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Show THE NEPHI. UTAH. TIMES-NEW- S. We hope our readers will pardon j pear within twenty days after service AT SALT in iubi of this summon upon you, it served I.AKK V.MON STOCK YARDS our negligence in mating within the county In which this action week's issue that The Tunes-New- s Is brought; otherwise within thirty doea Job printing ot every iluys aftur service, and defend the at reasonable prices. (From tha Farm Hureuu New ibove entitled action; and in case ot The following la list of the hog your failure to uo so, judgment win XOTICK TO W.ATKH I'SMtS receipt at the Salt Lake Union Slock Iih ri'ndi'red against you according to Yard for tha thirteen month endTO TMI WOUNOKO SOLOIERS OP THt AMERICAN ARMY State Kngineer's Olllce, demand ot the complaint, which tho 1919. SI, ing January HtuM. WhIU The ton days after service ot this Lake Salt within 1919 30. Utah, City, Apr. Prices of Month Receipts Range the I eeuld tall yeu what the eaarrfleee yeu have mad to have meant summons upon you, will be filed with is 15.50 to 4840 Louis Notice '18. that Jan. hereby (15.00 giveu world. I eeuld tall yeu what hletery far all tlma ta coma will aay of yeu and Feb. 35 27 115.75 to 17.00 Fugal, , whoHe pout olllce address is tut) clerk ot said court. af the Buffer I rigs yau hava eNperlenoed an your great eruusde. But theea March Tills action is brought to recover a 2540 lli.00 to 17.85 Pleasant Grove, Utah, hus made apthings athar man will tall yau. 2S15 75 to 17.10 Judgment agalnat defendant quieting IIS. April I prefer ta remind yau that tha wounda yau bear ara tna neuleot badgee ot S08 $17.10 to 1C.50 plication in accordance with the re philntllT's title to the lands described May I In tha uener any man haa avar warn; that thay axalt yau ta a eupreme place 2554 1.60 to 15.(5 quirements of the Compiled Laws of in said complaint, which are situated june mlnda and haarta af yaur eauntryman and of alt tha world. I .refer ta aaaura July 170 115.(5 to 17.75 Utah. 1907, as amended by the ses- in Juub county. State of Utah. 15S2 P. N. ANDERSON. , 117.75 to 13.60 sion Laws of Utah, 1909, yau that Amarlca realizes that aha haa na mora aol imn obligation, na more Auguat and 249S 118.50 to 19. SS for Plaintiff. Attorney patriotic duty than ta eapreee In practical term tha gratitude that avary Sept second-feet two to (2k appropriate V. O. Adress. Nephl, Utah. 4928 (18.50 to K.50 1915, American man, woman and ahild feela far every ana af yau. Amarlea will Oct. of wutdr from three Kprings . Nor. 1(. 50 to K.00 at fernet. First publication. April 11. 1919. Dec. (SOS IK. 00 to 15.75 In Juab county. Said springs are Laxt publication, Wood raw W I loon. May , 1919. 15.75 south-weto 69S8 19. 115.50 Jan. situated as follows: From the Note the high prices paid during corner of Section 2, Township Back up that statement. By practical terms tha President meant money. I1UV "V" LIHERTY BONDS months of April, May. August and 11 South, Hans.' 1 Kant, Salt l.iifce Tha Victory Liberty Lean will supply It. The President was counting on every the A and run r re SaninmliAF. breeding I Tl i .i .1 .1.. IX THE DISTRHT COl'KT American, rich and poor, whan ha made that promise. Subscribe. ru. i ..r,r . KT 1i t " "u ft. nuinn. feeding to ship at conference and fair I 24 minutes. E. 1638 ft . No. 2 In The Fifth Judicial District of the tiinea to get these high prices. degrees State of I'lali, for Juab fount)' bears N. 71 degrees 47 miliutos K: No. 3 hours N, 73 deand ft., 179( FOR SUMMER AFTERNOONS In the mutter of (he Dissolution of grees 49 minutes 12. 1693 ft. The the Excelsior Mercantile Co n corcoiu'iikUmI and collected be wi'ter will y rRANKXlN K. LANK, Secretary of tna I.LrWr at Sprint No. 1. from where It will poration, NOTICE be conveyed by means of a pipe line What la Victory worth? What would we hava given this tlma last year is anil Notion 4310 there ot ft. a distance hereby for given that the And U hava boon assured of Victory? What pledge would wa hava not made? used from January 1 to December Excelsior Mercantile Co., a corporaow that our man hava won will wa hesitate to pay tha bill? Thay paid, those bora af tha Argonna, In blood and Ufa. They win pay, many of them, through II. Inclusive, of each year, to pro- tion of the State of I'tub. has made 11 their long lives In suffering and in waaknaa. livery