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Show tHa TIMES-NEW- S. NEPHI. UTAH. - TUIX M AG rowing Business TiMhM-SKW- VVU. H w. 'iduaj J, 1111C0-- 1 MCWJ IIU ISHKI) KVKItV FKIDAY I1V JL I hfflC,a, contro, of th8 fori American Initiative and enterprise. I ITtuh. fruit I......... I .. .....I. won Known 1U fiiitLarge demand on the Atlantic 1 CO. - COUHt. me completion of ",a" H10 w ".....- 0snail . ilia rsm uoaub w woo uictti LHK8 068- ert on July 24th. -Vtn 8tat8 Automobile Kntered Second Cla7Matter a't tt880eiutlon d signs on long the Pout Oittce at Nepu., Utah mate Highways. . 7 .1 O.UTUIIIBIHK rates maue known on It is the helghth of follv in thA.a Prices reasonable application, times to handicap any Industry by Killing taxations, when employment is needed as the one sure counter-- 1 PUJSTATiWtSASSI uctlve for Bolshevism. Drilling operations now under way I'oor llusiness to Wait in Dluinond Kork field of Utah countv" farm products have & ffrttfttnr nu. I Pint Krwli u .1 1.1. . iiicmi umiuit) pro- ........... Furr looay man ever before nts oa co-oas a hogs of result .11 the history of the country. ution with banking interests of the V WVIllutn JIMS u.h j. uuKin nui -i u rui niu. .r.. ,s or tne country are rapidly get- Suit Lake Work has been started u..u,-- r WUy witn nuildin' and (in I id KiMiih.rn .. aruilliv UUJU OC ii Villi construction work, . Ter and Co. .Mining, urouertv Milling . I It IS Obvious ilnu 1... 11.11.- .- 01 .....,? uuui.ia uiHirici 111 construction work have such an lm- - the hills north-eaof Oeri I .. ... ..... ..1. " in iitii ll.iftMfi i mis tune on stun-- 1 SpriiiKs .1 muling g.'tierl business, tha farmr " ..,,. . uprruuou w, own . .v ana natioual. or. railroads, telephone and h,o ... . by at once makina.L.,,.,1, -i.,.u n. ,. . lwu iinnKs: mat improvement on bis property. Increased rates vere necessary undrtr Many fanners have been unable (TtWPrtl III it at t fi in I l wnu luoor Tor burns. I private and that claims of private silos, houwes and other Improvements I v r. v. w I I WinCD W trW ' I itlirflltr flia wn . , v . tun RuuBioi i ainu ine farmer who at once avail him- . . r.ir itwi.k. ru o, me .....or supply and get. his in per cent a net ton on bulld ng " .V nui n viinit-r way. in tun I ii.iiiuri.il. , t.,- . r.t I ! BIB LH hbo 1.. inici.l. run. may prove to be the pru- - town, county or munlcJnal road worn long . I .llulnn. ....... "Olll 'UH'i"man, ior a1mere is reason nnn..iin . I II Ilfl ItWi t r ...a.., tnal ""k """ uiayconin ogden Approximately 8700 the hope of materially reduced acres contracted for by farmers in st ruction corns will have been de ogden district for sugar beets prived of the use of the Improvements may hav a paved street and in the end be forced to oar an to Bingham cost $40,000. proximately the building prices now Salt Lake 290 men laid of In D. prevailing. R. O. shops on account of lack of work. SiKlety Produces IlolNlirvli-.n- i The faith of the copper producers Subscriotlo,, " " .. I One Year In Advance. S;x Months in Advance.. w . A K- A Tlio pronrcs-lvi- - tin- of a I - business mail lit ''""'"H enterprise U a dependable , helpful bunking connection; Our established policy of bunking foster (lie in need of . - villi los-I'- xt commercial illri.lls. It insures Interested, personal attention to riery need anil I'licoiiriie frequent consultation. is leased upon intlL Our inyii-slidtial prosperity: The most nccrpt-nl- lt .! irr In assured. mi I 6RE1EN A STORY ut 111 11 s 1 OF w jjf st .V4 " - nll fes I1D MYSTERY, . I ... a INTRIGUE si GEORGE BARR fed . 1i MSCUTCHEON .1 w 'in. ' v 'x- 1 'ir t..4' 1 . su FIRST NATIONAL BANK . NEPHI, re UTAH. - ' : y Call and get a glimpse of our Two and Four Row Beet Cultivators Corn Planters We carry as good as are built and first class Engines to run same, having sold five complete engines and cutters last week, is a good indication that our price and goods must be right. -- M . 1 1 : wrn.t'.. . ..... rianciHCO ... rr- Hocic'ty woman m A, For Spring Work now etrrjtlilnat n full line i.f ourjint; for Si'rin f any .f tle h ..M n,i mi.faKn txir line. ur pcrwmnl (j.wi nirh Ftrry nrtide we mtenry Winn in w.rl.. f.itl.mintf hf Sii .rHttT-- c Mil: IV IIIU I NTH, .HI;h. INT I nf! will in,. .AMI Mum i,h. IH. t tliMSII Ktls.iMIM.. 1 IMlWl li SV.T, Wnl pff Tl 1 -- Uh nd.. " preventing, in so far as it Is posible. unesnployment . ,ne,r ' "Vn metal sens HllQWS au( VDK.nuU At Tl . l.anrr. ai.mi nl-er- al llnnge. Kendall Brothers ri.lMi:H!s. I'Hom; I T t;: :::: - .""f0"' Green Fancy U social functions while is a strahge, hidden house on the American border of Canada. In and around it royal personages, third-rat- e actors, a New York man of the world, a beautiful woman, an Irishman of foran international