another h went. tnUie' the names of net single-handeto s'l tufferint women who are troubled in a in:U remedies Raise Both Peef snd Milk of heavy fire reduced the nest, rap- all the boys that hr.d e vr smokel. Filar Uts.tLlsr. IlEHt,K.Ko.e, Dot t3,Lowc;i,llich. nf way. row iiroar p"ffrSorn fjiwrr1 turing one prisoner. Later In the same nally she came to the Joor of one of be pntroled alone under heavy fire the second grade rooms. day nf1 rfftr frmtirtn In advance of his company and "There surely Isn't an ne of tny nlves ihsl Inn th TMi another machine gun pi(ion. i3 markets In here," she said o a cmipaii-Ion- . going l the romhlnatioa four and the gun prisoners. capturing on hs tat psrs arersas "Tlicy are ail to,!lny even to farm ! think of sikIi a thing." , Isn't a D. AMOHV, The Short. Put finally she went, on Into the cnmttines hef hnn room and put her question. Then up Second Lleuttnart, 2Cth Infantry. n4 milk a no ethst r 'I (fA treble voire piped a band and Amory (doeeed) wsa Awrnirts1 shosthosi nnrmrnm "Io yod want the names of awardetl the IHstingiiisbed 8errl 'St: in. ASS'S!, pvaipr rark An, I LYDI CPINKHAM MtDlCINE CO. LYMN.MA9S. (Va., fr.e eon.t.u nous rallantrr In S" I the. bors who chaw totrtscker, too V W. N..U, Salt Lake City, No. Verdun. France, Octols 2,1 In.JIsnnptdls Netra. Uoo 1913. WAS IN MISERY Warning! Slmminrtalss rTal2)iets of A DOAN'S J V FOSTER-MILBUR- t. 1 y d Mhlitsfion. m$ . ! ne-pr- and llsaS IFreia Ser-pea- nt f s,-,- I ,,. eon-trac- t. , t- w. J. lt-l- f T 4 whnle-huntln- A g HZ3 3 ATOM H ATTEKTIOM! Sick. Yomen To do your duty during these trying times your health should be your lirt consideration. These two women tell how they found health. ?. new-essa- r mn-ihin- Vjur-por- '.,. ttwlwt -tt . . " ben .,-- u - .'1 Wliy Not Try hf LYBIA E. PMKHAffsy MAS tnt 1 ht. 19-19- 19. n(,r Piu VEGETABLE COMPOUND o )v |