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Show THE WATCH YOUR COLTS Colds and For and t the nrst Cougha, Distemper, symp- toms of any auch ailment, five small doses of that wonderful remedy, now the mini uspd lo existence, SPOIIN'S DISTKMHICR COMPOUND 8afe for all agsa. Colts. Mares in foal, Stallions and all others. An excellent preventive as wall as a ours. Sold by druaaiuti. KI'OIIN MKDICAL CO, Mfrs, Uoabea, lad., V. . A. There are twice an many blind peoTOMMY IN HUMOROUS MOOD ple in HiiskIu as In the whole of the And Possibly There Waa a Little Sir. rest of Europe. casm in Remark Credited to Kill th Flies Now and Prevent Real Soldier. $ dlseaset A DAISY FLY KILLER will "Don't ever lmiigiite tlutt the Itrltlsh haven't some sense of humor," suld 'Itohert t'liuinhers, the author, recently. "A friend of mine, Just tmck from London relates an Incident Hint shows that the Tommy, at least, lias a funnybone bomewhere lo his nnntomy. "These two TommieH, disheveled, torn with wounds and altogether unAs tidy, were on leave In London. they stood In Trafalgar square there tipproiiched a detachment of the Wind-no- r guard in silver t ru ijl ikh. 'waving plumes, rel conts, long varnished hoots shining like mirrors, und kid gloves. "The Tommies looked on in silence for a moment mid then one nudged his mate. " 'Look a Hill,' he whispered In an aw ed voice, Them's sojera.' " Needles Junior had not Alarm. do lU Kills thoussndi. Lasts all season. All dealers, H.BOMiUL orfi?eseoteipreupaldforSl.i&. 160 De Kalb At., llrookljn, M. Y. Adv. No Proapect. . llutcher What kind of a cut meat would you prefer, nmdum Customer A cut In price. In this T . DOES IT. ALLEN'S FOOT-EAS- E When your shoes pinch or your corns and bunlona arhe set Allen's Foot-Eatha to ba shaken Into shoes antiseptic powder It will and enrlnkleil In the take the sllnc out of corns snd bunlona and stve Inutttnt relief to Tired. Arlitn. Rwnllan, Temler feet. Hold everywhere. Don't accept any tvbttitutt Adv. ss, foot-bat- Nothing Like Education. An ostrich Mood with stuffed rigidity in a store window, with two small hoys looking In : "iee, look whtrt a great big swan." The boy with him knew better. "Tbtit Isn't a awun. That's an old been In the best of Which shows what a fine thing; It health, and, when he seemed well on Is for some boys to live where the way to recovery, his mother took can hnve the udvautage of public they eduprecautions to guard him against cation and a coo. Vushiugton Star. possibilities of on Influenza attack. One evening the anxious mother was startled when she entered Junior's room to find the little chap In ted, anilllng, with eye red and watery. "Goodness, gracious !" she cried, "do you feel sick, dearie?" "No, mamma," Junior replied. "Hut yon Hicm to hnve caught a dreadful cold." "I hnven't any cold." "Hut your nose mid your eyes!" From under the covers Junior produced o book. "It Is 'Uncle Tom's Cuhln. mamma." lie said, "and I have Just been reading about poor little Kva." Yotingstown Telegram. WOMEN NEED SWAMP-ROO- T Thousands of women bave kidney and bladder trouble and never euspect it. Women' complaints often prove to ba nothing else but kidney trouble, or th result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. I'ain in the back, headache, loss of ambition, nervousness, are often times symptom of kidney trouble. IVin't delay starting treatment. Ir. Kilmer Swamp-Root- , a physician' prescription, obtained at any drug store', may be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or large aize bottle immediately front any drug store. Who Blushed Then? However, if you wish first to teat thi A pretty young teacher was once great preparation send ten rents to Th A Co., Tlinghamtnn, N. V., for placed In flmrge of a class of boys Kilmer bottle. When writing be sura and ample tliem what they would and she mention this paper. Adv. like to be when grown tip. They nil hud very high notions, one Out of Order. wits to be an actor, one a sailor, one Flossie) The village was all agog. a lorry driver, and another a cowboy. Klutfeet was marrying William