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Show tHE NEPHI. UTAH. TIMES-NEW- - UUP OFF LAYING or IjtiyiiiK-Of- f I'rnc. lit e l!tlli Ovrrtlono liy Many Juuli ('l)llllly I'lUIIKTS IrrlKtitluu of flelil crops (ui'U us gntiu'"'uiHl alfulfa liy tlm furrow nKtod !h quite commonly practiced. Wherever watar in scarce or valuable or the lujid unlevi'l furrows- d irect tli roui'se of and coimerva the wuler used for Irrigation. However, the pructie ran he and is overdone, hy many farmers. Deeu furrows close together and extending the full width of a Ktrip perhaps :!0 or even 40 rods wide does not ordinarily save water nor aid the procluc-- t mi.iil huiuper crops. Where deep furrows are used M seems natural thut the fanner should attempt to irrigate wide strips, thus eliminating to some extent. With a small How of water under such conditions there iff excessive aud prolonged downward movement of the water ut the upper end and unless the capacity and depth of the - licad-ditih- e. good a Is unusually no!l ing. Those who raise eggs for the murket are making a grout mistake hy not removing the males from the i'ook. It hits beeu proven that millions of dozens of eggs amounting to vast sums of money are lost each ye-aby the carelessness of the pro- -' ducer in allowing the male to run with 'the flock after the hatching season. It has also been proven that hens lay fully as well without the male. The cost of keeping the males should also be considered. alBO that the early hatched vigorous cockerels you are saving will give bettor service for breeding next season than the old males which you should dispose of. itmi in man of Nephi. is installlnK the 'M("i g pimp on th" g:iso He market tit's' wrek and a largtv fill.) ' Irs ti gallon tank. ii:t,p ':ll work iiutouiiiM-rll- y aid will ilnw five gallons of giu at one time, thus eliminating a great deal of time that is now wasted with the presen'. Mr. Judd beliovs In appliance. keep'ng abreast of the t'me:i nid when he gets this new tank in use he expects to serve his patrons as fast as they can drive up. I'KOIUCK INKK.1MTLK. VAltiS The Slate and National Government strongly advise th production Salt Lake Is assured a new West of infertile eggs. Infertile eggs not U gh School. '. j'inior high schools only keep better, but kep longer. ami a grad, school. $2,130.(1(10 For the housewife these Infertile eggs should be Insisted upon for preserv bonds sold. i AGccdHorseShoer --y4 a farrier, and a coinliinaCon foot specialist and chiropodist. Our men id shoe your horses scientifically, correct and faults which the horse ".Hy have contracted in his gait. Sis more I III n 11 III 1 1 He Is THE ACID TEST Crowdsr's Provost Marshal-Genera- l report of the work of tnobiliilng the r of the nation under the Selective Draft Act disclosed the reason why America was able to produce inch a tremendous quantity of foodstuff despite the drain upon the labor of the country by the operation The reason was that of the draft cent of the farm labor sixty-fivof the country registered for military service was given deferred classification upon agricultural grounds. Saving the possible exception of shipyard workers no other single Industry was given such consideration as was the pursuit of farming and no class of producers was treated more This was fairly than the farmers. right and Just, yet to the credit of fhj government. The war Is over as far a the fighting is concerned and the government turns to the people to settle up the It exbills Incurred In ending It. pects the farmer. Individually and as a class, to retaliate with the "square deal." The Victory Liberty Loan the laat of the Liberty Loans Is coming next month. It Is going to catch the farmer a the wrong season.. That Is of tlx Netherlands e bats are wonderfully nt tham designed for the younger woman. At the ton ii dress lint of liriilil and getirucite; it t the bottom a street hat 01 satin aim lieiitis, ami between tnem scmldtws hut brightened by ribbon SOU (lower. This spring's I....... , t.l ,. ,.,,.1 li.n'.i .. ., MICKIE SAYS PR.EI'f'V KHOW WHAT ClkSSf PRuMflNO NE TUP.N OUT . ca. i'o Tms at 'ronnin shop Ths here. JOb PRESS TO ALL OUR PATRONS VK WISH TO AWOl'M'K TII.T U K NOW t AltltV A KI LL LINK OK ;r.o LitiKs. isi i.ritiMi sit; a it. WANTS .NI . f "I'll f f vvvi -- ... I I I. , .tv- - r v. . v swvth -- n wit ui COMPANY NVe Pay Special Attention to AH Work in Connection With Lease, Mortgage, General