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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH. S. LOOK AT CHILD'S UTAH LEGISLATURE I. Tm-.- t WITH 'SIMPLE HOME REMEDY Aa American Mother Beats Them All , , f lamny or eight Is Her story from such mothers as Mrs. Gustave remarkable. Thousands of families Koch. Long iifs to herl Peruna Is Indicated for coughs, colds, catarrh Tfovnnique In that tba mother, of the head, nose and throat,' or disjjr care, pinned her order of the stomach, bowels or remedy and other organs due to catarrhal Inkhlldren. flammation of the mucous linings. una has If you are sick and suffering, nave a write the Peruna Company, Dept. of eight and never had a Columbus, Ohio, for Dr. Health Book. It la free and LiinM Peruna a splendid tonic." Bo far as we have learned, Pa- you may And that Peruna Is what rana U the only known remedy for you need. Dr. Hartman's World Fawhich Much a wonderful claim can mous Peruna Tonlo comes In either be made. Like Mrs. Koch, there liquid or tablet form. Ask your are thousands upon thousands of dealer. If you are seeking health, soothers who place their entire de- do not accept "something Just as Insist upon Peruna. Tour good." pendence upon Peruna. That Peruna has merited this dealer will give you a Peruna con Aden oe is attested by the words s Hart-man- 'a M isunderttanding. She What do you think? A tint nearly got in my head lust night. He You're lucky. Mine always get feet In niy Somct lines you meet an automobile-drivwho need a new inner tube In his head. er WOMEN Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications aa they cannot reach the llUHd portion of the ear. There is one cure Catarrhal Deafneas, way to only and that le by a constitutional remedy. acts HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE through the Blood on rha Mucous Surfaces of the System. Catarrhal Uaafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the rnuoous llnlnir of the Fustachlan Tube. When this tube Is tnAamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely cloned. Deafness Is the result. Unless the Inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearrng may be destroyed forever. Many caeee et Deafness ars caused by Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed condition of the Mucous Surfaces. ONE H1TNDRKD DOLLARS for any ease of Catarrhal TVafneae that cannot be cured CATARRH HALL'S by MEDICINE. AH DruKXtets 75c. Orrctilars free. r. J. Cheney St Oe., Toledo, Ohio. On Himself. . Novelist Roolh Tarkington tells with gusio this dory against himself : "I was strolling round an urtists' lied Cms fair when two pretty flap-pe- r of sixteen or so came up nud asked ate for my antnpraph. " "I haven't pot a fountain- - pen,' I auld. much flattered. 'Will pencil doT " replied the older Hupper, 'TC'l eo I took out a pencil and signed my tame la the morocco bound book that oa had given nte. The flapper studied my signature with a frown. Then she looked up and aid: "Area"! ya Robert W. CIihiiiIht?' "'No,' MM L Tin Rooth Tnrklng-tou- .' NEED T Thotmnds of women have kidney and blndder trouble and never suspect it. W'omenn' complaints Dfteu prove to be nothing cine but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cuue the other organs to become diseased. Pain in the back, headache, loss of ambition, nervousness, are often times symptoms of kidney trouble. Don't delay starting treatment. Dr. Kilmer's Kwamp Root, a physician's pre rription, obtained at any drug store, may be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or large size bottle immediately from sny drug store. However, if you wish first to test this prcnt preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hinnliamton, X. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. , Wild Horses a Problem. hits courteously but firmly refused to consider the stringy incut of the bony Montana wild range horse. Washington dispatches declare that I'nlted States Senator T. .1. WitlsU of Montana, who took the itialter up Kith the French high commission, wan told that Km nee was not In the market for Montana horse meat on any term. Sale of the range horse for food him Ions? been nutated, as he devour the range, lie Is worthless as a horse and to round him tip. slay and bury him would cost too much money. He is too numerous to kill and let lie, "The flapper Inrned to her friend since he might start a plague. Vaw ith a Kb. rug of disgust. to can him have lieen rious "l-enrublwr. Slay,' she gently projects your dc scorned by Americjm Hint aid- packer", and the solution of the problem. It would seem. Is not yet. Albert Explains. "Alttert Pennyroyal Jones, tell me this Quite So. minute where yon are going." demandlittle Throe girls were discussing head bouse. ed the of the elulis fathers the their belong to. "My A"Why er tny dear," explained U'lotigs to the Moose," said "X : lbert rms-ktr going to father Mn nr. Ut)gr "My dad belongs to the F.Iks," said ". likely atory. Indeed. Ton were goI.tirlle. ing in do nothing of tW kind." "My papa must belong to the ele"Yes, I was nlHiot te nay that I was He's so fnt and big," rephants. going to lodge er a rxatuplaint with marked Ignore. was she that dremnker making your And mother, who was listening, had your clothes too cheap looking." to leave the room to laugh. tea, Rafalo. it I far easier to let Particulars. talr grow long than It I to write g "I henr thut young Spendjt Is poetry. Frnnt-- e 'V,' . po-In- under." 