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Show THIS NOT TO LOWER IN PAR VALUE New Issue Has Special Appeal to All Investors, Says Expert. Capitalists, aa well as the small Investor, may purchase the new Victory Uan notes with the fullest assurance :hat tbey will hold In the market close lo the Issue price," declared Q. K. Weeks, Victory Loan campaign man-ige- r for tffe Twelfth District, today In calling attention to the strong appeal the Victory notes make to Invest-r- s strictly from an Investment standpoint. He continued: "It has, of course, been a source .of llsappolntment to subscribers for previous Liberty Loan Issues that these iKsues have gone, even temporarily, to i discount of five or six points In the Goodies! "the m"e"1 ViefSi TT XJPitAVJ s52ai fluffy,tendeii, ,hat J in your mouth light, cakes, biscuits and doughnuts that just keep you hanging 'round the pantry-- all made with narket "While this does not represent a real oss to those who have held their bonds '.or Investment, It Is reassuring to subscribers for Victory notes that no sue' lUcount is possible In the case of th prexent issue. "Discount Impossible," "A decline of the Victory Loan notei of only one point, to 99 for example, would put them on an Interest return at 5.03. Even during the war, with the prospect of continued large Issues, no Liberty Bonds have ever declined to any such basis. The Fourth Loan bonds today, aa a matter of fact, are selling to yield less than the 44 paid by the Victory notes at par. "A similar situation exists In the case of the series of 394 fully tax- exempt notes which are suitable for the larger Investors. The first Issue Df the fully Liberty Bonds Interest, In spite of all bearing 3Vj the liquidation during the war. are selling today to yield only S.55. ' Should the VI. tory Loan 3 not as decline to 99, this would be return from Its equivalent to a 4.03 note, which would be fully equivalent to 91 for the Liberty Loan '?s which now are in active demand In the market at 99." CALUMET POWDER the safest, purest, most economical kind. Try away bake-dafailures." You tare whan you buy It. You save when you um it. Calumet eont aim only such inaredienla a have officially by the approved U. S. Food Authorities. BAKING y tx-r- I I 4 1 HIGHEST KVS t iVY "V" LIHERTY FS5 i a We print Bntter Wrapper. BONDS 3Ej i Money To Loan on Improved Farm Satisfactory Terms Reasonable Rates. " We make a thoughtful study of your par- ticular requirements, which enables us to give your business more than ordinary service. Ask us how. Keep you loans at home! The Geo. Whitmore Co. C. i:i; iwpkp.k r.oos r "tiik 06DEN LiVESOCK NEWS TRAINED NURSE VICTORY NOTES S-O-- NEPHi. UTAH TIMES-NEW- S. .3 Iespito Lower Feed Stuffs There An I'pwnrtl Tendency In Live Stock Market Despite the smashing of prices on corn and other cereals, which was a noteable feature of market conditions the past week, there haa been no reduction In the price being paid for livestock, while hogs retain the top most quotation of history. The situation is Just a anticipuled by the livestock and packing men there Is "a tendency toward hlgl er toprice for livestock, a teuuency ward lower prices for feed stufTs, with the result that profits are beng Increased for the men engaged in the livestock industry. Law of supply a ii il demand are becoming; operativeand extent bringing a to greater these results. The demand for meals In Kurope continues very heavy, while the supply in America Is not luige enough to supplay all the calls. whiiu tha Drlces being paid for are now hoKs on the Ogden .mame . . . quite high, the anticipation is iui the figures will be' higher In May, June and July. For that reason, the livestock men watching the Ogden