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Show THE NEPHT. UTAH. TIMES-NEW- S. Physicians Recommend Castoria AGREE TO LEAGUE OF NATIONS PLAN WITHOUT DIVISON OR AMENDMENT. ZdE- Mr Fletcher's Castoria is nothing new. We are not asking you to try an experiment. We just want to impress upon you tho importance of buying Fletcher's. Your physician will tell you this, as he knows there are a number of imitations on tho market, and he is particularly interested in the welfare of your baby. soslcm wlilioiit u dissenting vole. The president's motion also nnuied Sir .lames Kric I ilinliioiid as Kecre-targeneral of the league and provided fur a committee to Inaugurate the league. Thus one of tin notable works of the conference pusses its final nine inn! Is Incorporated In the- peace treaty. The Krench and Japanese amendments, after a brief d s. .isshui, ven not pressi d, ami the way was thu of cleared for unanimous the league. Italy was not represented at the session, but the name of Italy appear aa one of the members of the league In the covenant 11s finally adopted. Nine labor principles were adopted for Insertion in the treaty. I'les'ilcnt Wilson was recognized at the outset for a explanation of the new covenant of the league. Ills speech was without oratorical ef fect ami confirmed ilie explanation of the textual changi's, ami named r.el-iuI'.razll. tlroece and Spain on the league council mill ylso on the commit tee to prepare plans for the first meeting of the league. I Makluo. In ud of the Japanese doleful Im. In a brief speech called renewed attention to the Japanese amendment on racial oipiallty. fie was a said that the race staiidip grievance, which nilylit a dangerous Issue at any time, ami aiiii.iiiin-.-ithat 1111 effort would he iiinile to have tho principle of racial equality adopted its part of the document. 1'aul Ilyinans, representing Iteluhnn, expressed the regret of the r.eljrlan of (iencva lis people at the seiii-tioof the league of mil ions, while the uplroint; the lil'h aims of the league. Children Cry For y A ucci-plaiu-- Ia" Unra r . VW w - V.WOb1 m B !,,? f. ,,,,,KrTH 1 1 ivs te- -- r 1 VI D 21 VI a 1 M i V.J If v i3 iHJ N..SctWl , V Do the People Know? L T Dtfrttt Thereby Promoting you know why you are asked to call for Fletcher's Castoria ? f when you want a child's remedy: why you must Insist on Fletcher's? int-- and l!csLCjntai For years" we have been explaining how the popularity of iMiucraLNoTNAHCOTiv Fletcher's Castoria has brought out innumerable imitations, substitutes and counterfeits. To protect the babies: to shield the homes and in defense of generations Xt come we appeal to the better judgment of parents to insist 'on ruvf :g Fletcher's Castoria when in need of a child's medicine. And remember above all things that a child's medicine is made for children a medicine prepared for grown-up- s is not interi A toby's food for a baby. And a baby's medicine is changeable. an essential for the baby. ! juit The Castoria Recipe (it's on every wrapper) has been prepared by Constipation and Diartwc the same hands in tbesame manner for so many years that the signature of Chas. II. Fletcher and perfection in the product are synonymous. I? Do ms-.iri-e- - re-- MOTHERS GENUINE Jut CryTArmCoxrc tpu-s.io- te-coii- l SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Si CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of RELINQUISH CONTROL OF WIRES Burleson Hat Recommended That Cable Be Returned to Owner. The government Is Washington. prc.irifis to reiinqiiish control t iiiouili of American cable lines and to restore the telegraph mid telephone (yMenm to private ownership immediately nfter enacinieiit by couiiess o," to mifcKUard the prole laws ii. . Exact Copy of Wrapper. m-x- On the Fence. Artificial Warmth. "Iht yoti Iwlleve," aiiki.