soldier that wa sea la duce power for electric lighting and application to the Fifth Judicial challenge to our hearts and to our pockets. Thay will not be a reproof. Their for propelling machinery in the Nebo District Court In and for Juab county, eras will saver say" that we ara, what they never were, quitters. We. too, can Mining district, Utah. After being so State of I'tuh, to dissolve the saal carry an. Oeneroua thay ware and generous wa will be. Our pride wa will la hereby ut corporation, and notice used, the water will be grove by thanksgiving, not ta words but In dollars leaned to Uncle Bam to K v. n any any persons that, having ft. W. 2672 77 S. a point degrees for bringing tba boys back, for tha gums that ware never used, for tha ships to the dissolution of said said objections of southwest the corndjr from not that war sunk, far tha care of tha men who did not die, tho rebuilding Section 2. This application Is desig- corporation, shall, on or before theof the man who almost "want Wast" obAU tha wise man said It will be the fall of 'II before tho Kaiser will be nated In the State Engineer's otllca 2nd day (if May, 1919. file such erlvea Into his own country. Our money would have gone throughout tha year No. 7944. as to make that hope good. But tha Hun was driven back. Ho lost heart ani All protests against the grant in of Had "Kamerad!" a year before tba promised tlma. And tho Katasr led. said application, stating the reasons! fugitive from a beaten nation and so short a tlma since ha had bee la part-no- r thet-efor- . must be made by atlldavlt sAlp with "Oott"! How many Victory Bonds was It worth to hear ta t In duplicate, acconipunled with a fee aeweT Victory la not ours until wa Have earned It. paid for It and got the l-- ej of 12.50. and filed In this olllce within rosolpt ta tha peace treaty, with a guarantee that we shall hold what wa have P ''u" V'' . won tha right to live In peace. Taur Liberty Bond paid for the gun that thirty (SO) days after Ihe completion daeee htm Into eille. And your Victory Bond wtU make aura that ha will not of t publication of this notice. ch. i, F. McOonagle. " HOG Jecttons with the Clerk of said Court for suid Juab county, Statt of Utah. Dated- at Nephl, Juab County, Utah, thla 24th day of March, 1919. EARL 8. HOVT. Clerk Fifth Judicial District Court tor Juab County, Utah. L, A. Miner, Attorney for Excelsior Mercantile Co. First pub. March 28. 1919. Lust pub. May 2, 1919. - KKf KIIT8 THE PRESIDENTS PLEDGE dem-rip-tio- . ITS A PRIME RIB R0AiT 19-11- OF WHICH I BOAST, AND ITS FUVOa CANT DC BfATtN ! 5ll (CAR THIS IN MIND st ... 1 1 That, YDo win its the fin!) TtNoenesT you vr 1 -- catbn! THE PRICE OF VICTORY A PRIME RIB ROAST lit prime condition m a prime nct'CN-it- y to tiny man or wo- man in Ibe life. of prime Whatever oiir nm you find luitrlclom enjoyment will in purlaMni: of any incut t pur. elia-.ii- ! nt IIiIm market. Conami sistent. cor!ciu t,iile-meOre ileliverv. rap-- CITY. MEAT MARKET t;i o. v. t;.KKEi"r. !. 'r epion?fiiBi So - ' child stops growing and his health Is MILK IS AN IDEAL FOOD poor. The food eateta by the people ot China and Jtpan does not contain ot this growth material and of Milk for Food Is Big enough Tie as a result they suffer from the berl Factor in tho Growth and Wei beri disease. Most of their meals are of fish and polished rlcq. both ot fare of tho Young them lacking In the water soluble Folks. 7 V 1 11 - 4 I'M l'e vKamine. didt. NURSE'S NOTE SHOWS THE GRIT THAT WON WAR Sorely Wounded Soldier Sees the Job Through. Carter Glass, secretary of tho tntaaurv. cooled tha following note. among others, from tho note book of n Rod Cross nurse when ho wm In France: "One boy I shall always remember His right shoulder wm practically big all shot away and ho bad wound In his back and ono In his loft body .. "f, t0T' g rg-....- mineral contained In have food Tor this reason minerals been called the body content Milk has tha best mineral M'"' .ttMavldh ffttfWl. well and their foods cpnta, In ad- vitamine.. growth substances, mtlo- - to protein. are eawntlai t.ei fods...nVitamins Kllh WlthOUlinem arTp. M , V tain ..mi.. dissolves In water, .. a. n an tils .snisi " .. - . r.r titants nd nen"ZL in. MMli u eraln. the . tvs do not con :.a IBIS the - Of Development corporation. Plaintiff, Thomas M. McCune. Defendant. " KCMMONH The State o Utah to the aald dant: It deten-- are Jjereby aummoned to You Good Furniture Makes a Good Impression Company, a The Juab of coiumorating the ! Huslness and rioclaJ ;.mmI to Have Si-n- Furniture In mmI tbe Home j alertness and good judgment The air of shown In furnishings well chosen is an asset that cannot lie denied. ap- te It will pay you to drop In Some Jlay Just to see how cheaply and beautifully we can fit out your home. 