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Show THE TIMES-NEW- S THE Circulates throughout East Juab County. An Independent paper published in the interest of all the people all the time. Let us enter your name on our subscription list. boostei fcr ti e Agricultural and Mining interests of Juab County. A valuable advertising medium, being widely read by the citizens of the county. Subscribe Today. A The Times. Vol. 10. No. 29 Nephit vJuab County, Ulah. Friday, May 9, 1919 MfflS HEAR BRILLIANT ADDRESS be an obscure person, but it works a J. Haddock of the University of transformation in his life. He becomes a leader in whatever tie underUtah Neuk)t on the Advance takes. He sees the relationship beA tween God and man. In K.riucaf loiial System The speaker then referred to the Iurge Crowd KnJoyH Lecture success of England's greatest statesman, as a man who gut that thought early in life and Under the auspices of tile League a splendid meeting who became England's savior dur,of that organization waa hold in the ing the great war, although as a Tabernacle last Sunday evening, Lon youth he was only an obscure WeUk J. Haddock. Director, of Industrial boy. He also referred to the lives of Education at the University of Utah, Abraham Lincoln, Daniel Webster was the speaker and delivered one. of and Thomas A. Ellison as other exthe best addresses it has been our amples along this line. In of education, he speaking privilege to hear In a long time. Mr. Haddock said be was glad to quoted from Klbqrt Hubbard, who be there because thero were lots of siii (I, "An educated man is one that boys and girls present, both young is on to his job." "Our educational and old. He liked the old boys who system," he continued, "from the could remember when they were grammegrades up Is all wrong. The advice. was his prepare for high school grades young. Keep young, Do not waste tho opportunities you and the high Bchol prepares for the have now by looking ahead for the college, and so on, but we fail to teach the boy or girl anything that things to be. He said: "Live by seconds, not by settns to connect with life. We "want centuries. We are so apt to look to educate our boys and girls to detoo far ahead. We all want to be velop the resouces of Utah. To live something we are not. He what you In I'tah and to be good citizens. He referred to the three questions are, then you'll go ahead." The speaker said he was glud the asked the drafted soldier during the universe ws being run by the Lord late war. These were, first. "Are you and not by a lot of pottering men. physically fit?" Second,- "Are you 99 per cent of the prayers that are mentally fit?" and third. "What can prayers for you do?" He said It was a matter offered are begging failed to and to asking for of regret that ba, something crowns to wear. "There is a great come up to the standard. -"Our educational system must be difference", he said between theology and religion. Theology Is what changed." said the sp.laker. "One was you think In your mind, religion Is of the great tragedies of life came or and soul In when the college boy g'.rl his what a man gets home after their poor old dad and applies to his life. He mother had scraped and skimped to "He an optimist." he said. would go around the block to get sen d them to the college, to have away from the man who has a tale them return with the idea that their of woe to tell. We have too many parents were old fog'es and were not In life and not enough of cultured enough to asociate w'th the dry gra'n. Right men and women their own children." At the conclusion of his excellent make the earth right. This Is a good he admonished the boys and remarks for earth anyone. enough to oplearn tlrlngs about their the jgirls "God has gtvon everyone life. homes and the farm. successful a have to portunity Other attractions of the evening Man Is the captain of his fate. God Mrs. Ijoii -- Lloyd-Georg- Parents-Teache- e. rs - Flt'S The New., Vol. 3, No 41 FKXCIXG W.ATKK NOUHCK TO INSl'KK ITHITY MOTH When the work that has been commenced this weok by the City Council and the Uoard of Heulth ban been completed, Nephl will have the purtjtt water Bupuly in the State of Utah. Around the head of the springs where the city water supply is ob tained, a 22 inch mesh wire fence a being built this week that will make It Imposible for any animal to get near the springs, and notices will be posted by ho Uoard o? Health prohibiting any vamping or picnicihg in the fenced area. The greater pert of the water course Is already covered and now with this additional protection at its source of aupply, Nephl citizens can rest assured that the water they will get down In town will be as near free from pollution as human