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Show ISSUED Who High By meat prices are too high. Your retailer says he Wsshlngton. General March announced the figures on March M, showing tlmt comprised tllvlslouul troops and dlvlaloual replacements; 240.000 corps and army troops, and 60,000 service of supply troops, Demobllliatloii reports niuile pudllc 101,-52- 8 March showed by General officers uud iucu dlscliargcd to date, while the iiiimlter ordered released had reached 1.01S..VX). Battle caouulllcn of the American army in JTrnce, as shown by revised dlvlMloual records announced by (Jen-eI Murch. totaled 240.197. These include killed iu action, wounded, miss-uiThere In action snd prixoners. probubly will be some slight further men, cents is for operating expenses, and 85 cents goes to the stock raiser; a M4 ee S aa MtiUf Vt taktae laiatln .1 Ipaat aara . aack as I IlMH.t Falfcrta. A4. elaeo gwmtm baetoe w, IT. determine moral action; and moral action lead to nwiMry law. HlaixVr train DON'T It can't no love. "FLU" FEAR THE DR. HIL get ymi. If you tiae LERS tSSLNTlAL OIL TATLETS." .quickly Ihrt throat And relieve cough, colds, all lung troubles, reduce fever, present Attack if taken in time and are free lrom drugs or opiate. A real svhich should be uaed in every home. Trial .package of 2 tubes, SI 00. Full package, 19 tube tS 00, Complete direcUoo. famlpmA om sweeipt of price. ntCOCRICK MILLER. M. D. life-eave- s- 423 Co!u!.L! Realty Lt Aaa!e. Calif.. BU. Heal Itching Skbs With Cuticura Kg""" Maai, M a. T.-- m 1 mm A MO KIN ffm aa m. r. rpv, p. a. r S took g,JIUet ana 4mm TO.) m hiL. m ... r Wa Ilk m rm m 1 SI t ewe mm. tea R frea. U a m S TV etSa. m, iartaet. Both Beef and Milk oos bread that THE thoae stiffened joints, that backache, rhen- matitm, lumbago, eciatiea, rail atones, gravel, "brick duat," etc. They are aa effective remedy for all diaeaaes of the bladder, kidney, liver, stomach snd allied organs. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil CsDoales eleanes the kidneys snd purify the blood. ibey frequently ward on attar ka of tne dangerous and fatal diaeaaes of the kidneys. They have a benelictal effect, aad often Completely cure the diaraaee of tbs bodily organa, ailien witb tbe tuatiocr saa kidneys. If you sre troubled with soreness scross the loine or with "eimple" scbea and pains in the bsck taks warning, it may be tbs preliminary indications o! aome dreadful malady which can be warded off or cured if taken in time. Go to vonr druegiat today and 1ft a bos of GOLD MKDAL Haarlem Oil ;.peules. Money refunded if thev do not yo. Thrve sices. GOLD MfcDAL sre the pura, original imported Haarlem Oil Capsules. Adv. Accept No Substltutea. "Out of Torment and Misery to Comfort" Headache Neuralgia Toothache Earache Rheumatism Lumbago Colds Grippe Influenzal Colds Stiff Neck Joint Pains "Proved safe by millions" Adults Tale one or two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin wltS water. If necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals. klv-V.- Holds the Faith of Medical Leaders! cent Payer pad ages slse larger Bayer packagve. Buy Bayer package only Get original package. SO American School Near Paris. New York. The American Army university, the largest nnlveniily In the industrious chap." been world, hs "Yea," replied Farmer Cnrntowwl. opened In lleaiime, soutbeaat of I'arK "He never would let us have our own It was announced here Sundsy. Fifway. Now that his mother would be teen IhouHfltid soldiers have enrolled him to nothhave do perfectly willing courwe. for a ing hut visit an' tell stories, he Insists on bcln' out where the rest work Colby's Resignstion Accepted. golu' on." We li I net n. The reniicnntlon of IliilnhrMk'e t'olt.y a a tminlHT of the BOSCHESSYRUP xhipping iMtnnl. autmiltted to lreident Why use ordinary rough remedies Wllwm several week sgo, has Iwen In awpting the resignawhen Boschee'a Syrup hss been uaed tion the iircaldent. In a iermsl letso successfully for fifty-on- e la years to Mr. Colby res ret and all pirts of the.Uolted ' States for ter, exT-"-- l coughs, bronchitis, colds settled In ths praised his nenlces. It throat, especially