Gil en. US NEPHI. UTAH. TIMES-NEW- S. INVITED nv u UMU liil.U. SITUATION IT TO RESUME PLACE " MEXICO iMnn i CONFERENCE HEADS URGE DISGRUNTLED DELEGATES TO COME BACK INTO FOLD. VILLA BANDITS AGAIN BECOME A MENACE TO THE AMERICAN AND FOREIGN RESIDENT8. Efforts Being Made by Allied Diplo mat to Heal Breach Caused by Absence of Italy's Representative! at Conference. Villa Make! Demand for Taxea Upon Mine Owner and Leta It Be Known That Destruction Will Follow Purl. It Is announced that President Wilson. Premier Cleitieuceuu und Premier I.lo.vd tieorge, composing the council of three, on Muy 4, sent a communication to the Italian goveru-iiien- t Inviting It to resume its place nt the pence conference, It Is generally believed here that the Italian representatives will ueeept the iuvltution and that the misunderstand-in- s will be adjusted ami the break soon be a closed incident. The terms of the communication to the Italian government were not disclosed, but It is believed they seek to remove the personal element of the controversy und to puve the wuy for a territorial adjustment when the relations ure resumed. 'It wus announced lu Purl a Inst week that Premier I.loyd tieorge bail t.ent a represent a live of his government to Home 10 open Informal negotiations for the return to Paris of an Ilullun peace delegation, Telegruiiis from the Itiillun capital reporting the efforts being made by allied diplomats to heal the hreuch en used by the absence of Italy's delegation, at the peace conference say that t'utiillle Iturre, French, ambassador at Jtome, had conferred with Premier Orlando. The ipicstloii of Italian representation at the pence negotiations, so fur as can be ascertained has not been raised by the (ii'i'iiiim delegation. Certainly It wus not touched upon at the meeting of the Interallied and Cermuu credentials commission at Versailles. Washington. The situation In northern Mexico Is nguin reflected as serious, lu advices received on Muy from Mexico City and the border. Tho state department has been advised that 300U employes of tin American mining company lit Santa Kulallu have been removed to Chihuahua City because of threat by Villa. In the capture of Purral the entire Carrunzn garrison 'went over to. the Villa forces, which now threaten City. Americans in the stute capital are reported to be endeavoring to obtuln pussuge to KI Pumo as they fear the garrison muy Join the Is Refusal. bars V in each package, v The bluest value in refreshment you can possibly buy. lorifi-Iastin- s. . aw A ST a 'S aM) Torreou Is said to be Villa's next objective. Ileports from the border say the Conchas bridge at Ortiz, soutU of Chihuahua City, has been destroyed by the rebels, thus closing the road for reinforcements moving northward. lieu. Manuel M. IHcgttcz bus been ordered from the Tumplco oil fields with (KNJ men to assist General Castro, who was reported ns moving toward CliThuiihuu, constantly harassed by Vllllstus. Dieguez's departure from the oil fields of Tiimplcu was wild to leuve the ttituutlou there entirely at the dlsMisal of Peluez, u rebel leader. The capture of Purru! put the in nu excellent strategical position, us the town is on a branch line from the main line south from KI Paso and Is wlitUn striking distance of Jim-- ' A BENEFIT to teeth breath, appetite and digestion. The price is 5 cents.' The Flavor Lasts VII-liht- Inez. Villa has demanded an Indemnity of l.tKkMKW from the Torreon MURDERED region industries. The superintendent SCHOOL TEACHER of the Santa Kulullit mines reHirted Body of Young Woman Found In an that the bandit demanded "taxes" for waAseto Abandoned Hut. protection and hud announced that be akel Wedged under a "would roturn lu thirty days for the I.litrohc, Pu. board In a shed behind 1111 abandoned money." To uvold paying the "tuxes" M m rw w J & log hut on the Ardury farm, two miles the superintendent closed the mines, (3 k m ha from here, th,. IhhI.v of Miss F.mma taking everything lluit could be moved a maua m s s aa school teacher, and all the men to Chihuahua. Austruw, The church was crowds. Presently it came to