'Very much so. He Is either tinder Nothing worried a chronic: kicker like the refusal of thing's to go wnrng. his automobile or tinder a cloud." - - ir The Same Delicious Satisfying' Drink Used for years instead of coffee by families who value health . Rich in aroma. Pleasing in flavor. Economical. No table drink has ever taken the place of Postum 1 "There's a Reason" Get it at grocers. Two sizes 5c & 25c. ( ediK-utioua- If Look at the tongue, mother! coated, it is a sure sign thut your lit tie one's stomach, liver and bowels needs a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When poevlsh, cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act natu rally, or is feverish, stomach sour, breath bod ; has ktomurh-a- t he, sore throat, diarrhflca, full of cold, give teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few bours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bue gently moves out of the little bowels without griping, and you bnve a well, playful child again. You needn't conx sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative;" they love Its dullclous taste, and It always mokes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a bottle. of "California Syrup of Figs," which Las directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-up- s plainly on the Wvt.-- e of counterfeits sold bottle. here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that it Is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." Refuso any other kind with contempt. Adv. Where the Drinking It, Done. "This is a dry state." l their "Wives dou't have to husband's brcatti when they come homo." "Not when they oaae l"rN. We now have to smell their breu'.hs immediately after they've been down ir. the cellar to look nt the furnace Are." Detroit Free Press. ' si-l- JST FLOWER used for ull ailments' that GREEN'S lias been A'-'-C- ore cuused by a disordered stomach and Inuctive liver, such as sick headache, constipation, sour stomnch. nervous Indigestion, fermentation of food, palpitation of the heart caused by gases in the stomach. AugtiM Flower la a gentle laxative, regulates digestion koth in stomnch and Intestines, cleans and sweetens the stomnch and alimentary cue a I, stimulates .the liver to accrete the bile r.nd Impurities from the. blood. Sold in nil civilized countries. Give It a trial. Adv. The Wise Chief. Reporter "What started the blaze, chief!" Fire Chief (in a insurance." pro-Tlih- e Post-porte- ed Good During the Month of March. OVER ONE MILLION JARS OF VAPORUB PRODUCED EACH WEEK It Is with pride that we announce to the drug trade that the shortage of Vlck's VawRuh, which has lnsted since last October, Is now overcome. Since January 1st, we have been running our and a half laboratory twenty-thre- e Last hours out of every twenty-fou- r. week we shipped the last of our buck orders, and retail druggists, therefore, ore no longer requested to order in small Quantities only. t nntl-cignre- 15 minutea after boiling begins. "i e Vtiffi-V-va- Postum Cereal Boiled just liKc coffee e ta'Villf The Original 1 Suit Luke t'ily. The thirteenth session of the I'tuh legislature came to n close at 10:4H o'elm-- Monday night, Mairb IT. at which time the senate and house adjourned sine die. Uy actual time the thirteenth sesy sion, which begun on the 13th of and officially ended on the 13th of March, continued with stopped clocks Just four days, ten hours und forty-eigh- t minutes over the time allotted by luw for the legislative sessions, but, so fur hs the records of the legislature show, adjournment cttine on March 13. Among the most Important measures that received the approval of both bouses were the house bill providing for a bond Issue of $4.0KM"H for state highways and for Mate with the federal government In the construction of permanently improved roads In the state. With mis Is the aenute bill designating the state system of state highways and providingfor the expenditure of state and other funds on road Improvements. Other prominent measures were the senate bills providing for state with the federal government in soldier settlement work, to provide farms and homes for returned soldiers. These measures provide for a bond Issue of $l,tKH),t"X to curry on this work In Utah. There Is an amendment to thP workmen's com ten sat ion act raising the weekly benefits for temporary disability from $12 to .