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Show THE YOUR JLA.ST C LI A.JVOJB TIMES-NEW- mm LOYAL NEPIII. UTAH. S, HOUSK , . LEAGUE VIGILANCE Plannins; New Ways in Which to Save That More Foodstuffs May Be Sent to Hoys Who Are Fighting for Freedom oa I5atileiiel( s of France. . ' Cv vg bonds Kott viii ' ' ; .?; i" i - home-pledg- Plan lour Garden Wbtv$ ra SavG Time :moftaey. KSTATK . definite and insidious aganda npaiiist the growingr prof of sugar Lot ts is now showing its cfi'ect in our Western States and Federal food udminisirators in the States arid counties where supar' beets are grown may well be on the lookout for tin's propaganda and be prompt in killing it. The The general effort is to discourage the beet farmer and reduce acreage, chiefly by predicting-unprofitablprices for sugar-nex- t fall. Any reduction in our sugar beet acreage would serve two purposes for Germany, fir.-- t, a direct shrinkage in this war time crop; second, the cripplirg-of'ouindustry for the advantage of German beetsugar. Since the war we have made this country indepet.dent of Germans for sugar beet teed, replacing inferior Russian strains formerly sold us by Germany with peirctd seed of our ou n breeding. We must make our country as nearly independent of outside iourtes of sugar supply as possible. A very e r r rom the Scientific for a Spraiiied Ankle As soon us possible after the injuiv is received pet bottle of Chamberlain' Liniment arid follow the plain printed directions which accomi anv tl e bottle. 11 Combined I larvestcr For Sale have for sale at a fair price and on r"asonable terms a Deer-ing- 1 . " I'Ii'msi- - ' - ;ila:ye li:a(;i e Bill 3.. Salt Lake City. i'uroll in) n. am- - :is u i o - '2 l.lls ltttli ii hr 1ST T lilKS -; Vft' j H"li iVi tin- - ''' f. 4'! iir lil'i! ' . t l ;i tl : - f.. i . . FEED KENS WJR EATICNS ' ' '! is ls rg cf t - incre.'i'-- in e tlx- - .:. - i j (.( i;.-- " litter J 'ji irin fted hnpjer ahvavx ;iii'l itilniti- fri itlil ti.iili ;iy t'r.WliiO r.ilry alfalfa leaves, shell, and no r, i always be aval hen. Where corn is of bran, short, .'nf.ilf.i. r.. ) ifi and buttermilk the ium..M wi, Ik- but t Id.little, if any. Thi.- - h n t all however. We an- f xj ofol ;. if can be omittel i the same time tu j riri;ic' ri'r,' ti e n .amotion of barlev poultry. If the citizej..- - ..f Iu.i. n.at i ;.:!., i: CT' aeil by cooking will meet this re ; nr; i i:t! ( '.r'.- ,jriy. This should be have all ot!i-rh n cold, in at n.M.u in;;''e !y i!,' just the , Government we car, v the hens will clean uii i Wheat or any other i.m W t i ;:; skimiriik or hutter-- ; the mort i t of th ava .i o that the bens ration for ?yif,jr ; .'! (!!( .e a'l -t! y will drink, the Unitel State l' ; of k ,i' Kin: ran he left out of ' i has n.v. j y Agriculture .' or meat craps is i ' !,'. Th" ''. .t. sive 5.".; arv. oter ; - - - In Jil kllljltl It l ' i fl nt ! exix-rimerits- ' : 't , -- i - .ia-.l- ' . :i. 0 w f, ',1 ..(' u id in . - i 1I11I n v, v: ! r,-- n . In i Ill r it I .l:(i- In i !l I I or I 'ii '' t ."-i- -i ' ', 1 M 1 I. r ... i.l 1 v-- 1 ' !" Ii Hl'i ! ...iU r i. Spring Your Stc SvsU'IM. Kcrp Clcai Lu f C tint V it ijt ill ' - Out! U r i.o-f- i1 i fr.- - I'ulillc. .: tnken . il.,o1 on nf m hvMem. 