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Show X-eammcion . . . CLARA JOHNSON J Mr. and Mrs, Don Jensen and Mrs. May Walker, of Yam Hill, Ore., visited vis-ited with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Over-son, Over-son, Tuesday, then Grant and Ida and children went to Ft. Green, Wednesday, to visit with Ida's father fath-er and the folks from Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Finlinson and Fred and David Finlinson, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Finlinson. I Mr. and Mrs. Merrel Dutson, Mr. lElwood Dutson and little Kayle, spent the weekend with Mr. and , Mrs. Rulon Dutson last Sunday. I Then Rulon and Eva returned to Fillmore with Merrel and attended Mrs. Eva Dutson, Jane Williams, Minnie Ashby, Millie Lovell and FUEI E! HEARING AID SERVICE CLINIC Fillmore El Capital Sat., Nov. 5th Motel 10 a.m.-2 p.m. (Town) (Place) (Date-Time) This clinic is a monthly service of the ... BELTONE CO. ... held for the hard of hearing, regardless of the make hearing aid you now have. We have supplies for allmakes. Plan now to attend. R. RUSSELL RANERI, Distributor BELTONE UTAH CO. 23 E. Broadway Salt Lake City Laura Bradfield, drove to Mayfield, last Thursday, for the birthday of Miss Lilace Christenson. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jav Nelson spent ten days in Provo, where their son, Arlo, underwent two major oper ations, and is now recuperating in the Provo hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Orson Prestwlch nnd Mr and Mrs. Carter of Orem, ! visited last week with Hattie And erson. It's a small world. Mr. Carter Car-ter told of mission experiences with Jerald Lovell. Mr una Mrs. Orson Crouch of Richfield, visited several days with Mrs. Hattie Anderson. The MIA held a sDecial social for Halloween, Tuesday evening. Chilibergers, popcorn bails, canay, doughnuts and chocolate were suu by different classes, and a good time was had by all. Brother Hogan and Ben Stevenson, Steven-son, of Lynndyl, were guest speakers speak-ers at church, Sunday night. Kath-ryn Kath-ryn Harder furnished a selection on the piano. Prayers were offered by Wel'by Finlinson and Burton LETTERS . . . TO THE EDITOR . October 31, 1960 To the Editor: I never have written a letter to an editor. However, your headline, October; 20, I960, "Chronicle Observes National Na-tional Newspaper Week" caught my ova it is a wonderful thlna to Bring to the reader's attention the hard work connected with the printing of a newspaper. It Is a fact that the printer-journalist is supposed to be able to set type, gather news, write editorials, run presses, set ads properly, and do artistic jod worn. Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Nelson received word Monday of the birth of a new grandson, born Sunday, Oct. 30, to Mr. and' Mrs. Ronald (Glena) Nelson, Nel-son, of St. George. And, In addition, be his own jani tor and errand boy. Most of all, I liked your term "Fourth Estate." It is my understanding under-standing this term originated with Ixrd Falkland under Richard Cromwell's Crom-well's Protectorate and was applied by him to the Army, una taiK-lnnrl's taiK-lnnrl's Snepch in Parliament, 1658: J "You have been a long time talk-ling talk-ling of the three estates; there is a fourth whtcn, u noi wen iookbu to will turn us all out of doors the Army." Then later the phrase was used in Hallam's "Constitutional "Constitu-tional History," in the eighth para graph from the end: "ine ganery in which the reporters sit has be-fourth be-fourth estata of the realm." Let's have more of this kind of thing. A Subscriber (Editor's note: This nice letter was signed by a Calif, subscriber.) Millard County Chronicle Thursday, November 3, I960 n -v7wAvtyvvvK?-wo W'T1" -v'vw firr'Xr " "W.rflf3i"ivj J.. . 5k 1 oUii Something to Laugh at: Two motorists stopped head on at a bridge too narrow for their cars to pass. "I never back up for an Idiot!" ' said one driver angrily. 