market are advising that shipments of stock hogs be withheld and that th inivtri eet the most for their labor and their Investment by fur Well finished nishing the animals. more considerably are bringing hogs iar nniind Oil the Ogden market than those arriving In poor condition. perioral farm conditions over the aucn '.nai states. are intermountaln ...... -- ...... . . . there should be a pienmui upi'.j feed this year for cattle, sheep and hogs. More grain la being ralsd than ever before, the alfalfa is re mitted lo be in splendid. condition nd sucar beets wnicn alland age from the tops, molassea ace from the: beets themselves are to be even more plentiful man Be in rangea -are fore. The mountain . . . excellent condition, oecauso ui Ik,. rains and snows. Altogether the prosIn- pects are bright for the livestock f i h intermountaln counirj mar- In 1919. with good price, good excellent and feed of ni.ntv t,... a W W She Keel Made Over Sine) Tiikiiig Titular (Jains Nine Pound Mrs. V. O. Forrester, a trained nurse reading t the Grand Centrul Hotel. Denver, Colo., is but one of thin high profession who have testi fied to the merits of Tunluc. Mrs. Forrester recently said: I had been lu miserable health seven years, suneiring from Indiges tion. Everything I ule would sour and even cold water would cause me much distress. The pains in my chest and around my lutirl were al most unbearable itt times and I suft fered terribly from neuralgia. and for three months couldn't retain a trTlng on my stomach hul'outmoul. Often at night I would wake up feel ing like 1 was smothering to death nd would have to get out of bed and stand on my feet awhile to g"H my breath. ()ne of my friends who knew if my awrui couuition unit wiw nan been benefited by Tunluc advised m to try It, I did su and my relief has been remarkable, Iteally feti) UHo I have been made over uguin. I have already gained nine pounds in weight and Intend to keep on taking Tunluc long as It does me a much good us il la now." Tauluc is sold In Nephl by It. K. Toml'nson. Nephl lru Co.. and In Drug Kureka by Schramm-Jolmaoi- i Co., In Silver City by llefferinuii-ThompsoMercantile Co.. In Mammoth by Mammoth Supply Co. Ar. u ROOSEVELT SAID IF PEOPLE WONT WALL STREET WILL mm It (VMstr Clerk bxer for tprrtlre fomMtloav. or th rrther - NOTtCK TO CREDITORS Ke- - es FORD' ple-ce- s - "Tke oatataadlog and fundamental need of tke geveratoeat, without which nothing con be accomplished, la money, la largo onma aad snail." The Universal Car """""""" m tVhr o Inlt cr vnt josr Ford alwa) upon getting lh fl. fnal by tt frfl grninMotor Com puny, In mW b IVrl inurr l'rt, rrlinltle qanlity. There r piirl.' rllnteflt, lmHilw purl mmlc by ontlle rrniimn who lijitc no rrgnrd for trrUl. repair mnn forl lnll jnllty I Jour gr furnllilng yo tbe on fna or grnm-In- e f'nrta. All rflUble mw hnf !! gmnine Fort perl run) no rcm tttt frnm w -- " tbfTe tbe Ixitoi ing part. .To hm unjntif for repair to .urr, bring your or rrplcrnwnt. grM yl rr """"Hill,,, ill"11"" Judd Garage G. R. Judd, Proprietor S1 3E - Proposed west lo cost tl.OUO.OliO. .BlwAREOr IMiTATI0N5 Will Ik1 lliriu MipUy fuu. irlr SI. SO t preiMKi. Ml mm4 ul II ViMM Huh f CAVA NA U6 H H MONUMENTS !!iiiii;j.ii, IlKAt'TIFIL Frtr gt Ileal Grade of Material. Heel of Workmanship. Artlatic Proportions. 1. 3. Perfect Lettering. Substantial Foundations Careful Settings. Reasonable Prices. 