$1(1, and a mine lax measure whieii provides for tiie assessment of metalliferous mines on a basis of three tlirs llielr net proceeds. One of th most Important bills to the slate Is the I tern coal lands leasing ad, vihli h retains InInthe state title to state hinds und all mineral deposits provides for the leasing of such hinds for mining operations, on a royalty' basis to the state. In the line of edticntioil is all net providing for the eslulilishment of hcitlth eiliiculioit throughout the slate. of this educawiih a tion und the placing of solnml ntirsi-- s in tvery public school of the state to of cliililreit and build gilMI'4 the up Ibeir physical bodies. This legis lature enacted what Is known as the Aini-- i li iini.:iiiiii act designed to com-K"ilttelnhltH-Ukhi sell i Mil of foreign-enud providing school In which for elgners niav be educated Into real Americans. Another ml I one Hint provides for scIkmiIs for the benefit of part-timI hose Miiable to attend the regular schools, a lid raising the age limit of i iptilsory iiiteiidniice to IS years l'robulily the most litiMirtMHt piece of l legislation Is the vocational education m-- enabling the slate to cooperate with nii'l receive federal funds und benefits In this new depar ture in lines of education. d In a health line the legislature an act to enable the state to secure re'lcrM! aid In control and ellm Inatlon of soclu! dJsensc. provided for free clinic tbrottgluuit the state and another act establishes a home for the n habllltntioti of fallen women, The legislature also adopted an right hour day for working women, rnncted a blue ky law for the control of stock promotion to eliminate 'wild- ratting," and It enacted nn Important bill m water rights providing for a general survey and adjudication of the Involved and complicated question of water rights throughout the common wealth. An mrtant law to guard against mid sabotage criminal syti'll'-iilNwas also enacted, along with a law directed against the progress of Itol stievlsin and other anarchistic tendencies In Hie form of an act preventing the display of any flag of disloyalty The legislators sfopjwd work with the feeling that the ttiirt'nL-s'i- m which began on the M.led on the 1.1th of the session K,A"tlie not an "unlucky ' state In any sense. fiier of rlgarets were given rather a shock on March 1 1, when both houses t bill, passed the Sotithwlik the memure being sent bark to the bouse for ratification of minor amendment, whrt-- It was killed by a vote of il ayes to 14 nays. 10 members being absent. Hut one vote was lacking to secure adoption. (Igaret smokers mny brenthe more freely, as it was at first rejsiHed that the measure had passed. Whether the governor would have ignei the bill is problematical. The report of the sifting committee, submitted to th? house Just before the recess Humlay evening, left but four bills on the calendar, one of which was a honse bill which proiocs to five the public otil'ies commission greater power. When the sifting committee reported the botis went Into an uproar, those who had bills on the list for killing wanted to move amendments after the motion bad been put toj alopt the sifting committee's recomris'nflalion. j ne oeoaie wo.iiei ii, in a f,"e-fo- r all, with alt rules suspended. - SWAMP-ROO- Tue Deal Scheduled for Last A TREMENDOUS JOB TO INCREASE OUR PRODUCTION d November. Which Wa In this emergency we tried to do our on Account of the Influ- part. We scoured the country for raw enza Epidemic, la Now materials our Truffle Manuger spent Re-instat- GIVE CALIFORNIA ,VRUP OF FIGS AT ONCE IF BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED. Jun-UHr- . 0, HURRY, MOTHER! REMOVE POI SONS FROM LITTLE 8TOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS. Session Continued Four Days, Ten Minutes Hours and Forty-eigh- t Over the Time Alloted by Law For Legislative Sessions. There are few families in which the record of Mrs. Gustave Koch, Box 24, ivewicK, KeokuK County, Iowa, has !een surpassed. Not in the fact that she SHORTAGE OVERCOME AT IAS1 CROSS, FEVERISH MEMBERS WORK OVERTIME TO COMPLETE THE BUSINESS BEFORE THEM. Reared Her Family pr TONGUE IF SICK, IRK FINISHES IIS DRUGGISTS! VICK'S VAPORUB Mor married couples would be happy If liie husband wa deaf and the wtf luind. NOVEMBER DEAL This deal, which we had expected to put on last NovetinVr and which had to be postponed on account of the short for the age of VapoKub, Is month .of March. This allows a dis count of 10 on shipments from Job bers' stock of quantities of from 1 to 4 gross. 