'ti rrirtanrts ot Arnmuniuun r LJU m A ? a :i rnii r nnvi achieve- ments ot tho soldiers, sailors and marlnea of Levan Juab county. Utah, who fought, or otherwise served In w" J KUW iniiituunii, nuia-- a HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuoaday, tho 3rd day of Juno, A. D. 1919. a special election will bo bold within the limits of tho said Town of Levan. Juab rounty, Utah, for tho purpose eiec- of submitting o as ahall ham paid a tore of said town sucn-qaaun- property tax therein In tho year pro- ceeding suck election, tbo following propoiUone. to wit: ..SnaH booj, 0f tbo Town of Le van. Juab rounty. State of Utah. !n A .. Am. MSk L. asu S'-Xr.of Nine Thousand 190001 tho I ,"' , Miinra. parau.e m a wbtlo word didn't aay they pulled date of tho from years off tho tight clinging gaute troa twenty (JO) their Issue, bearing Interest at the tho red. raw, wot Dash that a red In spite of him. When tho Bret rate of not to exceed five per rent wound was finished nil ho aald was: per annum. Interest payable seml- 'Do you think I could rest ft mln- - annually, bo Issued and sold for tha la to defray a memorial Red. raw. wot flesh" Amerlcaa I nf -- mm-ra. nilra Cosh. It was not yellow. Think of ftblevem.nts of the sol- that when you aro naked to buy of tha and tnartnea of Levan, sailors dlera. Viotor UhH. Ian. va who think re Juab county. Utah, who fought or have does enough. otherwise served in tho great worm 9J1J? and fat), builders (min regulator and bone am essential eral matter), ana imwih substances (vltamlnes) Children must eat food containing I.. t,wiv huildlnc protein. wneu ihi. .ii balance Is eaten. It is changed into muscle, blood, and other tissues of tho body. It builds new muscles the old. The 11rapid necmakea growth ot the children more protein have essary that th'tr focUelr else than adulU. all Cereals are the cheapest ofalone foods, but when they ro ted and they children arc pale and alckly au do not grew. If milk is aaaea grow cereal, children are healthy and of cereal Therefore n combination for and milk Is the best fue! food cereal children. The wbole of the than one In wblcn grain Is better Is temoved. fer K concoat outer the which makes rosy Iron more tains cbeek and good health. Milk and cerenl. 'ldrT-bimake eicellent food for the child a and little. They give him strong, body fuel and help mako healthy and energetic.mineral matter Foods give children In building Ibelr bones and to mineral teeth. Thrfr blood also needs .. . mYtter. All the body's work a ot the Fifth Judicial DMrlct In and ft Juab County, State of I uui pur-purpo- se three-fourth- u. .h. and afternoons, here la n frock which may be worn with assurance on tho promeoade or anywhere else. 'Any of the sheer material georgette, voile, lawn, orgs-diwill serve to make It, Its new stylo features are apparent In the wide hem and girdle, the round neck and deep cuffs. A simple and smart braiding on the front of the blouse contributes to Its saceeis with Just the right amount of decoration. u Milk contains all the things that tha body needs In better proportions han any other food. Moat children who have not enough milk are sickly and underfilled. It la milk, not meviicine. that Children often need. s of a quart At least of milk a day should be given to every child. Children largo and small need milk to build their bodlea and to keep them well and strong. Milk, the child's beet food. Is also ot valua In bo diet ot the grown person. It Is a safeguard which insure the things necessary to keep thd body vigorous and In good health. Scientists hsve proved through best years of work that milk la themany It makea food for children. other foods better and It la nearly a complete food In itself. Children cannot grow Into healthy men and women unless the food they eat contains five necessary things: tho body building material (protein), tnml i carbohydrate For summertime e, women. Have the children drink more milk. It la one of the best ways to keep