7. F.very Job Made Might. Kvery Promise Made Good. U'.ie Hundred Per Cent Service. lal"tr. Heil for lllulrnlel 4. lit'V 5. A C. Graf onola Oil M It FAMOt'H FDlHtlV TALKING I'l.lMW AM) FLAVF.K . II INF.. I'lWtrS. lKMOTltA FltKK A THN AW TI lV Robert Lomax Ktli tOrprfM-nlatlt-e , 0 00 l City. l)Sm-lW- Mu.lr Co.. Halt k Beesley MtltP.LK AM' tJRAMTK WOllKH. IMtOVO. FTAII. e 4 it' r Mr: o e t This dry, windy weather calls for hand and face lotions Lunt's Amber Lotion has proven its worth. Bottle for 25c Big Limits Pharmacy SKVF.K SfBHTITfTf m i um i 1 i rrrtt 1 r H 'ff' ttstossK Plenty of Money 'i dr. KVKHISTIXO AXI Our Guarantee: !sn ll W chafw ". pnc. Levi Strauss & Co San Franctscw GRANITE th. 11; a new suit r kE if they rip A dco4. pb SUStEVTBYWHERE Cin-iiinat- Salt I.uke- alt 11. OVERALLS mUJZ'X 2 t" de a, A. D. I .'lFORTHGUKl e It It. ah 'ot ah Mary svllle Nebraak Thomas Mailer and Wm. A, Waraar here. orgsnlned company A dm In tut ret or of tha eatate of Tbom as Andrew. T. It. Bnrtos. A NEPHI INTERVIEW Attorney for Administrators. . First pub. May I; 111, taat May 21. Mr. fchllllcoro Tell III KtpeHenr NOTICK TO CRKDITORH Tbo following brief account of aft tn tbo matter of tbo eetato of tb interview with a Nephl man seven late Osborno Sutton, yeiar ago. and Its sequel, will be read Creditors will preeent claim wltb with keen lleret by every cltlren. : voucher attacked to Thomas fl. Bar"I John Rkillkotn, farmer, ton at hi office at tbo City ttall. troubled with kidney com plaint Nepbl City, Jeb coanty. t'toh. oa or for some years. I suffers intensely before tbo 1Mb day of inly. A. D. and often as compelled to qoit 111. work on accoonl of the lameness and Thomas ft. Sat ton. weakness reused by kidney troot.M estate of Oo- - Lost winter I was particularly bd Administrator of borne Sutton, deceased. and It was all t roold do to get T. If.. Barton. aroand. The pain over my kidneys Attorned for Administrator. were so bad t became stooped and s Kid Klrt pub. May S, 1111; loot V crippled. Fortanately, May 21. ney Fill were called to my attention I received Im- and 1 ned Ihem SOTKTi TO CRKDITORS mediate and wonderful r!iof. Ion Walter Klrgsa relived the pains and F.Mate of Charle and reg. ' deceaned. latent ny kidnr (Statement Creditors will present claims with given In May, vnorher to tbo nnderslgnewl at his NO TROVItLK PINTE residence In Nephl City, Jaab connty. On April . 117. Mr. Pklllicotn th day of sid: ' t drnt have any lmW with I'tah. on or before lb D. I'll I. A. any kidneys since t lat reeo mm ended Aagat. Letera Ooetla, Hn Kidney Fills. I consider the Admlnietratir of the Kotatel of eore tbey gave as trmafrif ." Ifm t f hsrle Walter Kirgan, derenoed. FrVe ". al all Tbo mas ft. Barton, a tot remedy ask kidney simply Atlotaey for Administrator iKmn I Kidney Fills be same that lawt nnb Mr. Pkillltfirn bad Milbntn First May th. May Jtk, 11 Co., Mfgr. Itoffalo. N T IIINP.f r It Spoken. tatea- PRIZE t w.r--"- Especially if He's Married. If von wimt everylM'dy in town to f lay" Just know u story ln-l. uml make the i.- - u se.r-iil whisper tell It to cweiir that lie villi mnn l Knqulrer. not repent It. Koad tke eerorlty It y c Ue bootLiberty to tb matter of the la U world." e o Thomas Andrews, dcNuie4. 'Do nsH tot Wall Strewt aumnpnUte Creditors will preMSt claims wKa vouchers attached U Thomas Ballsy tke Saaaclag of tke War- - eod. If you tkoa do not klamo Wall Street but or Wm. A. Warner at their real dences in Nephl City. Juab eoaaly. adsaM that It la more patriotic aad fartkoa are." yon tgksod of on or before) tke ISla day I'Uh. July. The, conteuted cow gives more milk und better milk than the unhappy cow. Just us a person does bet- ,er work when In a good humor wlt.n the world and the people around him , tU i mm i . Great American's Words Ring True Today as When i KUUS NOW Many people will remember that they had to pay from 75c to $1.00 a dozen for eggs laut fall and winter, depending on location. You will not have to pay this high price if you do not want to. Why? Preserve them in water glass now. For