a pretty Flossie, who had mysteriously di&upleured, new In to movement his south the to And Then He Quit state his wish. Spprem Law. boy looking ns pule as her somewhat highwas found Saturday. Villa has) resumed terrorizing tactics. The children lu the ncjt;lihorhood orlearn to was "What would you like to beT" said ly colored countenance would allow, A French oflU-etrying The girl's bands were tied behind the teacher. the Kngllsli language. The following ganized a club and were enthusiastic bore up until the plain bnnd ring waa back, her face bad been Iwaten. MILLIONTH MAN COMING HOME Is It. , his version of our inoiher tongue: Jackie blushed deeply, and looked safely on her finger, und then, over- her und she bad been struck on the head "Tell me iiliout your laws and byI discovered that I wu "When aliy and nfmld. come, burst Into tears. a death Her Problunt instrument. with Secretary Baker Reports Rapid , but not bud The villagers were "Come, tell me your wish, Jackie, quick 1 wns fast ; thut If I was tiedI laws," I said to one of the members. evidently ixwnirred twenty-fou- r gress in Return of Expeditionary "Oh," he replied, "we only hnve one anxious. All girls cry at weddings. I was fust, and If I sient too freely plense!" said the teacher. hours before the finding of the bmly. Force. Put law, and that Is to serve refreshment" "I'lense-er-plensI was discouraged. to was fast. Then suddenly William Giles screwed An examination revealed my wlsh-er-- l that the man New York. The girt The at every meeting." be your husband!" be blurted out. up his face and broke Into howls. bad been shot the head after of the American cxiM-dt- t binary force when I came across the sentence shall m hist and the lust shall London Answers. Tears poured down bin face and lieing attacked. through first will embark for home next week. Secbe first." I gave It up." dr!pwd off bis whiskers. d It Is supposed the girl was retary ISaker suid on May ., on bis those man!" "What's Hush, up? Bullet. Meets Bullet on her way from the echoot-hous- e arrivul here from Fram-- aboard the where she got So tunny bullets flew through the nearest him urgel. Hut Giles continon Monday evening and held transport tieorge Washington. The her color. air In both directions In large battles ued"I-- to howl, and at last burst out : was Unill she homeward movement of trsps. Mr. me be! I feel wuss 'an Vr prisoner at Mime point of the great war that some of them Many wo-mkitted. a In Is linker uiosi auld. . progressing per hap, were bound to bump Into each other. about It!" London and added be satisfactory manner, your neighA pair of fighting bullets were picked MOVE COLLAPSES that the 3xi."a month mark would COMMUNIST bor, will fell Need of a Cash Register. tip by an Ktigllsh soldier one day after be reached In June. you that ah Is not always as regular Failure of Munich Insurrection Mark Mr. M he and his comrades bad pushed the There's M use affetiDf from th .Hecretary llsiker left bere April 7. got her wonl In Germans back several hundred yards. In his accounts as ha might be. ef Don't lame wait bars. agony Collapse of Last Stronghold. derful color, accompanied by Warren Pershing, iU it passs off." It only corn's bark. In their portions Journey over No spite of that, however, he was recently lierlln. The failure of the Munich (ietieral Pershing's only son. He visber vivacious Find the cause sad atop it. Iisssd enetecte! to carry the contribution basMan's Innd they struck harlel-wlrkidnr-indare of conditions usually siints in France, where her spirit, and with the varied results ket at his church. Hut there was much Insurrection marks the collntme of the ited varbui lam other barks sod stiff tanglement icated by strength Important communist stronghold American troops are quartered, going which are bsture's sif shown. wrenching paiaa, opissltlon, particularly from the men, lust health by sals for 6lpl who had known him to Juggle various In ticrmsny, and for the time ticlng the also to the German Hue, where be reHere's tt rmedr. TThen yoa fsl a SHsUliig taking. accounts over which he bad had