ingenuity can make it. Next Sunday, M,ay 12th, is Mother's Day. and the M. I. A. Association together with the Ladles' Literary club will, furnish the program next Sunday evening at the Tabernacle, which will be as follows: Music by Sc hool chorus. Invocation. Music by Bchool Chorus. Address on "Mother's Day" by Judge Morris. Selection double quurtett, by Frank Russell and company. Vocal solo by Delia Mct'une. Reading by Mhsa Watkins. Selections by String Quartett, L. P. Anderson and company. Vocal solo by Mrs, .Mabel Lunt. Benediction. IMS .LEU NEPHI DAY PROGRAM . AT THE TA1SKRXACLR HM Some game Wednesday evening at the bull park! The score was Nephl 23, Levan 11. Talk about a batting fest, the way the Nephl boys Mam- tned that old ball over the lot in lh HAH KORKXSOX PROCLAMATIOX ItV TH K nated from the different parts of Franca on JAY HAWKINS W1UTKS FROM PARIS, FRAXUK wha Is known as a three days leave of absence and I keep a careful watch I run acrosa some of We received tho following letter thinking might town but up to the home the boys, Hawour friend Jay this week from I seen nor have neither present kins, who la now a sergeant and la from any of them since I cam heard The France. In stationed at present Into the army. bitter follsws: "I have not received a copy of the months "Dear Friend: After six Tmes-New- s since t came over here, of travel In the different parts of and I would appreciate It very much desa reached France I I ave at last would send me the paper each if you I pect to remain tination wrk as I will ba able to get It for some time. now t am at a settled ad regularly "Our company landed In Liver- dress. 1'apers have been sent me, pool. England, on the 8tU of last but owing to my being on the move November, going from there to South o much they have failed to catch up. Hampton where we wre when the No one knows what a home town armistice waa signod. We stayed In paper means to a fellow until they South Hampton until November I7th have spent many month In what then sailed across the channel, land- commonly known as "sunny" France ing at L Havre, Franc. Here we to the: people of Amertce, bat to the box cars and soldiers as "sunloes" France. loaded Into ihtrd-claa- s hours of misery we after forty-lg"The hour Is getting late and a. m. comes around quite regularly unload at the city of Tours. "The company was reorganized at In the army, so 1 will aay good night, Tours and we were swt up near the hoping the Influema Is a thing of the Relglum border and were kept busy past at home as It seeTn to be over for thr? months bringing the U. 8. here, and with best wishes to all, I am as ever, troops buck, from the battlefield. JAY . HAWKINS. I In am Paris time "At the present In charge of the Railroad Transportation Officers Mesa Hall. I was MOTHFK IIP MRS. FRKD NORfcXSKX PAWF.f AWAV very fortunate In being able to com to Tarls, as there Is so much to Mrs. Fred Sorensen and family ra- snd learn, and K Is tha only city In France that resembles our cities of turned home Saturday from Moroni where she bad been called two Weeks the IT. 8. A. on account of tha Hlnet of her " I am through work each day at ago Mrs. Svend Jensen, who 2 p. m. and the rest of the day I mother, a. TO. away passed April 27th, at of various In the use place visiting interest which are many rt the pres-e- n from the dread disease, pneumonia. husband, all 1tlme, as each day finds the open- She leaves, besides ing of some historic tower of build- children, four sons and two daugh ters to mourn her untimely loss ing that has been closed sinew the The funeral was held at Moroni, war started. '1 expct the Nephl boys are fast and those who attended from Nephi returning home and are glad to get were Mrs. Fred Forensen, Mr, and back. There are thousands of sol- Mr. A. J. Bowers. Sr., and Mr. and diers coming Into Paris every day Mrs Jesse- Conlson. -- se hr - a X Itn- - clean-u- In p our city. In and thoroughfares c'ty. Hated In half-holid- p the of May. A. D. 1919. JAME3 GARRETT. Attest: Mayor W. H. Warner. (seal) The Pitcher Was Driven City the tion declaring the afternoon a and calling on everyone to do their part. This clean-u- p is backed by the board of health, the city council, the Ladles' Literary club, and the Nephl Commercial club,. the latter body having pledged themselves at their meeting Tuesday evening to gtInouttheand help ina the good work. evening program and free plcturu show will be given, the Ladles' Literary club having this part of the entertainment In hand. After the business section Is put In hapi it Is the Intention to have a clean-u- p of the residential aection, and then a clean-uof the cemetar-leIt la also the intention to have a committee wait upon the business men relative