Instructions write to your state college, county and home demonstration agents or to the Department of Agriculture. Wherever possible insist on using "Infertile Kggs" because they' keep better. The satisfaction and comfort in knowing that you have 10, 20 or 50 doxeu of good Infertile eggs stowed away In water glass for use when eggs are high Is most assuring. Try it. It does not require experience or scientific training; all that is neces-sur- y is to follow directions. The better llie (kk you put down the better the egg you take out. Infertile eggs are best. Reduce your high cost of liv.tig without lowering the price to the producer. 1'reserve eggs now wheu they are lowest In price. pu-pe- is 'Long after this war U over, we shall contlous In the struRgle to achieve liberty for all mankind. To acii a',- ' do It effectively, wo must bind our conditions. and range pasture selves togstbsr aa a nation, and there I bo surer bond between a man and Yuiinr chicks should not be fed- hi country than that he shall be a for from 24 to 3 1 boors alter naica- bondholder of bis country." Ini. and will not suffer If len no "To own bonds of tbo United Btaloa feed until the third day. The yolk of the egg. which Is absorbed by the la a badge of booor." rhirk furnUhea all the nutriment "There should bo Liberty Honda la reauired during this time. it is this nrovlslon of nature for tne first very hem a America." auatenance of the chick that makes appeal most earnestly to the men t. rwihl to ahln newly hatched aad'I women of America to lend their chicks considerable distance. nsoBoy to the government; aad to do At the start It Is advisable to feed It stow!" five time a day. dividing tne oay 'I Biroelf have Invested lo tbeso intn miii oarts. and alternating a There Is every reason for mash or soft feed, such as Johnny- - beads. rake with a bard grain or aerates buytsg them. The patriotic reason Is aough. Bat. In addition, there Is of- feed. 4 tke beet security la the world. becked by tkt credit of the govern- ano miutSHip koiicls eat aad of the United people OFFICE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. NEPHI EE !s Tue.-.d-iy- Say IMMOSlOltVK niMwirv" ok what the big ustern Miy about "The Heart of Human 'ly" which is lo appear at the 'i nii'u next Monday and " "I'lm lleurt of Humanity,' u ilis- -' "in ("achievement of mot 'on p'cture who rcntiim. . , Alleiillolulmr, d' retted It, did h a work with independent IntelliK. '.i 'e. i tiesse and k 11. In Utile scenes uud b'g. he was master of the technique of directing. Some of his battle' panoramas are uniting the most comprehensive and vivid ever produced un the screen, and by touch its here and there 'hnmghout the play he succeivled remarkably In putting such df:nite action that the Impending sub-titlwhich would have been used by less ndiistr'ous und accomplished director were omited because unnecessNew York Times. ary."-"One of the most Kt'rr ng war 'ilius ever presented in New York. . . , The tight tig In which these sons met their deuth is probably one uf filmof the most graphic a screen."-- - N, Y. ing ever seen Kven ng World, "Considered puMy as a nLiry il s one i'f the uliuosi Interest, with st irlt.g uctlvin. vlv d battle scenes, :ninh var'ety of Inc'deut. and the oiuMiiul "tut uf humor and incident that s always sought after, whether York on the trtag or nereen.."New World. " The lleurt of Humanity' . . . I , directed y Allen Holulmrr Is presented with u degree of realism that Is ceitaln to make an Impres-s'oi- l "- New York Kvenirg Sun. Here NOW TESTIFIES I .. ... irni iii:.kt ( Per Cent Inter-es- t. On Improred Farms, at 5 Long Time. Easy Terms. Apply to 1-- T. C. Winn, 2 - - - Secretary Nephi National Farm Loan Association |