-- the thinking 'i "Whafa the Mid of the pn more Chief of 1'olice r.utlcr of Ixm nmn bo(e benvy thouvhtH bad worn lio, an'l the fur oven-out?qiHittlonlfis; a ooimin rlnktc up ami down Ida forehad. "In nhkeil Mr. IVttwIg thniiich rulKtakt. liu'I txi-- tiroucht In "Ne't It a lliiden of fire and brimstone, where erlii-son a vnKrunry rlmrec It turrn-- l out evil ou'n are wnt to alzzle for all Ihnt "It IH." win qultp contrary, liflriE Postmaster Cetieral r.urlesoii. n Arll with the balmy breeze and working woman wli.s- wni head of the wire communicathe chronic In FniiHv. Tlifjr kxvvs quite ii;ttty the klex of blue?" "Well," war taken over ns tion' wrvlce 1 r of l'.mu-mutter a : "n retility, rt iniirkcil "Thill" aoconliriff to popular fancy." ati) measure, iiumaiuced on April 'JS he a matter of advisability "You went to bo fining quHe well ax T!:t you are. Tln re' no life try- don't ; but had ri'coiumeliiliil to President Wilson bnnlnexK wotnnn." ing to turn out flelicnfe rrentlotm of I certainty do." th.it the cables lie turned back forth"You let I in." ctn retort1!. "Arnl thought nlHiut April liliies by mie with, probably not Inter than May in. Ancient Precaution. rtcht now I'm Just wnlttne for Hint menn you can prolb a tetiiKTature An hour biter the m.s( master pein-ra- l I thin nunc home ami approximntely wii m uiii le." "Well rave buhnnl of mine to friendly agreement out a xtateiaent saylnc he would trave of of oiira carved uton a monument tprlng tlie old i:n(t about my not beln: "1i:it the telegraph mil able to pet alon; without him." Id one ancient king. The tieetllewt Infuntlle lenih rate Plono." Ice be returned to priwn telepbotia It?" run read co-the all So that t to public necleet anl Ignorance owing vate tiwners. eolit Indent, however. On Exception. thin rountry f.l.'K'O.rtiO a lay. addil the cither. fiuiiiii-ia- l protection to be obtained "A iMiff. low vole In a "Not only that. It will make It Inr from congress. a wrap of woman' le than pop;ble to treat It toenjnn." "What's tbe If twoI triple can live-onatter with xpeiikeasilen?" nnc It bemiie they have to. TO DEVELOP AIR SERVICE. Crown Win. Ar-r'l- Ai-rll- r hur-huii- r, 11 ESSSEtalS Capt. Charlea J. filidden. an officer the V. S. Air Service. Military atated la Washington, thia w eek : "All men who wlh to take part In the development of the nation' air nervier as an aviator or diriKihle hulloon pllo, chauffeur, tnecbaiiic or work at aome thirty other trade required In the air aerrlce. by xcrniin their mime and add reus Immediately to the I e Service Offli-erpartment Air 1I l'.road fJtrei-t- , New York, N. Y., will an biiKirtnt comuiuiiicMUon on the auhject which I have pri'imred. an officer several after aorvlng month In the t'nlted Stales army flyhool t Southfield. Amerb-us- . ing (leiirgla, and the t'niteil State. Army balloon achool at Fort Omaha. In lave you ever heard this? "My baking powder," says the smooth solicitor, "costs less than Royal' But he omits to say that it often leaves a bitter taste, that food made with it is likely to stale in a day and that it contains alum, which is condemned by many medical authorities for use in food. England and France prohibit ' the . sale of alum baking powders. Aero-nautlc- a, , rei-elv- p trBska." Placlnj Order for Tie. Portland. M. Kranela, awlstant fiorchaing airent for the fedeml railI- -. road adminlstrHtion. Southern Pn1f(e line., baa ptnclns ordera for Mi Iron I tie. to neeret'site 2H.ifit.ffnl feet anions the mill, of the northwet. It wa. announced Monday. Conviction I Sustained. 'irivlf tion of VaMngton. H;ilhii'll ff-t- . IL3 is made from Cream Powder of Tartar derived from grapes Royal Contains No Alum-L- ea vc a No Bitter Tasto on In Oregon the mnils to aiifaini hy the hflrk-- a, e siiir-m- which refused to ret lew his K. V. of In ef. court, xe. Snowstorm Visit Britain. fxmdon. Following n t'o of perfect .pring weather, one of the worf .form, in .otne time msfeil over the P.riti.h Ule. Snndny night, covering the country with front four to oi Inchc of snow. Pari Pari.. 1 he Fair i Opened. Pari. fair, which 4 Of .s tA t . ri Nation. We must preserve our womanhood. There is need, greater thad ever for strong women. Apparently, the race is not as sturdy as formerly or our women are victims of aa and less able to resist disease. Thou.nnds nuftVr nnd thousands bottle brouKht Rood but as r mora uva UobiimcJ to nutli-I was bound to getresult, welt, I toolc iliat uiont iiiHidiuus of twelve. n Nlncty-nt-vi-ratarrli. cent of Fifteen year ago, I started with the people lidvo catarrh.ier It la not Peruns and I wouldn't be without confined to the hr.ul, rma and throat aa many auppnan. l uturrli.il It. ily weight la now around 2u9 Intlitinmution may iill.uk tho stom- pound and I am hale and hearty ach, liowcla or any portion of the at the age of 63. I can do as much body where there ar. mucoua lin- work as my daunhter." ing b. It la no respvetor of The ubb of ivruiia for forty-fl- v or position. Everyone la liable to years in the American family ha attack. proved Its worth, if you are sick, Mrs. Mary Frlcke. B07 Rornman ito not Ktve up. try l'eruna. Writ. Ft.. Hrlleville. 