crook, all pby their tune, parts in an exciting drama of European It intrigue. is a story of many dramatic incidents, exciting situations and touches of splendid humor. k IMt co., Touao. onto. U.K.... iw. v. . Lee U Dakei Claude P. Bak-- r Baker & Baker Attorney t'Uh Utah Eureka. Elks Ilulidlng. lterrri You'll Miss a Big Treat if You Fad to Read Our New Serial! and founelor at Law 101 W. Center St. Provo. I (i Dr. Charles Dunn will be planted In the I'tilti'd Slat"- - this year than for any prevlou year, according to the best t matur. The h'gh pr e f beets s inducing many farmers who have hfrt'tofore steadfastly refused to plant to change their minds and cul tivate a crop this year. KI.Y tvnt W.U revenues Is the effect on the human mind any different today, and Is humanity any less prone to exaggerate the evils of a wasteful social aristocracy In our own day Industrial iteace and contented mil Hons of working people in our large cities would he assured with far greater certainly If the society pages were eliminated l!pi-- ... ..lli'.l.n r. i. cHutiET ..w VT the multitude to:itd to earn the royal mcxn.HT No. IImmi , ruMofnrc Nrphl, I'tah Special for One Week Only llld. , a" STItlAI I'.KVIKW tf ftnllfe. U'ImIi llaailss 4 Klneton The farmers of Circle valley ar to experiment In the rais ng of sugar beets. TO IIMLD WKLL i lan s i.eet was crop in 1918 1 worth over $ it .000.000. Vaton A $30,000 o'l refinery has bwn shipped to the Emerald l! jj property In thw famous ftangley field. HAH XO 1XJCAL Vow !' the time to go ahead with o all kinds of building and development activity and It will be but a short 'I n tirremf mmii PatMt while- - until the mines, mills and Nainrol IVixx.it of Uypaa la 1 fiwtoripf will b running full Mast or ij. irie St. Ueorg Klg oil well testing Nephi Plaster I NEPHIFU5TER&MF6.C0. 1 of Colorado. Salt I,ake Sweet Candy Co. to build iZsO.OOO candy factory here. I'tah prod art lop of silver amounts i. A. CHRWTK.NSK.t to nearly 14,000.000 ounce a year, Very tet nt Oak Tasj Mihir flanks second as largeat producer of faed In All RefxUr Work tVme siler In t'nited Stalne. fly I s. Oar PrWwe For Re Moab well of the Western Lel patriae lefy AD CoeawetlUam. Allies Co. resume work. March production of Utah Coppef estimated at .311.000 pounds. UVERY MID FEED STABLE Ogden 25 no lie of paed roadway planned for Weber county. mtmm mtmm All frame CiOon t.tVKRT MfiH. ftRAr Ogden t'tah Power A Light Co. AND KXrilKHA WACJO.NH to double Its gas plant here, . The fowl. Ageat rho fe. League eofUlfs rifO.NK 44-- a tic scheme InroWes the substitution ... ... 4 of pf'rnalism for An ericas) miKHTosigti, rroprfetoe 4 Teeeeeeeeeee-ee-e- s 7HK Mc-Cutcheo- n. lilts? Shoe Repairing IMiirSHlMi, I ... havis county in-s- hlgh-gra- d AMI fnmoii. In one of the best mystery stories yet by that star of fiction writers, George penned Barr You will be equally interested in the new serial we take pleasure in. announcing. (: is for les tnan cost HOWS I I I I eT" 10 ... I Qttliy . - ""ne" completed w.i'.ZLl1'1 being hastened. near here. natural gas at about 100 feet. Salt Lake I'tah smelters get ore from Ouray district hosi. i:Km. tutsr.. mr Umum Parity byof Is Aim- and dazzling k Kirk's Toilet Soaps Balh Tablet Peroxide Olive field ,AWN We Mil the ly. iil I liartff llh "'v absorbed in the thrilling of the plot, entirely oblivious to all his surroundings, this reader is following the developments of IIun.liJ tllars Reward at the beaches In a seven thousan.l for any cam of Catarrh that cannot be dollar limousine holding a three k. u.n-- . thousand dollar dog on her Ian sufferers for the past thirty. Then there Is a long eulogistic ac by. catarrh r w. Known ai.vj a . . ..in. . . inf . .. .nan . ... L Aft.l. n Ml. . awrn. i. iut count of her appearance and hi.i..i. .vainly Medlrln Blood Catarrh ih thru arts . . . n on ,.. iilumonds and even descriptions of ...i. muwu lunim, int t riprtiinv from I ha Blood and hrillnr tha her lares and lingerie, and thre are pot lions. s4 Arivr you hava Pages of such stuff Hal: s Ctirrh liadlrtna for A alMirttVn llm vou will m a In the days before the French vo lutlon the king paraded their wealth bralth. Start taklnc H.lTs Catvrh. Mnil- - WH A Full Line i;lv DEEPLY lne Iu,ure fop,"!r luark,ft' " Jlw w'ta Main Street, Opposite Chas. Foote & Son Store .. 1 Page, and D..ra..rfwhi... with ll.UHtratlons in the big metro-Politan papers nrodur. tendency toward iiniahi- ""' ' wuii j t In a democratic ' . ' ' -- . .... . . " BUUl"e 01 " 0'eeontent P0'0" o irn(ie 100 mucn or the I the society ... " I'rrt" IfTtar" i'.J:... Wi"1""!;' 1t I Silage Cutters mt-- f .G'Tr- " - - We 4i 1 1 One and Two Row It -- i I fr n i2E ! 3 BARS FOR 25c Yours for Service ENTERPRISE GROCERY CO. M J f -.- 3. 1 . . i -- Oil |