i;bert and Scheldenisnn government la viewed the Third tinny. other Insure Te Control. or iprl-rnr- e ef the trat twines pain " Ituker Pis of a which of visit, for Teller, t briefly tamper sigh heaving I voiced deep gr-hl of Kdith burr Uips armntoma. don't see why they need so charge. Finally the grocer any aooe" tonic, : at one. Go to your rJrassist and crt many rehearsals for the Sophia objection In this way: "I don't think it can thank Herr Noke, minister of said b"X knows as Dr. GOLD of th a In Is original abroad "The pure, American army lm Ftrongnrm and Perry I'lnfeather wed- - we'd better let him carry that bosket defense. kU.IiAL. Ilaarlrm Oil Capsilt's, Pierce's Fav-o- rit condition. The Third army, at decreed the of that atsplendid fate The we a hav Irony unless rush month th tr"tn fresk every register dng. ported Pres I frboratm-i- r which 1 inspected on the German Holland. llssrlem. loom. nt when Field Marshal von Ilelle That's so they won't laugh tached to It." and easy to take, they instant criptioa. best doubt without is frontier the as bis announced retirement ben she promises to obey him. y attack th poisonnua g'rms rlc(ibf Probably do man in America wss ever chief of the army, Noske, nix months equipped army In the world. It is What BetterT aysteta and bring q Jirk TbeL yofr better qualified to successfully treat tha an be. should For over army badr4 A shoal of herrings la often five or years tbf ago an unknown person of military ever) tiling that He What Is your highest ambition! disease peculiar to women than Dc hav been brliHnc th sick. Why b4 s!x miles lo length and two or three In 8he Six feet one and Just released, caliber, with the ragsed remnants of In all It uciwrimcui. tb'tnf Hold verywber by r try Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. The cases that reand former battalions breadth. hurriedly 1'sble drurdsta In esed rsrksca. Gargoyle. come to him run into many thousands, TOLEDO GETS TITLE MATCH. nses. Money bark If t"T d l"br cruited loliintecr regiments, should be ti"t blp yoq. Ask for "Ottl.D giving him aa experiencs that rarely winning Hie nation's applause In the ba aura the asm stl'n!. -comes to any on nan. Dr. Pierce found -1 sordid Intertwine gnerrila warfare Willard and Dempsey to Fight in XIF.UAL" oa the bt Aj. OOLJJ OHo on July 4. that in nearly every case there were that Is not wholly without Its opera New York. Je Wltlurd and Jack Too Much of a Good Thing. Iwoiffe setting. certain vegetable growths which rarely "I thought." salil the boy's liiolliet. failed to give prompt relief in tboerv Ietnpsey will fight In Toledo. Ohio, July 4. for the world's heavyweight "that I told you I wanted yon to May feminine disorder from which so many Murderer of Armenian Arrested. where I could pnl my hand on yon." championship. commitwoti.en sii!Ti. He combined these roots New York. The Anierl-a"I d didn't know." b as made May " This announcement whimper!. and herbs into a temperance medicine tee for Armenian and !rlnn relief has 1hat ye wantrsl me to gtt arnrsiOjer that he called Dr. Pierce 's Fsvoril Pree received an account by an eye witness by Te Uirkard, promoter of the fight, kne an' stay there." of the rret of tsmnel link! Itey. di- at the Hotel Hiltmore. cription. Tins medicine is sold ia both. The pugilists will enter the ring at it thrn in die dties, llien in the nation's great and tablet form by druggists' every rector of tejor!ed Armenian refugees liquid unIhi twelve rounds, fie Cured Catarrh Cannot at A!epni under the Young Turk gov. p. id. ii nd will where, A weakly, sickly, backschy, bead-ach- y, t metropolitan centers, until today it U der as tar eminent and snid to le resKnible for less a knockout terininsles the eotitcst nervous, despondent woman, with f lha snnl temih th satatio.n. manded everywhere, and sold everywhere, In the death of thousand of fbristian earlier in the rlasb. If the Iwmt ge latsrrh ts a ssral d.ssr srreaiir Hs. or irregular pains with feminine regular tv lonal S4j.