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Show THE TIMK3-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH. S Itl'N IMV. nesa If properly taken caro of. The eaHtern farmer long ago designated i:i:ii:u hm;s the hog as the "mortgage lifter," a Ed. C'azler, who Is milking a opeolul fact which has now been fully demliusiiiess of ft'eiling liotfs, hlpi)d in fvtedliiK fai'HilieH In the future. onstrated by farmers throughout the u cur loud of fttdara from Gunnison, There Is iw Question about the country. Nephl Is an Ideal place for rtuh. u few days uk. Ho will uIho value to the farm of the hoB husi- - th's huuiness and It should be taken up by the farmers generally. SIIII'I'I'.I IN I'Alt I.OAI ok tdiip this week a cur of fat hogs to tli Denver murket. Mr, CHzitjr evidently bPlleveH there ia money In the lu: itiess and experts to enlarge hits I THK UTKUAKY It I (ioiid Itnincs unit Socinl Sense to lluve tlie Homo The air of shown in furnishing" not be deniel. alert Wl'!l and newt l.o n iiwil I'uriilt lir good is""n UHset in Judgment that can- It will pay you to drop in 8 me day just to see how cheaply and beautifully we run fit o :t your home. iiiiiili Mrs. S. U. McCune was hostess on Monday evening to the members of the Literary club at her home. An enjoyable literary program. was rendered. Miss Beit ha McPherson giv-ifa selection of articles from the pen of Walt Mason, and Miss Watkina g vlng two very fine readings, these be'ns "The Tilot of Belle Armour" und "Confession." The club also decided to purchase a Victory Loan Bond, the president, by an unanimous vote, being uuthorized to purchase the same. Those present were: Mrs. Geo. A. Sporty, Mrs. K. K, Forrest, Miss Neva Booth, Mrs. Dennis Wood, Mrs. J. W. Whitniore, Mrs. U. M. Whitinore. Mrs. T. I). Uees. Mrs. N. J. Hees. Mrs. J. W. Boud. Mrs, J. L. Belliston, Mrs. W. C. Andrews. Mrs. James Cole. Mrs. Mark Sowby, Mrs. J. W. Kil'son. Mrs. McMullin. Mrs. I. O. amount. Miner, Misses Bertha and Lula Mc: Ralph Bitchforth came 1'herHon. Miss Watklns and the host Milford Tuesday morning. ess, Mrs. McCune. 1-- 2 r KQVE RALLS- - C Winn, - - - Secretary Nephi National Farm Loan Association ri it t i Have you ever had the price to take a real vacation away from everything you're tired of and all the old places? YOUR VACATION from up this year can be the best youe known if you begin now to save for it. Stai t an account with us today and watch the pile giovv truly an inspiring i.htl FIFTH JI DICIAL DISTRICT OF AND FOM COUNTY, JUAB STATE OF I'TAH. In the matter of the estate of Edwin It. Booth, deceased. NOTJCE The petition of Ann Eliza Booth and Barton Brough. executors of the last will and testament of Edwin It. Booth, deceased, praying for approval und settlement of first, only und final account and for distribution of the residue of the estate, has been set for hearing on Saturday. th 3rd day of May. A. D. 1919, at 10 (10 o'clock A. M.. at the Court House, in the Court room of Bald court, at Ni phi, Juub county. State of Utah. Witnes the Clerk of said court with the seal thereof ttllixed this 22nd clay of April. A. D. 1919. ' Earl S, lioyt. Clerk By Etigenit Cundlund, Deputy Seul. L. A. Miner. Attorney for Petitioners. First pub. April 23. 1919. Second pub. May 2. 