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Show THE 3E EE i See our big line of Men's Suits We can save you from $ 0 to $ 5 on a suit. Worth saving, don't you think? 1 Boys' High Grade Suits at money saving prices. See them See our big line of Sh oes an d Slipf ;ers' All styles, grades and colors at the lowest prices I SONS Never Undersold. 23 K thin spring. tU'.ition is not li perry '. H ill returned bume from Fr;mre Wei!ne.dy, ufter nerving for over ..: in timl roiititry, Mr. I! il of being eij;.Ni thel distinction over I :; the I'l buy to go top. lining taken ;irt in several of ! of last year. the mm l pt n'lif "rr EE First Clean-u- p of all Ladies' and Misses' t. 11. IUer N'T To f .VltllT OVER .! 'ITS AMP O1H fro-- one i io iil)itli'r liml therefore te l our Polii y I fen-iiif- have derided to offer All Suits and Coats ,, at Newest spring styles have arrived. Get a pair while you can get your size in the right tyfe. Better shoe for less money. EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED in black, tan and white. Golden Rule Store I II'ANK, Mna;er. "li- - ter wel l or Ixr.t Money" Novelties jtst received, consisting in part of LADIES' AND MISSES' KWK.VTKItM SILK WAISTS VEST EES CAMISOLES IIOUMIIK AND Al'TO CAPS HEADS 11KAVTY PIXS AND BROACHES VEILS, VF.ll.INO AND RCI I'l.lNti Ask us to show you the new shades in Georgette Waists They are sure beauties Nephi Mer. Co. WHERE Plenty of Ked. GOOD SHOES ARE CHEAPER Buy While We Have What You Want 3E Mrs. Horn's Letter Here hi a letter that is certain to prove of interest to people In this occur in vicinity, as cases of this sort and peoalmost every nelghborhcod, ple should know what to do in like circumstances: "I Diarrhoea Remedy about nine years ago and It cured of flux (dysentery). I had another attack of the same complaint some three or four years ago and a few doses of this remedy cured me. I have recommended Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy to dozens of people 1916 Ort. Mo.. 12, Savannah. I used a bottle of Chamberlain's since first used It" Colic and T--l- When Can You Save on Clothes? 'i. THE BEST TIME to is save on when you buy them; and the best way to save is to buy Look closer at the good clothes. goods than at the piice; be more particular about what you get than what you pay. - HELL A HE MADE TO ;IVE VOU I.OX'J WEAR AND HEHVICK. MAU.X HART H4 HI KEN THE ClyOTIIES WE rm Reduced Prices SUITS, 25 per cent Off COATS, 20 per cent Off Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps You should see our new lines of Spring b'n SUITS and COATS It Spring Novelties 1 We also have an excellent line of returned home Ralph from Enter- morning Wednesday bun been the lie where Utah, prise. last few weeks looking after hi le Interest In that town He nays th.it rain Is liuitly needed In that section Hit It In very dry and the reervoir on which the people depend for Ir- - The New Sut-urdu- y. 1 One Price To AIL Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chriatensen left for Salt Lake Tuesday where Mr. Chriatensen will get treatment for his eyea which were Injured by an, accident some time ago. Pithy, Pointed Paragraphs Duvld Ockey returned home Tuea- Pleasingly Produced. Town duy afternoon from Salt Lake where on account he bus been of the Topics Tersely Told. serious illness of bla wife. He says she la now improving nicely. Mury Morgan returned home from Tlie regular meeting of the Nepal Suit Luke Tueaduy. club will be held at the Commercial Ice for it If, 50c for 100 pounds. UHUal next Tuesday evening. place tf K. Tanner. See All members are urgently requested Alvah Stout returned to Lynudyl to be present. on Tueaduy afternoon's train. One second hand wide-tire- d WANTED Owen See Milk cow for sale. one set of chain har und wagon Uoswell. ness. Also would rent tank wugon Lake Suit for left J. V, Wbltmore for several months. Inquire at the City Tuesduy on a bUHiuetit) trip. Times-New- s otllce. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. C. Pexton visitEugene Tolley returned home yes ed in Suit Luke City Friday and terday morning from Frunce where down from he bus aeon service for over a year. Mrs. J. K. Hawkina Suit Lake this week visiting rela- Mr. Tolley'g regiment was demobil ized at Camp Kearney. tives in Nepbl. Mis Lola Ciuler returned home on John Hunter, the well known live Block buyer of Holden, cume over to Wednesday from Vernal, Utah, where she bus been teaching school the Nepbl yesterday. .Mrs. John MclMiee of Salt Luke pust winter, the schools in that disIn the guest of Mr. und Mrs. J. N. C. trict' having closed for the season. Pexton this week. Just arrived $500 stock of Auto Clarence J. Hawkins of Salt Lake tires und tubes. Juub Co. Farmers' in Ix visiting relatives and friends Equity. this cHy tbs week. restaurant. FOR KENT Hawkina MRS. LKSTKH 1IELLISTO.V Apply to C. H. Garrett. Adm. PLEASANTLY SURPRISED Miss Genell Irons returned borne in weeks visit several after Friday Mrs. Lester Uellistoii was Heaver and Purowan. surprised at her home Friday after- Mis Leta McCutie und Miss Delia nooii by a number of her friends aud McCuuq were up from .Mills Sunday a very pleusum time wus spent, De visiting friends in Nepbl. at clusa George licious refreshments were served to First Dry Cleaning the following: Mrs. A. V. Gudd, Mrs. (tooth's Shop. Also mending rubber. returned Hurry Irons, Mrs. J. G. Irons, Mrs. Miss June Stephenson Vern Vlckers, Mrs. Harry IJeugley, bom Sunday after a pleasant visit Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs. Mrs. Wm. Uellis-to- n in Salt Luke with relatives. and the guest of honor, Mrs. LesLoyal Carter caine down from ter liellision. Provo Tuesday afternoon for a visit with frlnds In this City. Judge Morris and Court Reporter V. L. Cook came up from Fillmore REVENUE TAX yesterday to open court here. Suits made to order at Gerge Continued from I'uge 1) l'ootha. located over Kendall s store. Enoch Iturton und son were up from I'arowan Sunday, going on to stumped are not again subject to tax upon resale at thtt time or at a before returning home. Salt Don't forget we save lower price. Farmers 8. Stock of taxable goods exposed ou mony on Oil and greases. Juab for sale by retailer may be stamped 'o. Fanners' Equity Win. Cuzier was visiting In Nephl before actual sale to consumer. Mr. he latter part of last week. 9. Toilet soaps and soap powders azler reside at Melstone. Montana. are not included in the list upon Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Forrest motorwhich the taxis to be paid by stamps ed to Salt City Tuesday morn-ii- but remain taxable by assessment. for afew days visit In that city. The tax on toilet soaps aud soap FOR SALE 1 yearling Jersey powders Is payable by the manufacheifer and 1 si months old calf turer, producer or importer, and is at Sew Elliot Miller. the rate of 3 per centum of the The waiting room of the local de-- amount for which sold by the manu has been improved the past wee facturer, producer of Importer. by the putting in of a bard wood (Section 900, subdivision 21.) floor. 