lung troubles Americans Wad F ranch Women. gives the patient a good eight's rest, I'sris. Within the la.t year free from coughing, with essy expectoration In the morning, gives nature Americans In France have married a chance to soothe the Inflamed parts, French women, sccording to the Petit throw off the disease, helping the pa- Journal. The bride, for the most part, tient t reps In Ms health. Made In ssys tlx newBer. were country America and sold for more than half girls or employees of tow n century Adr. important to Mothora Examine carefully every bottle of CA8TORIA, thst fsmous old remedy tor Infanta and children, and set that it Bears the sw y. rr Signature In Use for Over Do Years. Children Cry for Fletcher' Castori KllKllHh-M-akin- f r USjtf&CU Cas.'t Way. "How cn you tell a dogwood "Easily. !!y Its hark." Bauer Tablets -- ?e, )Aspiirnini Genuine Tablets The"Bayer Cross"on treef AapiHa Is (be trade eaark of Ktrer Maaafactars af afaaooeelkseidVeter of SaOeyHcacU l. Proof that Some Women do Avoid Operations 2s Vt Mrs. Ella Dorion. of Ogderuburff, VU aajit I frafferM from female troubles wblch csnsed tilercln ralni a side. 1 all mr like knife through tny beck; and finally an operation strength, so i had to go to bed. lbs doctor advised 1 had rtsd slfut but I would not listen to it. I tboueht of e darken streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft aad gtoaay. It not tcky eolnr the scalp. will gresay, and does not rub off Adv. r at 'Vst.vvm 1 UU1 CraonUlel Cyelld, - tflNbrsd Oars to fas, Best Eyesga For Vssk si Ik Marine It evM- w lad relieved Hv Hartee tret welL "My mother, wbo bad been feelped by Lydla T.. Tlnk. y rretabie compoarvt, advised me to try it re lor tmbmitung to an operation. It relieved tne from II my troubles so I can do toy hoc work wltMnt any difficulty. I advise any woman wbolamiPV-- .l witb female troubles to rive I.vdi E.I1nkhsm,sVr;'v table Compound a trial aad it will do as much Mrs Uajux Uotd, 1421 (th for tbm nam i No .nMrtirr. Comfort. AJ trf ssad cat par Bottle. an fye free write K- - Kills Family as Religious Sacrifice. tye Beesedy Cn Chlcag. Sands. , CaAtoa, ' UUo. Evcnj Sick Woman Shdii t'aaevllle, lich. I'snl Xtsgele, seed was arretel here after ti finding of the bodies of his sged motlier snd three children. Margie told police officer, they ssld. he killed the four as S "religions ascrlfice." SO, Raid Upon Anarchists. Wslertmry. Conn. Nearly 2r) syn pathlxer of the IndoMrlsl Workers of the World. Including Alexander Cheer-nofC- , of fTtlgo, rtiot)l orrnief of the I. W. W. movement, were srrelel l Caoton, Ohlov "1 suffered from a female trouble which rinsed rot tnttcb SnTrrinr. ana two ooctort Oectiea thst I woald Lave to go through aa op ration before I couid diln Will ersdnally - How Mru Boyd AtoUc1 an Operation. eiifelii dyp'ls vjt- Lydia E. link barn's Veiretable Compoond and tried It. Tbe first bottie broa;bt trreat relief and six bottles have entirely cored me. AH women who have female trouble of ac klod should try Lydla . llokbam's VegeUUa Cotcpouixa." Plotted to Kill President Foreslghted. New York. Two year sgo In Honfh our wedding, I "Jsck, dear. Bcthleliem. I'a a eon.plracy to wlti yon won Id see a doctor." Ireiient Wilwm and other "Why should IT I am well, except for a touch of dyaiH-pais- . of the t'nlled Htstes high official "That's Just It. I'd like yon to get hatched, according to certificate from him which would show a made Saturday by Mrs. sntedsted our f'elia fTwber. thst your msrrlsge." ffctston Transcript. Council to Resume Negotiations. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. I'srl. Tti" aupreme war eMincil a To kalf p at of water add 1 os. Bay Ran resih-- l Sstnrrlsy night a email bos ot Barbo Compound, and H whereby the negotiation Interniptsd a. of glyeerifte. Any drnsswt can put th st Ss will le mmetiiely rc-- rwd op or yee en sns it st soma st very lit st soother ioint. frotisbly somes here no Uo eoat. a aw for Vina Fall directions In IW'Iglum. e sntne in each bos of Barbs Compound Joints, Sorslna, BroSse. ftoft Boot bee; Ileal Poll, roll There Is tut rhyme for s'lfer, hut EtO. Quit tor. Fistula and Infected ooreo quickly Jlnglee with gold Very nicely. is as it a pontirs sntieeptic aad germicide. Pleaasnt to OrV Standard eatd nuiiitr for M ymrm Im tatlr form aaia.aug, aaop4ataa bcaaaa up a aold renevca grip la i dajra. Meawy .a 14 hour bark if it falls. Th (nuiB boa baa a R4 to nU Mr. HUl'a picture. Al All Drug Btara. Tou can prevent thla Inathaome dlaraaa from running thrnuah your alW and cure all tha colta aulTarlna with It whm you beam th treatment No matter bow young, SPOI1JTS ( OMPOtKl) la safa to una on any colt. It la wonderful how It preventa all tflatempera. no matter how tha colta or hornri at any ace are "expoaed." Irons I la aold by your drusrlat. SPOIl.H Si Ell IC A I, CO, Solr Mtrak, Ooabea, lm4. 0. Colng Therefrom. "Hrethreu and slaters." remarked the visiting presiding elder, "looking at the evolution hat has taken place among 3a, omJVrlnr the socisl upheaval that we see on side, taking not- - of the turmoil that eslats fin every hand, I aak, brethren and Slaters, what Is thla world coming toT" " "I don't responded the reg'lar inlnlMcr. "nut a l.trge port of It Is nd coming to this church." No Posing for Josh. "Your iHiy linn proved a wonderfully It wotln cascaraM quinine COLT DISTEMPER - n -- will reduce Inflamed. County fifty! Tour cold In head or catarrh dlssppesrs. Tour clogged nostrils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more s.iurTllng. bswklng. mucous dlschsrge, dryness o.'- headache; no struggling for breath at night. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm-froyonr druggist and apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic cream In your nostrils. It rtene.Vstes through every air passage of the head, soothing and healing the swollen or Inflamed mucous membrsne. giving yon lntsnt relief. Hesd colds and catarrh yield like magic. Innt stay stuffed-uand misers Me. Belief Is sure. Adv. Shopmen Seak Higher Wages. Several hundred WsshiugtMi. tliouaand railroad) whop employee, have aked the railroad administration to Increase their wage about 25 pe cent. The board of milnmd wages and working conditions ha sgreed to hear their caw. - l such a liberal speeder." How To Get Relief When Head Z and Neso are Stuffed Up. con-nect- 1 Tbry My he's fane through twi fortune already." "Whit of thatt I should think t very alee to be married to a man who OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLO OR CATARRH SlgneI. sI-a- Swift & Company, U. S. A. notr old-tim- Dsclaros Hs Will Return to Private Life. I'urU. That Herbert t'lark Hoover, the Amerlcuu food administrator and lately apMlntetl llrHtor general of the luterulllel relief orgnniuitioii. Is to ceaie his relief work 111 the summer was indicated In a Htatement Issued Sunday by Mr. Hoover concerning the wheut situation. He intimated j that a majority of his would return to private life. Spesklng of various problem with the wheat situation, Mr. Hoover said that they would need to he solved by woineone ele "ItecsilNe neither iiiywlf nor mot of the men in the f'Hl almluiaraiioii will lie side to continue In the service of the after next July." "We, also, must earn a living." Mr. Hoover sabL ed "Why When you're fifty, your body begins to creak s little st the hingee. Motion is more slow and deliberate. "Not so young as I ourd to be" ia a frequent and unwelcome thought. Certain bodily function! upon which good health and good apinte so much depend, are impaired. 1 be weak epot is generally the bladder L'npleaaant ymptoma show tbemaelveo. Painful and other organs annoying complications in true with elsriae. Thie ia particularly derly people. If you only know how, this trouble can be obviated. For over 200 years GOLD M F.DAL Haarlem Oil has been relieving the inconvenience snd pain duo to advancing home years. It ia a atandard, It it remedy, and needs no introduction. now nut ud in odorleaa. tantelraa caneulea. Tbeae are eaaier and more pleaasnt to take tbaa tne ou in Domes. Each eapeule eon tain a-- about one dose of fiVe drops. Taks them juat like you would snv Dill, with a email awallow of water. They soak into the system and throw off the Doieons which are tnakine: von old be fore your time. They will quickly relieve