111., was one of lis The l'eruna Company. B, Covictims. Hlie aays: "I have weiKhrd lumbus, cihlo, for IV.Dept. as little aa lao pounds. For years riouk. Tt is free, jiartman' Is l'eruna 1 suffered Willi my stomach, cramps Bold everywhere In Ihiuld and tab-letand severe headaches. After readltiHlst upon havliu; rr. llart-niiin- 's ing lr. llartmun's Hoallli Hook. I l'eruna Tonic. Ask decided to try I'uruau. Tho Brut your dealer for a l'eruna Alraanao. No Wonder. Couldn't Pe Happy. "What are you grumbling about," "I understand she carried the house said the city man to the discouraged by storm." You ought to be the "Sun; no wonder she did n light- fanner. 11111 11 In the world. You own s ning change right In front of tho aufin-iit u I can xpcml your life out In dience." Florida Tltnes-rnioii- . the open." "MlKtor." replied the farmer, "nil Have I've got to nay to you l that I'm not rich enough to he happy on u farm that won't raise enough to pay the on the niortgr.ge." over-civilizati- of nut Ions in revised form, moved by I'resldeut Wilson, was adopted on April US by the peaeo conference in plenary tie 'y t to day lfc v -- u f iliuc- of The covenant of the league I'afls. v of-- lalheliealUiand.MrenethTn 17: a . tiirc aimJ luomers Rests tie Future Integrity - V trS French and Japanese Amendment Withdrawn After Formal Statement Are Made. Italy Not Represented at Session. for children. 1 - - 9m "- right around in your neighborhood : the just like you: tho doctors with souls and hearts : those men who are responding to your call in the doad of night as readily as in the broad daylight; they ar ready to tell you tho good that Fletcher's Castoria has done, is doing and will do, from their experience and their love, Nct rAntonttlSPIuid Pracnrr II NntrMts -the demand REVISED CQVENAN T know th3 real human doctors Ytfdoctors made of flesh and blood - 1 DELEGATES ADOPT fler- - man IotiS ramre (run. and air raid. made lmto.itilp tn.t vear. Wft. for mally opened on Atril 2s by Preident poinff.re and oilur goTernment and noinb ipal offniiil.. (lini-imi- a V s. hnn-ph'- Thousands Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Anxious Suspense. "Are you c'diig. to keep your now for Insurance Often Applicant cook'f" "Can't mi.v. We vet whether we Milt her." Rejected. don't know The band that rules the dyspeptic the pie. Judping from reports from drupnifts who sre ccnHtantly in direct touch with makes the puhlic, there is one preparation that has been very successful in overcoming these conditions. The mild and healing is influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Roo- t soon realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record cf success. , An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in n interview of the suhject, mad the astonishing statement that one reason why f"r insurance are re so many applicant jected is lierause kidney trouble is so the common to the American people,-anla rue majoritv of those whose applications are declined do not even supect that they have the disease. It is on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, I medium sad large. However, if you wish first to test this Teat preparation send ten cent, to Ir. Kilmer & Co., Pinghamton, N. Y.. for sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention tbi paper. Adv. MY HEAD! When t!io head feels thick or aches, when one fecla alt out-of-so- rts perhaps a coated tongue it is the signal that poisons are accumulating in the Eysbrm, and should be cleaned oi't at once. can lie best Can't Be Done. ascribed to our own neglect or "Got any Juck with you. mntey?" with carelessness. When the organs fail asked the fiob. "Split It in the discharge of their duties, me, will yer?" "Can't do It, old pal. I ain't got Unit the putrefactive germs set in and much." generate toxins actual poisons, which fill one's own body. Sleepiness after