them well. It will not solve all the problems of bringing up n healthy family but it is one of the things to build on. Nothing has a greater Influence upon the child's health than food. Since pure milk is the most nearly perfect food, every child should hare mi'.k in Ills IN THE D1STKICT COIT.T The other vHamlne dlsolves In fat. It Is found in the leaves ot plants, in small amounts In tho seeds, and In a few of the animal faU. If tho Child's foods do not have sufficient amounts of this growth material, he stops crowing and Is sickly. Children cannot be well and happy If they do noteat foods with enough of the fat aoluble vitamine. The-fa- t of milk Is one ot the best nf trlfamlna which i.n,.u n o,.i,ri-dissolves In fat. While email amounts NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION, Town of Levan. Juab County. State of It are In skimmllk, the child needs of Utah. more than skimmllk contains. EveYy child should have some whole milk in his meals for this reason. Milk also WHEREAS, there is an Immedcontains some of the vitamine which iate and pressing need for raising dlsolves In water. Wis. Exu. Sta. funds to defray tha expense ot erecting a memorial building for tho (From the Farm Bureau Newsi A glass of creamy, clean nilik Is the best tonic for boys, and girls. It helps to make them active and eturdy with energy for play and a chance to grow Into strong mm and 1: State Engineer, Data of first publication. May 9. 1919. Date ot completion of publication. June 6. 1919. O n, ohm Y - lm- .jS inn a 1 Waa It Smith, tho banker's war aw Jonea. tho truckman's war? Waa 91 Labor's war or waa It Capital's wart Waa It Autocracy's war or was It Lib erty's werT Whoeo war was rtf Figure tt out. Then swenUce every thing and subscribe to tho Victory Liberty Loan. For tt waa Tho People's War. It lent paid for. It must bo paid for. Tbo Victory Liberty Loan wtU pay for It Tha people must buy because tt was their war. Tha pooplo ara Smith and Joua, Labor and Capital. If It wasnt tbo Peoples war, K wasn't anybody's war. to dont aay "let tbo banks do It." It was not thd bank's war. Ton might us wall aay It was Jones' war let Jones bay tho Victory Loan. Ho would hava as much chance to subeerlbo Ova or alt billion as Smith would. Tbo man who says "Vet tba banks do It." la yellow. Thorn are about 1.000.000 American lads over In Curopn who aro sticking It through. They urn not saying let somebody alas ia R. U s the last loan. Fie ee,ear. BtY "V" LIBERTY BONDS ' ' 1 '""JUl t r - ...j ' z,1" i,r' sw. '.'-- i, BONO ELECTION BALLOT Tea For the tasea of bonds to de- No fray tho expense of tho oroclion nf n memorial balldlog. At aald election tho polls shall be opened at tho hour of seven o'clock m m.. and closed at tbe hoar of o'clock . as. Tho voting place for all auallfled electors of said Town of Levan, Juab county. J ate of L'tah, ahall be at the C- - ont; Court House. In Levan, Juab lounty, State of l'tah. ft ted at Levan, Juab county. Stale of Utah, this Mth day of April, A. O. 'Board 11. By order of Trustees of of: tbe Town of Levsu. Juab county, State of L'tah. By Alexander Peterson, Prealdeut. Attest: 1. E. Haaert, Town Clerk. Tboa. H. Barton, (Hal First teb pub. May Town Attorney. Laat I, 11 .May lth. 111. H tm ' '' its, 1,1 r" t --4 fcl- - dsnHadP9 dkmnnhgaf MmnY tsvdj) " J i ' i ,,. iu.5" i .i ' V -. ,iie" ' . ,.l ,, I, i!i";:ir ..ii- i- ,i .. in. war?" At aald election tbo form of ballot if I - ' r, l ' shall be as follows: ' . 'mm' ..... ' WHOSE WAR WAS IT? wmwmm 1 rrewMK s i CAdPw rf"; l il " r l' ll '"...IMll..M.HMI,IUlliH.,mil,,,,lllMUiWi ,- a ? '""4 it flush uo to Prince Albert to produce more smoke happiness than you ever before collected ! P. A.'s built to ht your smokeappetite like kids fit your hands! It has the jimdandiest flavor and coolness and fragrance you ever ran rMJT l 1 against Just what a whale of joy Prince Albert really is you want to find out the thing you do next. And, put it down how you could smoke P. A. for hours without double-quicke- st tongue bite or parching. Our exclusive patented process cuts out bite and parch. Realize what it would mean to get set with a joy'us jimmy pipe or the papers every once and a while. And, puff to beat the cards I Without a comeback! Why, P. A. is so good you feel like you'd just have to eat that fragrant smoke! N. C R. J. Reynold Tobacco Company, Wiruton-Salem, |