to getting their back yarda and premises cleaned of all rubbish. Come on. everybody, let's gel out and make Nephl a "spotless" town. at Nephl City. Utah. this 7tu day As 1 I. James Garrett, Jr., Mayor of Nephl City, do hereby desig- lint and set apart Friday the lfith day of May. 1919, as Civic Day In this city, and I hereby call upon every citizen to clean up his or her premise prior to sn'd date. It Is further desired that all citizens clean up the sidewalks and streets Immedt- ately adjoining their premises of ull weeds, brush, rubbish, etc. I further request that all business houses and schools close their doors at 1 o'clock, p. in. on Friday, the 16th day of May. 1919. and that all business men. churches, schools and clubs turn out and assist in cleaning up the business sec- Hon Itceii Desig- Garret t Next Friday, May 16th. commencing at 1.15 p. m., all tlut bua.uexH houaea of the city will be asked to close and every person turn out and gvo the bus.nes district of this city a thorough cloauing. Hack yards, front yards, sidewalks and streets are expected to get a raking over and the man who around that afternoon without a rake, shovel or some other appliance for working will Indeed look awfully lonesome and out of place. The mayor has Issued a proclama- p GUI by Mayor Haw luy When Dirt' anil Rubbish Will lisa.K-a- r Now for n Clean City order to prevent the spread of disease and contagion, and, WHEHRAS, The Board of Health of the State and City are emphasizing the fact that this clean-ushould be had at once in order to prevent. If pos- slide, the spread of the dread- rd diseases which usually come in the spring and summer due to unsanitary conditions and fy breeding places. Now, There- - HAL Mct't'XK Recorder. a. Have you bought that "V" Iiond? From the alleged to have bein committed on 1 2th. The atate was represented by District Attorney Murdoch, third innings wasn't slow, believe me. and County Attorney Hryan. while Pitcher Sorensen, the old war horse the defendant's Interests were takeh from our neighbor In the south, was HAS SESSION care of by Attorneys Anderson and driven from the box after 15 runs bad McNight. The case went to the Jury I. M. PKTTY yesterday afternoon and after due 1 K. 'Jennings Is Found Not deliberation they brought in a ver(lijirlra Had the Pitchers Scared. -- jKnJk of not guilty, and the defendant t.ullly by I be Jury Much Probate dict waa discharged. Nephl, now that they are getting Work is AfcomplUlirsl in the Paot more practice, as levari has some Week's Court NTAKK ttFKRKXUK IIKItK promising players also. Bex. .March DISTRICT COURT Busy TOMORROW AM HUXPAV MINT PAV l.irF.Nsi; TO HAI L PAKKFAGF.IIS If you own an automobile and haul passengers from whom you rtreive any money, you are liable to be ar rested, provided you have not secured a government license which costs 110 per yesr. Such wss the Information last Frigiven to The Times-New- s day. by W. J, Barrett. 1'nrted States officer, who was a caller at this ome on that day. He says It does not make any difference wheth er only one trip is made during the year, tf money Is paid for the service, the owner of the car must pay (he tax or he Is liable to arrest for a violation of the United Slates Rev aavsd the Day With a Great Catch. enue Laws. Hm-enue- . ht la an mediate and pressing need for a general ls were a vocal" solo given by Ralph Helliston accompanied by Miss Lola Caller, a reading by Miss Onlta Re4s entitled "When We Take An Auto Ride With Ma." and a piano solo by Mis Lola Caxier. Mr. Harry Ileagley presided arid the Invocation was offered by J. K. Lunt and the benediction by Ray Stewart. there WH UREAS, . made man in his own Image. He made him to be erect, with his face to thd sun. not to grovel and crawl in tho dust." "The boy or girl" said .Mr. Haddock, "who gets this thftught early In life that he Is the Image of Gd and that all things are possible to He may him. Is bound to succeed. PrUlay, May ItKli, MAYOR been chalked against him. After that slugging bee. the game settled down to a fair brand of ball, each aide making little headway agonist the other. There is mighty good material among the Nephi boys to shape up a fairly good team, and with a little support from the citizens there U no reason why this city should not have a good season of ball. There was a bigger crowd out than on the previous week, and we would like to see another game between Levan and one-thir- d ID OBSERVE CLEAN - UP DAY A baby boy came to bless the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Miiimott on Monday. IN SLUGGING GALLS ON ALL fore. - toad-stoo- TIMES-NEW- S GOM MERCIAL CLUB MEETING HAS Many Hnhjert of Vila! latere! Are Taken Up and Mnb IHarwwtlon F,n. nrn -- ! hie to ( "tin1 