would take this offensive male brute Into custody. He has persisted in following me all evening." Food Administrator responsible. No one, apparently, is benefited by higher prices and higher income. We are all living on a high-pricscale. One trouble is, that the number of dollars has multiplied faster than the quantity of goods; so that each dollar buys less than formerly. "I shouldn't marry a young man ef bis type. If t were you." A Meek and Lowly Follower. HOOVER TO QUIT IN JULY, No one, apparently, is No Tightwad. Anyhow. wu shiver or sneeze, take WEAK KIDNEYS MEAN A WEAK BODY flim I reorts compiled by the years of .l'.tH l.'. lO. Hospital record from the expeditionary forces. General Murch suld, showed 81,2.'U pulleuts on February JO, s reduction from 112,217 since the e a 19. corn, or corn beiween the toes, and the calluses, vrtthout soreness or Irritation. Freesone Is the sensational discovery ot a Cincinnati genius. It la wonderful. age per thouxand In civil life during sruilxlh-- At the first sign of Jacobs Llnlmsnt." -- - raiser points to rising costs of raising live stock. Labor reminds us that higher wages must go hand in hand with the new cost of living. than la both beat sod milk is the Shorthorn, fihorthora steals repaatedly broko too record! at tha markeU la The Way of It 1V1S, soaking the ktgW Doesn't hurt a bit I Drop a little "Madum, your huslmud footed th sat raoord oa the opaa market o (30.60 I knew he'd kick "There! Freesone on an aching corn, Instantly bill." 14'. And tiborLboraporowl. sows that corn stops hurting, then you lift about It." hare max records ot It right out Yes, magic ! OTar 17,000 lbs. per year. It hllmfmnmm'tiimj. The man who considers his own baring ufre aWSy saa eM A tiny bottle of reeione costs but a few cents at any drug store, but la suff- faults has but little to say concerning W. N. Salt Lake City, No. icient to remove every har4 corn, soft the faults of others. Much to her chagrin, the lady are received. the wur de- speaker had Inudvertently ard con used the expression "l)o you partment show that from the dale of tlnuallymeT" A meek little man In the the entry of the United Stales. Into follow the war to February 21, 1019, there front row added to her annoyance by were :Ci9 suicides In the army. Of signifying each time- that he did. The lady sjM'aker wns exceedingly these, 10:i occurred In the United Finally she exceedingly. States and 140 overseas. In milking annoyed this total public. General Murch taint- beckoned to the bonne policeman. ''Officer," she ordered. '"1 wIkIi you ed out that it was fur below the aver- as Statistics revlKlou live-sto- ck 3 "8t old-tim- g and that the prices of live stock and meat move up and down together. mi net-dull- y participating In enguKfincnlS sgslnst the enemy numbered 1,C1K,()00 has to pay higher prices to the packers. Swift & Company prove that out of every dollar ,the retailer pays to the packers for meat, 2 cents is for packers profit, 13 The American troops Instant relief! Rub this nerve torture and mlsesy right out with n Officers and Men Discharged to Date Are 1,31,62. Battle Caeualtlss of American Army In France . Totalsd 240,197. retail be prevented easier it can be cured. Itnh this soothing, penetrating lini ment right Into the sore. Inflamed nerv-- s. and like magic neuralgia dis appears. "8t, Jacobs Liniment con-oera nsln. It la a harmless "neuralgia relief which doesn't burn or discolor the skin. Don't suffer! It's so needless. Get a small trial bottle from any drag itore and gently rub the "aching nerves" and In Just a moment you will be absolutely free from pain and suffering. No difference whether your pain or neuralgia Is In the face, head or any part of the body, you get Instant relief honest pain dewith this stroyer It can not Injure. Adv. TROOPS ACTUALLY PARTICIPAT. INQ IN FIGHTING NUMBERED 1,390,000 MEN. You feel that !!, Apply" few drops then lift sore, touchy corns off with BY MARCH Spanish Influenza cad COUNT FIFTY! PAINS AND NEURALGIA GONE LIFT OFF CORNS! STATISTICS OF WAR E. PINKHATS m)IA VEGETABLE COMPOUND . l Before Submitting Tb An Operationj f f Ca f LYT1 A eaXHAM MtOICINt tYWH. MASS. 1 1 |