8. n J i , H:Ni v Toleilo. O. & iimcf 1 , -- Mr ii,m .TfK MK TOO WAMT THAT ufC TO II" cr reeu BpeTire&HOI T 'Ou .STOP WHfeTtwisr orS Tor . May 3 laft pub. WK WILL SI. I I. YOU A S i V.,K May 21. whov I Abvul ,., fi.iVi.r will your j pHit and dn?HtHn on ll.r rnofl plr ang tuflric jnic rrT plannrd for a . man or Kmidn nruii.dim-niLt ut Ht you in pUnning your mnw. Rhtumiiijm rauiH-- s Fuff. rmg than nv rri'-r- e pain und other diwrn, fnr Our cmpirie In 7i .. ..f It." Hi I r ,. ii - oil ).i 'l .l ! :ii.i. ug-- p CITY MEAT MARKET Cntj(e l it . t.n-tt- Prop. City Barber Shop OOrRT.ea - MICKIE SAYS li.llll ih ri . firv f ill !i 4 meat i t'l tniiti .jnMel ih i.ii a xinm' yrto K.mr in ,e in .. 1. oflrf VviU tRKATMrVT 1KB 1 1 . O:, - !. S! is nt o .ri. I" I Ntyiprta imxh' STOCK IN TOAC , TM6.VO f.iH 'fill H lll urn ill 1,11 ! t:.H;.M. . the Ft. NCviR TAW TO OtT IT NOtMtH' trtey DO SCMtTlNlCft, MO NNOftt ut onocta rta AACK OF a rati A NII,:S N Tw Doiia Si.u.ii o' wo in L i.,i-t- -r inti" niaru,ai Dr. Ch DENTIST Tl.OV). I am introducing into my fiock Kept f"r Service, Choice white of single comb, white leghorn5", Chester flour?., and Jt I1j1!s. lombarron Strain. Kggs 7." rents All Uegi.Urf d. II Thomas . r:n'r c:.! rf-e- y X i I)ell-isto- s tting-- W. A. Garrett Jr. REMEMBER THE DAYS i'h a icaltiiv ( Jean Up!! SUNDAY' M.HJTAI1XS3 ALL Snrsaparilla! sh:-h- h F J I Wt Ik -- 'In r -- remher, m. i:rov. A. W. C s F f p p rr7rv tefftlmoninlil. Uall'a Fami.y l,.!.i- (iiii.. (i I r J CHKNtr. ie an.! midv rilieil In fciri Calnrrh Iff .1,-- PoM by nil tb reason that it in th most cnirinmii of all ills, and it is certainly gratifying '. ;.lv ;i v to sufT.-rerto know that there is ?f lii'i ll - tl remly thnt will afford relief, and make H in rallod i t't '11 ;il ;i t i in. ret nnd lfep Cha'Tiberlain' Linament. , r. lKli-ti, i.l in-- 11' I i'l : i .l'I! 111 t- iin! i ,1 t pub. 1.i 'i r n 1 f..r I :i ! UP!! l'i t .,. : iSr-- ll Fir-- tnrt t'r'iin tin O urn t II iv 1 lor t iii ir:i t.- - I. ;! ; I i 'l' i 'i,. lh rrWk l No-i-- an.l n.-- l Muroiiv n.irf. . I II !.. Hull r. 1li; ( I I,' Bonn until-.i- r o1!! ' w ti i ti . hiit lirl 1 ' "I I f.i in l;i.u Hi .r I h.- - I , ti . i I .. ; i H t j li Ii ": - r : til Ti. r. ..f ull.T T ) ! x iU !.ir !ii!n,'l o. r 1!., bfir this Hworn 10 mjr A. U. liii . rcii.l'l l 11 1 " ii 1. j f'iit -lf Ul'il SIi.Im Mfr.n.M.i1 C'OUIIIV anJ thai anl.l firm will .av Hie aum of 1. Alts for oach MfNOKKH ana every cane of In,). iimi chuikiI be rtinil by Hi.. ui. iof ;.i.irrh HVI.I. H r xTAflUll MKDIC1NU. ONE . ' ti-r- Cl.y f iOl4du. lt I t i!.r.'.-.- i ii'l I. - :. 11 ll '(,l.'l I'll" . imi-trta- l ii lll;i'( - 1 'ti tie. I M c.'.tii m urn ' Mil !i 1! -i ; I I1I1I .iil r ? s fihil ll't at i !! Chf-ne- si ft i in-r- il of OMr. f!ty f Toledo. rJCty. j. nii.Ki' nuh that ha Krani M. Ii psrln-- r of tlie Ann of F J- A c... domif tiiimnesa In lh City Lucas - i. - .. it, .i-pf- r..-r- fn-lfl- I in a Oi li.-:- I'O-n-d- - ! ii Dry Ma.h ran o ,!. i ts n ! choj ,i ..(! barley or oats 'hiUfU ber-- scraps 1 df t tli' iliffii ilii. . I'm...! r;irrj':ii'4 o'jl Aliiijiii-mniitl,.- ti.it i .MliMitili-- s in f..r .i. l ,1.' i ii if ! fl"iir. Tin- Hut- - i'f our N l';ii'l HI I'lii'i.-.- ' priic. I In fnnii t'Oili (.1 'h Si', iiii'l in u nit f Miiuli s h T' j lmnt- I a tin-- l in I'tiili niily ! iln ir In,, iti vlfiil. Tliii in'i liiakin.- lili j ! p.irinnmi lUil-l- l till rilthl cf !lllH- ti;il tr.l Omi 2 Btat n y 'ii!l!ilcri-i- 13.7. Int. in eveniiif. 1frnHst, Ifc.iit.iTi No. 1, liooton No. 2. Tunple, I nt ai ii s vs.yj, mining 1 lairr.s. Int. in reality. Mai., gany No. 1 ,! On) in Added Dark Mahogany No 2. Ex.nitn.n. lool.y. but in Affording Southern Crosx, Victor Hugo, u.t 37, acres Ii:i.l Help to Nation. l&si Chance, l.ot f4. acreii 7.35, (Hack .'ct N'arly Enough Hog to Supply Dnigon, lyi.t 47, acrein 19.T9 hedomption. Redemption, No. the Dman,J. and Thi Condition Mining t hums. Ia1 37'.3. acrtslll.N Will Ljrt Long at th Iron I hike. IM 3:524. Monterey, Ix.t War nd Afterwards. 