Oat and Work n (lean a p Itay -- The regular meeting of the Nephl Commercial club was held Tuesday evening In the rooms over Liint's pharmacy. President A. V. Gadd was In the chair and about CO members were present. Severs! Important matters were discussed. Including the clean-uday next Friday and by a unanimous vote the members decided to give It their physical support hy getting out on that day with rake and shovel and help to clean op the business section of the town. The report of the house and social committee recommending the acceptance of Mr. Lnat'a proposal for the rent of his rooms wss approved. p vnd the board of directors authorized to enter Into a contract for the same. Mr. Burton, chairman of the civic committee, reported the work that had ben done by his committee, and urged all the members to rally around the city authorities In the for a campaign now In progress clean town. Several more matters were bronchi up for dicoion, among tlie principal being tho question of guaranteeing a "Lyceum course. This brought oat a rapid fire of areument, at the of ahfch Ihe club voted that clo as an organization they could not se their wsy clear lo guarantee the course, but the Individual memtwrs could do so If they saw fit. Judge Morris has been keeping the wheels of Justice revolving quite lively since court opened last Thursday afternoon, and a great amount of probate and other cases have been d'sposed of. and Jury rases are now et until the lth. W. L. Cook, the court reporter, having been railed to Sail placa has been taken the vast few days by G. F. Summers. In the matter of the estate of E R. Itooth. deceased, lb petition of Ann Kliza llooth, praying for the approval of the court of the final account and distribution of the estate Ralph Hell slon was pleasantly surprised on Monday evening by a numIn Ihe estate of Walter Klrgen, de- ber of bis friends at his home. The ceased, the petition of Eliza Klrgen, time was spent In music and games, praying for the appointment of Les- and dainty refreshments were served Mr. and ter Gustin as administrator was' al- to the following guests. lowed, on condition that a bond In the Mrs. A. V. Cadd. Mr. and Mrs. Spend-lov.Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Hird, Mr. sum of 14 300 be furnished. In the estate of Samuel M. Read, and Mrs. Harry Irons. Mr. and Mrs. deceased. It was ordered that Henry L. G. Hobbs. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Adams he allowed to withdraw as at- llelliston. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Irons. torney and T. H. Rurton he allowed Mrs. Leone Chrlstensen, and Mr. and to entas attorney for the adminis- Mr. Ralph llelliston. e, trator . In the case of Franklin Klden Fullmer vs. Goldie Catherine Fullmer, y the plaintiff was granted an decree of divorce;. In the case of Ihe Con. Wagon Machine Co. vs. O. A. Franke. the same was continued for the term. KXTKRTAIXH AT A P.IRTHDAY PARTY Inter-lrcutor- r n, PARTY AT TIIK ItKLI.ISTOV IIOMK as allowed. The cae of 8. O. Ord. vs. R. J. Purraston wss set for trial today. In the mattrtr of the estate of Mrs J. O. Iron rM'tli fed a mm-be- f'ert Vickers, deceased, the petition of lady frlerrts at her home Wed- of Margaret A. Vickers, asking for of administration, was nesday evening. The time was sj- nt f(pr In sew!ng and retires snd dHi'ions with a bond of 1200. refreshments wore serrnl to the folThe case of Ihe State of Utah vs. V V. f;sdd. Mm. Charles K. Jennings, charged with asVr lowing It. J. Irons. Mrs. L. O. H obi. Mrs. sault with a dadly weapon, came on I)ella Belliston. Airs. R. F.. ChappH, for hearing Tuesday and occupied Mrs. ton the time of the court for three days. Mp. Ralph r.elli.-'of"hrlteftn and the hostess. Mrs Wm. H. 5fiow of Levan was the comIrons. plaining witness and the offense wss - The Quarterly Conference of the Juab Stake of Zton will be held In the Tabernerle tomorrow and Sunday. The speakers will be Apostle A. W. Ivins and II. II. Roberts, and It la announced that they will be here to speak at the first sess!on which convenes at 2 p. m. tomorrow, Saturday, May loth. d. Mrs. T. E. Carter delightfully n tertalnad at a family dinner party on the 2th in honor of the ?9th birthday of her mother. Mrs. Ester J. Winn. A very enjoyable time waa had, and many friends called during the day to extend best wishes Those present were Mrs. Joseph Whitaker, Mrs. James Hawkins, Mrs. R. C. Skilllcorn. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Mr. and Mrs. Claud Mrs. Harold Gdddard, Mr. Herbert Skilllcorn and Lieut. C. J, Haw-- k ns of Salt Ijike City. Mr. and .Mrs. Ralph Brough, Mr. Frank Hawkins, Mrs. Herbert Mrs. Louise Willis. WhltaMr, Me-rmil- n, Burton and Mrs. Si?ie Worthlngtoa of Nephl. |