10. Serums and antitoxines are Abbot of Salt Lake .Mrs. Charl excluded from the tax Imexpressly and Mrs. Wheeler of Rupert, Idaho, Section 907. are visiting relatives in Nephl. this posed by bacterines Vaccines 11. and week. also are exempt, public home lay general returned D. M. Miller Mrs. sale by a physician in personal atThursday from Garfield, t'tah, after tendance upon a patient of medi visiting her daughter for a couple of cinal not so advertised. preparations weeks 12. Regulations fully covering the WANTED TO UUY Second hand cook stove with reservoir attached. subject are now In the course of nd two kitchen chairs. Inquire at preparation and each collector is directed to be In readines to place a Times-New- s office. Jacob Gibson was brought over hands of every retail dealer In bis from Eureka Saturday, being quite district Immediately upon receipt of confined io hie same by him. 111. and has W. C. Whaley, Collector. room this week. We offer fof the next three weeks Helena. Montana. Acme Mower for $75. April 23. 1111. only, our This is certainly a snap. Juab Co. NOTICE Farmers' Epulty. .Mis Lola Carver returned home United States Land Office, Salt Lake Tuesday morning from Milford. Utah, City. Utah. April 17th. after a threw week visit with rela- To Whom It May Concern: tives in that city. Notice Is hereby Riven that the Send tsir good Ilea IUO" to the State of Utah has filed In this office Woolen Mill". n., .Heaver lilts of lands, selected by the said a Stale, under section C of the Act of rily. Utah, ami we will rok fern 4"-I lean, Healthy MHre". Congress, approved July 1C, 184. as Mrs C. H. turd. Mr. Ileber Bird Indemnity School vix: 8wlal 16. and Mr. Harris were over from Mantl 02403. N. W. U, S. K. U. S. E. U. Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. X. E U. 8. E. U, S. E. 8. W. K. J. Itird ol this city. Sec. 10; N. W. ,, 8. V. . W. Sec. X. E. IH.trnt Attorney Murdoch came W. up from the south yewterday to be 11, T. 13. S . R. 2 E ; N. E. 4, 8. E. r.raent at the opening of the May V S. E U. 8- E. U. Sec- - 1". T. U, of Court In this city. 8.. II. I W. t.ood man HELP WANTED Copiew of said lists as far as they Young relate to said tracts by descriptive wanted for steady pwiti'.n. A nlf, to married man preferied subdivisions, have been conspicuous Itox 2T1. Nepbl. t ub, in own hand ly posted In this ofTk for inspection writing. hy any person Interested and by the We will have our gas tank Instal- public generally. led within a fw days and furnish During the period of publication FREE AIR as soon as our machin- of this notice, or any time thereafter. Juab Co. Farmers' snd t.e fore final approval and certi ery arrive fication. under department regulaEquity. I'.yron Ord was down from Provo tions of April 25, 10 7. protests or visiting relatives In this contents against the claim of the city. Mf Ord bas been employed In Htate to any of the tracts or sub Provo the past winter, but Is now divisions herinhefore described on the leaving for his home In .Medical ground that the same la more valuSpring. Oregon, where he expects able for mineral than for agricultural to woX on the farm this snmer. purpose, will be received and noted t'ean Mrothers have purchased the for report to the Oeneral Land Office farm land and Irrigating water of the at Washington, t. C. Failure so to late Thomas Andrews estate this protest within the tiro specified will week. Wm. Itailey has purchased the hn considered sufficient evidence of home nd city property of the same character of tb tract -; sf v and the selections thereof, being Spencer Forrest left yesterday otherwise free from objection, will morning for American Fork where be approved to the state. GOULD II. D LA KELT, he has accepted a position with the t'tah Light and Power Co. Mr. ForRegister. Last rest will move his family there In the Firt pub April 25. near future. 23, pub HEMS OMNTEREST Big Suit Bargains CHARLES FDDTE NEPHI. UTAH. TIMES-NEW- S. j 3- wt 11. 11, ;MD dXITHEi fit L MAKE THEM Of TAIMMtf.D TO LAST AMI KEEP MIWE. WE t.UARAXTEE ALL-WOO- H DHH SlTIEATIO OH f.lYE Vtll II Walk-Ove- r JN MONEY THEM HACK. Shoes Stetson and Mallory Hats The Toggery YOU'LL t.ET YOU II MONEY'S WORTH 3H r2 3H |