Conveyance r ALL IlUfilSKS PHILLIPS T. C. Winn, ca 111 mitMT h:om etr Totk." N. "A Y. m mmm m ' Manager il y its We Are Headquarters for sk.nsa- - ti i-r- i irnnT ui rnot itirrinn In New prt-nt'V, Kvwifh World. (li!tinft motion piftur t l. nnilTxianding fsJm I - : Iremetidous theme A of the gr8t war and a of ) that pawth all 'tttie of th . I!:NTI riTIUCTLY CONKI Office Goldsbrough Bdg. Over Posloffice TIONAI. ItCN IS SKW VOKK L SEE- B Tl.nl Will Live DOROTHY A j lllllIML-rk- l ' YEARS Hol t llKt iiH-l'rMliution fenlurtntf i" I) l L' -- THEBIGGESTPIGTURE rinarr ! ft i 'For Abstracts of Titles AI.I.KV ' K OITt HKiH CLASS MKATS AUK KNOWS THIMl ;llOl'T 1 UK t ITV. tt'K IH'V TH K IlKST t'ttrrxrr -J-J ITH ALL TH IS lACKACiK Market, Nephi, Utah City Meat L'it The -'- Ytllll W (ilN)IIS. 1 laspor- - si'WT LATIsr ItltANIIS. MHf' III TEH ; CAS Sfl'I'LY IN THIS IO The Unparalled Heart Drama of Today in Eight Reels - ij Start a banK account with us today. DM AN NtOHT IEJBBI IF 11 H- culti- NEPHI NATIONAL BANK (tnt lesson of ,''-v.-r savings account means the fAvation of the habit of thritt. -- t t the first . ffCQ tONf I' will be an acid test. To learn to save Is life, LUC.M.V where you can secure it at any time it may be needed, and where you are assured of its being in safs hands until you want it returned to you. , - tors' money safe and accessible. iThe ability of a banK to perform thi3 function Keeping depositors' money safe and accessible represents its value to the people of the community which it serves. L Money deposited with us is safe, and yet it is at all times accessible. It is . r good. I k"i LThe great banKing institution pictured here was tKe first to undert3h.Q what is today the principal function of all banh.3 the Keeping of deposi' man-powe- nnn n HUlN I Ufl Q DUN adt L W a blacksmith. nnlll iTn ti 7 Nyi-- xzrrr X thaTn Tbrec for For the State Hoy und Girl Club School to be held at the Agricultural College, Logan the three days of May 12, 13 and 14th, Glen Garrett has been selected to represent the boys and Miss Naomi Uailey will go for the girls of Juab county. The railroad fare and lodging will be paid by the Agricultural College, while the living expenses will probably be provided for by the local school hoard. GWm Garrett is a first year student of the High school and Is the sou of Louis Garrett. Naomi Hailey Is In her second year and is the daughter of L. A. Hailey, Jr. The selections were made because of the active interest, good work and leadership in the Hoy aud Girl club work, which is under the direction of Mr. Heagley and Miss Wight. g'lf-i'g- e 'atest MILLINER'S WINDOW (lull Meinlmrs .nk.I'HI Judd, the enterprising LOGAN iitf j G. It. AT Hoy uiitl (ilrl to He Sent Nchool at College Before sets are cut. soak them tor Hi to 2 hours to kill scab and ros ette. ! not plant potatoes which on the removal of a slice, thick un a dime, from the stem tscar) end show hrown'sh color. l'ronT care, doubles crops , Treat your seed potatoc-- with the following: Dissolve 4 oz. corrosive sublimate In two gallons hot water; d'lute to 30 gallons. Do not guess at quantities and use wooden recep tacle. Cut twedium sized sets. installs ni:v (akolin'k SCHOOL v SKLK.CT AM) TKKAT l'OTATOKS All seed potatoes should first be hum! selected to remove wilt diae.Mie. con- siderable loss results. The loss Is very much greater with shallow rooted crops. The deep furrows rldg the land, reposing a much larger surface for evaporation 'and consequently the soil near the surface rapidly dries out. The ridges make harvesting very unpleasant, jolt the machinery to pieces, and. in the case of alfalfa. It Is impossible .to do a gogd job working the field for the control of thu wevil. CLUB IN THE arhlement rreatlon" in N. Times. Production-starri- ng 5uper PUILLIP DQc2QTUV Allen WolubarT "Our advif in 'On we the N. Y. Heart of Humanity' Trlbnna. A Picture for the Whole Family lUra IVhw Trfli, IUOrrlr HlilicM l (.mal t-t- Monday and Tuesday llalilH-- r Srrren I np, Kji tlc- - Boll, r:ir, Crrant Ciin Cntlrry f ly Hmt1er Jr l'rti lirnarn ;rnlIr-- f VENICE M av 12-1- 3 IWW) Itullra "! - Crram ! INiMllry Kfnrv lU-lml- l.rlmW-- r Admission 25c I'nint unit I f Trnkft hni rn (niliK tor 1MAK11TV" lni hIi Sunlrt antt Mantlr Triugli. HrM Ihr, l (.mmI l!.H" Skt S-- Hlns:P, Ltr. Htv Htovr Kumitor Tank llratpr Water iUgm W Irr KVrih Hint Harb Wlr lrmt Kvrrjthln In llanlarr COOPER, PYPER & TO. it |