1919. $1-5- 0 the Suit A New Suit FREE if they rip of i?ur imitation or Look for , 11 Red Woven Label TRAUSSlCOl Mm4mhy LtI StruM A CoSaa FraacUco torM WM fZl d t.f.VX. NEPHI NATIONAL BANK TOALLOUR PATRONS VK IF on nn ft iVL r.l'tiAK. AMI CAN Hl l'IM.Y YOl'K WANTS WITH AM. Till: IN THIS ltUANIS. I.ATI-S- ;oois. I'At'KAtiK IN oru hh;h T.ASSMKATS A UK KNOWN THKOt t.HOl T 1 11 K i ITV. WK lU'Y THK II KMT OltTAINA-Itl.K- . Utah City Meat Market,I'KOI'KIKTOK Nephi, AltlCKTT. W. (III). 3d For Abstracts of Titles The Uhparalled Heart Drama of Today in Eight Reels SEE- - THEBIGGESTPICTURE 5 l(T.l.'lli tiKlMUilKS, If IV WISH TO ANXOl'XfK THAT AltltY A VVl.l. I.1NK OK U K NOW t 18 n (yjv fllte Monej , Keep Kid Kleen this T. tJTY IN THE D1STH1CT COL'HT OF THE Plenty of Money Per Cent InterOn Improved Farms, at 5 est. Long Time. Easy Terms. Apply to SALT I.AKK Mrs. Jas. T. Ockey, a former resiof Nephl, now living in Salt Luke City, met with a painful accident last Friday in that city in be.ng run over by an automobile. It appears that she was crossing her by State Btreet, accompanied daughter Florence and Mr. Thomas Bass, when a large car, driven by an Inexperienced driver, dashed across the street on the wrong side of the driveway, knocking Mrs. Ockey down, the car passing over the upper part of her body and pressing on the left lung. iMr. Buss was also struck and injured but was able to keep from getting under the car. Mrs. Ockey was rushed to the emergency hospital where medical attention was secured. Although Iter injuries are (juile sefious it is thought ihut she'will recover and at this writing is getting along as well as can be expected. The driver of the car uh arrested for violation of the ordinances of Salt Lake In driv-n- g 4n the wrong side of the street and was lined $10 for causing what came near being a fatal accident, while his victim will probably be put to an expense twenty times that h' Good Furniture Makes a Good Impression .UTO dent ' TXH MTl'NK KNTKUTAINS MHS, HY ! JUAB COUNTY ABSTRACT Ifl TEN YEARS COMPANY The riciurf Thai Will Live We Pay Special Attention to AH Work in Connection With Leases, Mortgages, General Conveyance Ll.i: HtM.I I1AHM miht I'riHltKiion fciiluiiiiK VA DOROTHY tJXH WXt ni'MIXKSS HTKHTLY Ml 'AHA I, Office Goldsbrough Bdg. Over Postoffice C W inn. T. PHILLIPS M anagrr t tromendoun thme A of lh groat war and a Mory of love Uiat pasrth all utiricrntandinK. V, A r) 3j E3 We Are Headquarters I IMHI.CT IISOM ITH HEA. TIOXAI- - BI N IN KV VOKK for Auln Munilrl "On? f lm York." of the mwl 'stirring ever prtpntMl X. Y. In NVw World. !r Truk, tr llnrn I I ' Tribnnw. VE Miri 1 NIVI- -i Admission 25c THEATRE 2 Days Monday and Tuesday 3j 3E 2j I:ilil-Hf tor f'ipr, Kliltcr I toil. wrn rrl llitt Kr. , Kir. iixxl Holler Skulr. Mtr KMrnMnr Krwit Jmm Tank Hfnri Ismiim WIT lr)ilri Wire ll.tfh IWirb Wln rrHUl llin-- MnlM Oil sr utlrry Hwntirr Irr l3c Kir. Trouli, r Kljr firln'llotm M ay 12-1- 3 Kr I'rrum fun I A Picture for the Whole Family I tii ItllltM. omiIik 'Oo wo the "Our adriro X. Y. Heart of Humanity' " Kir iaiMHlt "A diMinrf ac! fevpnipni In X. niolion pirturp creation" Y. Tinien. "TUC UCADT oP Ul JVIANllTy Allen Uolubar'x 6uper Production starring 0OI2OTUV PUILLIPS . I'nlnt ami I ril I'ih kt'l knirr I'miltr Krnrr MliliKit I If It.it nfiil Miinllr Idtmp - A- . VrrTrr ltait Krrilhlnu in Hr1re COOPER, PYPER & 321 ro. a |