-1econoittuns a Labia ronsiit,,. &J America's greatest health drink for 111.1, the limit, referee, to be later, (. ATAHHII Mf women and children. disorder that come in youth or middle rur win ll rsisrrh lK will award a delsiofl mf points It la .n't ads ttirnuch use You car get from your grocer age is pretty sure to find ia Dr. Pierce 'a h Mrwi the ttlood os iptrrnallf of t) Idaho Engineer Passes Suddenly. HAl.l.SI ATAMItH MKI( MC Favorite PrevTiptioti the cxa remedy Ssm ta rm-ms- l TROOPS SAIL FOR FRANCE. .f sore of th. hrst lonlrs .knne. II. . Allen, until recently that ber condition calls for. known. wmkiBH muh swrm. r lh bnil t I cc.mt.lns.lofi Most sndden-ISunflri Tbs II A 1.1. state cneineer of Idaho. diel j a For Men ta ef ths Leave On Thousand 1:11 Over, CATS)! iorrifits at !pregne. MFIHCI.VK (a whst aceling to a sica mem- seat Duty. rssMns in murfSM here. He hnd gone tclek'rnm stibi Young sv-- . lMtirr"n-l1tr New York. A first rs.iiiii.teot of to !jirsgue to tnufce preliminary plans r, O. ( Toledo, i hMf ;.. Prvpa.. ana vammu i?.-.kud h. volunmen of the .Vl.it i for some cii'n-ritiwith of an number to Itching rHiete s,ml On Being Cheerful. teering with tie American Toll find yourself refroshrsl . the Ole Disclaims Presidential Plana. Ointment dougblfs now i in Germany sail"l presence of cheerful prs.ple? Why not fliicaro.' Major Hanson, who army of CsfKsn Sws Wss r-Tuew'sy on th trnns.rt make earnest effort to roofer thst sprang into the eves of the nut i.'ro over-?ili.- J, for 15 minutes after Boil it jutt lilte coffee annrmn-It the was by when be reriied Seattle from AEsmemnon. pleasure on others?- I.yrpa Xnria An Alibi. CI, lid. boiling begins. army emt.firksilori iirh'itie at the I. W. X, arid IV.Nb.-- t ikl. to.k It to the Ir'sh to srpitrtn ont w ill to Asramefiiiion The not is to he y gi cssion here !nturdny f I'gl.t ttnattms. This one was be. a candidate, for president. Important to Moiher It doubles the enjoyment of the meal vrilh fore Judse l:icb trdson and along wltl Kvamine rarrfu'.ly every l.ottte its rich, invigorating flavor; and, unlike cofrAHTOKIA, thst famous old rems)j other testimony It wns stated that be Cage Drops Miner 1 1CO Feet. Rumanians March Into Bavaria, for Infsata and chiuiren, and see tl.st I oi!1mJ the arresting officer name. A rrfntaintnc pa cafee, it never upsets nerves, stomach or heart. t'utmininn forces bme poifii!ie t.enevfl. "8btire. judge, an I did nothin o Peara the 11' at lb 1 1 son:ti-e.fen t mite mlixrs, tered the city or Arad. Children as well as grown folks can drink the koind," protes! fBt. aid eon-panSigaatere y ng of P.udiipest. and I sic oeeupled Maple H tl shaft of Ibe was wan us of Fostum freely. be In the that should fn Te for Ovsr ) Tear. f),e t'zap bridgehead on the Theiss M'mdsy, resulting In the denlh soo." lifts) Atigetea Times. river iMir'h of Arsd. It has bwn of rfie miner and serirois Injuries to Children Cry for Fletcher Csrtorii die. of lion. the nine others, two ,osy learned here. Tes. Jtose. every race is a sure thing, fttorm Cae Brew, Aeyhew. but the majority of girls bet the wrong In are Teas. wher Bolshevists Renew Attack. thooe rlsrk lor.klnr Trsjedy Ta, ay. A war office J .bn t;re'r. a clouds going UiV "To tliundcf, Ateftr! London. official reTes. Teiss. aon fsrmer liTltit near White port says that Arcbang-- 1 advbs-- s bat hglne. Two Sixes, usually sold 15c and When Your Eves f anl kiifel Ma mo'ber and a Care been received to the effort thst ser bf . tn A doesn't trouble g!r1 wundel befcf morh ious enemy e'acka. long ptotwdi'v Murine Eye Remedy yo'inger aiter, JT Try aza t.il'y an oldf-- ai1er and tfnn sKt t.iit a man's fstore If he come with I r, - . bave begun on the iMina and r a- -. av. a present or twa, MbsvlKB Kia tlBUI lvt,Mi&4et rronts. lie Is etper'te'l to jm-s- lls staHssfiCrcfEs. fulr-hnlre- d r t tom-fled- ITS NO SECRET ovcr-Hivcrc- BACK LIKE A BOARD? IT'S Tit-Rlts- ra, YOUR KIDNEYS av-fu- e r Plr-asa- to 4T Fostum First Found Favor In the Small Communities ix'su d sn The Original OSTUM CEREAL Vh I'i'ss 1't wnpaia so s Qitiaira m - Ur-st- lri'il There's a Reason" Q'ja-frupt- f'-r- 't IJ-- d e ti-- at 25c iui ani-iiat-d- Mth-ael- r 1. f. . w |