meals, flushing of the face, extreme lassitude, bilhmw It tW Tim U C R.J ( TWm Uf If Sprti iousness, dizziness, pick headache, Thr'9 ofmo Inaror lb ItchtMt 0M mt tt9t acidity of the stomach, heartourn, sTtiavd Otlilo your frrrhlm, offensive breath, anemia, loss of d)M irr)tili la (uraal9r4 ta rranrvt ttim tko 0117 weight and muscular power, depot. ttmibt of Oth!i ounf ftlinplf ft of trriMrtb fma your dniicirUf. in 4 nff lltflr crease of vitality or lowering f H DttTht and mnrtslnc nnd jr'i Uf tU resistance to infectious diseases, b st bsv tb Wnrmt f 1bt (' dl disturbance of the eye, dyspepsia, th llBh'sT odm bav sjnmh4 ppsir while It In slKm tbt mot fttati wi cnsr indigestion, gastritis, many forms BmH to rwnflislj' rlrar tb km of catarrh, asthma, car afTectjns fcttutlfnl rlt.r rKnplfilrn. tmr t ak for lb dmiht ttrnrih OtMo. and allied ailments result fxra back an of R.ray tbla la 4 inlr a:uari.t U It lalta to fiwfci ion orself-pois- o ling. Take castor oil, or procure at Old The Lady Again. the drug store, aplensant vegemy table Ten wiiil Mm. laxative, called Dr. Tierce's aril you ihotiM Pleasant neih?w n home relicts, composed of Just we hm coll?ctlon of mompntuuiH aloes and jalap. of the war. luton Tninnorlitt. Auto-intoxicati- on llfly-Hft- FRECKLES rr-ki- CTJ Un-lj-. mm ft auto-intoxic- Illun-Iorby- at , ap-in- . May-appl- e, OLD AGE STARTS WITH YOUR KIDNEYS Mstip says thst oM ft besrin with I'srflnn nd enables the Organ to threw VeakcDed kulney and digestive organs. off the prisons which reuse premature, eld New life and strergth Incress This being true, it Is essy to believee ss y"U eonlinne the treniment. When thst by keeping the kidneys nd I'lges-tirestored ronMnre taking werk-tri- g eempletely orssns cleansed snd in f I .MK1 two or dnjr. esh capsule onler old ge ran be deferred and Haarlem till I sp'il,,a will lire prolonged far beroud that enjoyeJ At,brn m'urs b n toi a. ffnr , ,,rent , ,h, f,iw, vera(e jrsou. nt until i.M are or disease I)o not For OTer 200 years COLD MHDAL Ilssrlem Oil has heen relieving tiie lure settled down ttr gfnL At the first weaknesses and disalnlity due to advanc. sen tl.st your knhirys are not working e It is a stsndsrd big yesrs. properly, r" ti ynar driggit and get home remedy and Tiee!s no tntrHlnctim. 1k,x of A!.I Ml. I'M. Haarlem Oil lone refunded if they do Inclosed Oil Haarlem MKUAI. is t'apsul-;OI.I Hut reyon. Three sis. In odorless, tasteless rsp'ule rotifnin-- , lint as fnr the enginat Imported 'member to ask in r about 5 dror-- e'h. Tske them of brauX aealed a MUDAL with would swallow la a (.U.1 psck you piil. ly old-tiii.- I i ln-i- s water. oil stimulste Th the kidney ages. Less Wool Used. Iteprrrts from iiiiinnfiicinrer as tmirket), department of agriculture, show that there was lci wool ued In Kchrtmry than t any lime since fwh sdtitic hy the hureHii of have been compiled. The Klninrv consumption nniounted to 2T..Vg.otsi rxoiiids In the tmiw, comti!rel with .1.7000fio HHiml In Kel.runry of Hooked to Death! This Disf hsppeB If your esttle har horns, of thef inst Iniure nwh othersnd kse-- tb who' herd eicitest. UK IIIMAK. I'reent fcors growing wlill calves are "0"g. It means euDtesusl sad mur prufiuiU herd. I's DR. DAVIO ROBERTS' hit HORN IOLLEH 4 At ene 4emters e v year. Ktrikea which shut down mills roTTAID Sc and the Inntdlily of in;ill iniJM to seCVnrnlt rm. OA vin RoBKlrTaj stwsil all inlmftl fcllsnenut. I cure W ool been use the w xd sold hy e'i tnw rrr-fffensslU.S feee. sold the! government at auction w run list of werfteine er.1 woh (nil infoe-s.ion a cash bni. furnished the renson enrr bI It Cattle I DAVin m is If ')f ys. for the sninll conuioptlon. - w asks ska. VillSIIAtY M . KK.rssS' -- s H-- See-sl-- aihi Rcad'ly Aoapte). are soiigs of the sea so popular?" "I supiHse It Is on account of the whistling buoys." A- HAiR "AVhy Your? W!)trst. Cleastn, na Realist Murine for Rednes. Soreness, Granula tion. Itching and Humir f th Eve or PveliHV "1 PrW After Mmies Monrmg or C.tt will win fnnr rnfMferre. Ask Yerrr Drvrrst Eyes f'r Mnrtne wtien r-- fcees Need C f atria Kjr KeatoUr Co., - M J caicga fit nr ?nioH f.nisf TI-P- t fnmf Wji KTMr H)a4 , Brir fft- P W. N. T BALSAM trtvl P "r Wt iYi'-"14 hnrp O. Sa!t Lak ) AmmfnU. rnMim for !, ! Wftof fh "sr ! Cit r t'e'p 4 It No. 18-1- |