5 of this discount Is allowed by us. by the jobber and We advise the retail druggists to place their orders Immediately, so that the Jobbers will be able to get prompt shipments to them. THANKS OF THE PUBLIC DUE THE DRUG TRADE DURING THE INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC. Hie thanks of the American public are certulnly due the entire drug trade retail, wholesale and manufacturing for what they accomplished during The the recent Influenr.a epidemic. war caused a shortage of physicians nurses were almost impossible to obtainthe demand nn the drug trade was unexpected and overwhelming, and to this demand they responded notily. Retail 'druggists kept open day und night and slept where they dropped behind the prescription counter. Wholesale druggists called their salesmen off the road to help nil orders-hund- reds wired us to ship Vlck's Vupo-Itu- b by the quickest route, regardless of expense. Tt ssssb his days riding freight cars force of a MM) Our people. Vlck's Vutxdliih the Ideal home remedy for croup and cold trou- ibles. mm m -- Cafe fornia to Maine, and from the Great Lakes to the Gulf, have found VI Sirtii S wa created for the benefit of these workers, served 7,00(1 meals during the month of Jununry alone. 13 MILLION JARS OF VAPORUB DISTRIBUTED SINCE OCTOBER. An Idea of the work we have accomplished this full may be given 13.028,070 by our production figure Jurs of Vupoltuh manufactured and distributed since last October one Jur for every two families In the entire United Stntes. Ptirlng the influenr.ft epidemic Vlck's VapoRub was used as nn external application In connection with th physician's treatment, and thousundsanf peo ple, unable to obtain a doctor, relred on Vlck's almost exclusively. Uterally millions of families ; II over the country, from Cali ICR'S'V'APORUB ai In shipped raw in.'tcilnls In rarlnnd lots by express and pleaded with manufacturers to iucrease their deliveries to us. Hut it was a slow process. Some of our raw materials are produced only In Japan supplies In this country were low and shipments requited three months to cuue from the Far Then we hud to recruit and train sUUled labor. We brought our salesmen Into the factory and t ruined them We Indented new maas foremen. chinery, and managed to Instnll It on Christmas Pay, so as not to Interfere with our dnlly production. 143 JARS OF VAPORUB EVERY MINUTE DAY AND NIGHT By January 1st we hud everything ready to put on our night shift, und since then our laboratory has been running day and night. To feed, our automatic machines, which drop out Jars if one hundred and forty-thre- e VapoRub a minute or one million i'i I eighty thousand weekly, has reiilr. t saastsllilsal ix ! Egoism. your (Intighter taking singing les'lSIigglns seemed exceedingly thanksons V ful yesterday." r j"That's what you heard, till right! "Ye. Rut he somehow manage I hoie you don't think for a minute make bis gratitude sound like sheer Mint I had started beating my wife." lsuistlng." I'tifTalo F.xprcss, MIs RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half p'nt of wster sdd 1 oc. Rsy Rum, a smsll box of Rsrbo Compound, and oc of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you csn mix it at home at very lit tie cost. Full directions for nuking anil use come in raeh box of itarbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked. (ah-gray hair, and tnnke it soft and glossy. It will not eolnr the scalp, is not sticky or gresy, and does not rub off. Adr. 'FRECKLES Is tk. las t'stially a big man is Iim buy running his own business to iKitber nbotit other people's. to Cat tU W TImm Ugly Spstt kmc f tWilf to llcatsrt 4 so TWs ss HhlB ifcmbt sahaaml of foot trvtutm U (uarsattrs tm mwta tats sostsl spots. Als sa mr of Otttas simMr sad artlr s Uttls dmctit. tmsh rma rnr Sana sb"al4 ) of It alsbt siorBIn, 7s sstis t l a lbs ort tmiM k tSat aallw as klM ta li(titr pr r, ! tlr-l-f. tass sua sua'S It Is lbt la tba skla aa4 faSs 4 to ranit1r rt-a wt t fnl cbar mt'li l" b OtMsa, S- - sar Ut aak tm lb-ib l saoaaj bars) aa tbla la sola saaar raii It It fails la nawn rraraiaa. At. When the cat's awny get Insomnia. t'PI'ortunity knock on your doorj and Upporiunlty's nickname Is Luck. 4 Ksw frl. ar 4-- the iielgblmrs a-- m fil Saw Mof More and more, thoughtful women arc decreasing the cost of living by increasing the variety of their home baking. They have learned to bake the Royal way with fewer eggs. They have found that more baked foods mean less meat They have further discovered that their baking keeps fresh longer when .made with 1? Ffik Baking iL iiljiLyi Powder Absolutely Pure In many recipes, only half as many eggs are required, In some none at all, if an additional quantity of Royal Baking Powder is used, about a teaspoonful in place of eacl egg omitted. Try it with your favorite Royal Contains No Alum-Lea- ves recipes No Bitter Taste TMW' " "ifffrffsTf1 ffT''wsP'' fij |