344. ;iu h, I ot 3.K.. mining claims. litalK-11.1. tor in, IA,t 50, acres H. 47, r"v-r.11 in (lie miiry lfi li;ii mifiiiig cluirn. w Ii Mi t. lffl f irm or mhik- ): Ii t ity, Juab I'atetl at ounty, lint II I l:ili. lhij let. riJ,i!7' 'IV t''l Irii day of May, 191. i nt , i Vi i.r lr r lifO. HOAKD OK Cftl'NTY COMMISSION I,r.ii Ki. 1'iit nt tlii HIMIKltl ERS OF J UAH t. 'M jii!I.v i:i ii I f !, .!. I'.y J. W. W hitmorc. Chairman I I " r Jr. ui ini Aitent: I iii-Will L. Iloyt, County Clerk. Ap-- 'l May, lf, in Ar-ruu.- To Produce SubOtutet for US Per Cnt of Our Wheat Consumption it Would to Plant 9i00 be Nece-rAcre of Corn. ) t f In.t Jwith a vr at r t Wuali- .:j!hI f,.,.( uheat I', e.! tliis in a clean drv ' ' ' '' v, ill clean up. ! 1 , White Flint Corn Can l Successfully Raied and Would Sae Much Wheat Flour. in I'O'ind oats' (heavv white) 1 ( feeding-- ' inti:d barley 1 a plight tin-- j.our.rN ?orn '. 1 ri'- - Scrntch Fred N.V:.-i- ! Chickens ns well ns r must cat tiws wheat i,iri: ,g war, says !yrn Ai.J r, i of ou1try hu.'h.-irdrnt tl ' L'Jiih Afrricultural Co.lw. 1..States Fwl Admiriit ?it irs hal'asel a r;iliiitr tlcjt ti..! cent fo: f thyn 10 chickensjht can ) wheal. In U v. of the hifrti price of eni. I.ai;..y and other grains this v.vav Hicm ' uli rurl on s 1 i'. nt war ration: n ;i - Lot;!!: 2, Junction, Junction No. acres t;s.QX;. I'icnic. I xt 3204, acres 15.954. Lant Chance, Lot 54, acres 7.35; acres la. Id; Kemnant, Emnia. Iot Ixit 50. acres lo.C't; lied Iron, I.ot 41. acres 20. fiti; Wdge. Lot 49. acres 3.1,2. Last Dollar. Ulue I'.iril Ext. Akx Vo Lot 4. SM, Silver Oliiit. (iraiuti mining limn Ixit 2:H. acres :s"--"re- Ill HOG RAISING FLOOR SUBSTITUTE Ai.. A; it uUure k i fi-- 'U1IUL.IIU f , ; i ts;frial I l u heat Not an : i li.iiiu !. . .. ii ;;i PtflFIT Tfl FARMFP.S RAISE foot ! i it i) jut 3 Harvester Combined cut. I his machine was purchased last fall from the International North End, Lot 2205, acres 3.613. Ha vester Co. These machines 15. acres ApHio, Victoria No. 2. Freemont, Parallel, have proved highly satisfactory Uit :WW, Acres 41.1 Mi. in this part of the country. This Equator, lAit 4:t02; Cable, Lot 4:103; one has only been used on about Jumbo, I Ait 4:t4, acres Hi. 323 acres and is in good condition. Annncondn, Lot 'A" Acres (i 124; offered for sale because the It is Horn Silver. 203. ucres i. KS, W. II. owner lias gone to war. Aw.lv Whiton, Ia.120K, acres 20.0C. Evening Mar, January, Lot 3:W2. to W. H. Jago. Mills JiK.b Co acres 23.039. Utah. federal food administration for utah, 200 American, Mi.r. h lyis.' 30. Lu-k- housewives FRCPCGANCA KILL FOH DEL1N QUENT TAXES Whereas Juub County has received Treusurer'i CVrtificute'n of 8ule and Auditor's Tux Deeds for the reul estate hereinafter described, which said real estate has been sold for delinquent tax es tor the year JDI3 and years prior thereto, and the said Juab County has just received Auditor's Deeds for said reul estate; and the time provided by law for redeeming said real estate has expired: Now. Therefore. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of Section 2t55 of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907, as amended by Chupler 114 of the Session l aws of Utah, 1911. the undersigned the Hoard of County Commissioners of Juub County, State of Utah, will offer for sale, at public auction to the high est cash bidder, for cash, at the front .door of the County Court House at Ne phi ( ity, Juub County, State of Utah, all the light, title, interest and estate of the State of Utah, of the County of Juut), tiiiu each school, town, and other taxing district interested therein of in and to the real estate hereinafter men tinned utid particularly described. Said sale will commence at 10 o'clock A. M. on Monday the 27th day of May, 191.", and will continue from day to day ut the uforesaid time and place until the whole of said real estate has been ottered for i;ale. The property sold to Juab County for delinquent tuxes and .low offered foi sale as aforesuid is particularly describ ed as follows towit: Joe Howcra Ext. No. 1, Joe Iiowers Ext. No. s. Midnight. J.h Howers Ext Mining Claims, Lot No. 27J0. Acres OF KEAL Every woman in the State of Utah is praying that the war that ours shall be tie.- Victory. And every woman in the state is doing her best to help; she is conserving, she is planning new ways in which to save, she is in the home trench doing her best. There is now a chance, however, for her to enroll herself with her sister fighters in the new conservation movement which has just been started by W. V. Armstrong, federal food administrator for Utah. The "Housewives' Vigilance League," as the new movement is called, came into existence ur the express purpose of giving the women of Utah the housewives upon whom falls so much of the actual work of conservation a voice in the local food administration through the Vigilance League. There are no dues to the league, no formal meetings, the sole obligation being to help the administration as much as possible by enrollment as a member, and by the frank expression of commendation or criticism in his following out in Utah the regulations laid upon him by Herbert Hoover in Washington. The Housewives Vigilance League does not duplicate the work of any other organization; it conflicts with none, but it does complement the various societies of the state and every woman in Utah is invited to join. It is a separate enrollment from the e card signers. The advantages to the housewife are the privilege of wearing the official emblem, and the fact that her name is on the mailing list for all of the special food buHeiins, recipes and garden 09.915. Lode, Lot 2S51, Acres S.Oili; pamphlets sent out by the food administration in. Washington. LxJennie 2ilti7. Acres lti.xuH; lulr. Blanks are furnished on which to record suggestions, or to make Lot Kay, Lot A ties 2.55:1. 2.8, helpful complaints which are designed to assist the food adminisSpace IxxV, Lot ''21, Acres fi. 727. trator in his perplexing tasks. North bullion, East Bullion, liullion, Join the Housewives' Vigilance Le igue, get your neighbor to Bonta, Lotv!J2, Imp. ucres 75.:i20. l irite, Copir I'irite No. 2, join with you. Sign the coupon, collect a do.en or more and en- LotCt.per y Acres 17.10-1- ; 2Sx;, John. follows: close in an envelope addressed as "Housewives Vigilance lA.t 2177. acres 12.2:tr: Copiier I'irite Lake 200 S.ilt Newhouse Wdg., City. League," No. 1. Lot 2987. acres 4.118. will cease uorla NOTICE OF SALE OF UTAH ORGANIZE t I 4 It ttjesd' MtAIJ OKT MtAt WirrjCTLLvS TT Mr r THURSD.W mm Si'jdbHiW OHt n. -- :very sad feed But Llyary XllXXUISf All fof II O. I.i l.rIRrriV C011I Zklte Train. R.a'trf us V. MEAL .TILATliV? OKZ MCA L Mtt " ana Bar" t t. N -- 4i I. rel First Class Shoe Ren airing J. Ni it, A. CHRISTENSEN u I .w..t ',,t 51,, sUm Si |