1 "I always do," replied the other driver as he shifted into reverse. f MRS. MARY JOHNSON SHOP AT HOME SHOP WITH THE ADVERTISERS MSB OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK HI-LAND DAIRY PRESIDENTIAL SWEEPSTAKES Objective of the contest Is to select the winning presidential candidate and estimate his total poti-utar poti-utar vote, together with a statement in 10 words or less completing the sentence, "I prefer Hi-La rid Dairy Products because . . -" Each person may submit as many entries as he pleases. Winners will be notified by mail. Decision ot the judges is final. Each entry must be accompanied by the carton top of any Hi-Land Dairy Product or a reahonabl facsimile thereof. All entries must be mailed to HI-LAND CONTEST, CON-TEST, P. O. Box 1000, Salt Lake City 10, Utah, Contest begin Wednesday, September 14, I960 and all entries must be post marked before mid night Sunday, November S, I960. The figure used for the popular vote totals of the winning candidate will be that released by the Associated Press as of midnight, Nov 10, 1960. Eligible to participate are all residents of the Hi-Land trading area. Not eligible are employe of Hi-Land Dairy and their families, and Axelsen Advertising Agency, Inc., its advertising agency. All space on the official entry blank must be filled. Please print or type. FIRST prtlZR On full year's supply of Hi -Land iMliy J'ruduL'la fur an average family of fnur, coiiKistiriif cafk nioiilh of: it) quart Hl-I.nnil Health I'roitoi tiom i Milk, i lbs, Coitiitise Chc-s. 3 lijM. Butter, 1 gntlon Ire Oeam, 1 pint Sour f'lprtin, l ((ii.irt liutt-rmitk. 1 quart Chocolate Punk. 1 fiuart Hl-l-mid Siinltlt Oinngt Drink, S ilnts Haif-nnd-Hali. FRIZES 2nd to St h Prises Six months' supply of Hi-Land Dairy Products (or hn average family at four. in (o ISth PiUs Thr monihs' supply of Land lAlry Products for an vrae family at Jfith to 50t Prttfs Ont month's supply of Hi-LfinI Dairy Proiucli tor an vraKt f amity of fmir. (1st to IClst Prises On Hon Jil-Land Ice Cream. My selection tor winning candidate for President Is:, sly estimate of his total popular vote Is:- . Address - , State I Prefer Hl-Land Dairy Product! Because:.. (I'm It words or less) .1 a t! tr-.l Tuesday the MIA held their annual an-nual carnaval and Halloween party, with each class with a booth and their wares to sell. A large crowd was present and enjoyed the evening. even-ing. Wednesday, the Primary children came in costume, for their Halloween Hallow-een frolic. Mrs. Ruth Abbeglen was in fhartrp nf the activity, assisted by a reocrd player. Each child was given a treat.. Mi- nnH Mrs Owen Benson siayea overnight with the Lile Johnson's Monday night. They were returning return-ing from Salt Lake. Owen had the misfortune of loosing his eye glasses glass-es and before he could resume his deer hunting, had to replace them; which they did in Salt Lake Monday. Mon-day. Tuesday they went on to Suth erland for the remainder oi me week, and on Saturday, left to return re-turn tn their home in Montebello. They had their little grandson, Dav id Henson, wun mem. Mrs Lucille Overson went to Salt i.nkp Wednesday afternoon. Thurs day, Mrs. Eugene Overson ana . children went wun ner iu luauu Falls, where they visited with Mrs. Roger Overson and little daughter. Mrs. Roger Overson and baby returned re-turned from Alaska several weeks ago, where she and Roger have made their home for the past two years. Roger is going to come for registration for the winter quarter quar-ter at the "Y", come December. . Mr. and Mrs. William Overson drove to Salt Lake, Wednesday, for a few days of shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Davidson and family have been at the Clyde Overson home through the deer season. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Over-son Over-son were down from Kearns over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nielson left Thursday morning for Los Angeles, and Englewood, to attend the wedding wed-ding of Mrs. Nielson's nephew. They returned home, Sunday evening. even-ing. Clarence Hogan visited in Provo the first part of the week, with Mr. and Mrs. Alma Peterson and other relatives. Monday (today) he drove to Goshen for the funeral of a very dear friend, Mr. Don White, who died very suddenly last Friday. At the Margie Greathouse home for the weekend, were Mr. and Mrs. Kent Larson and children, of Gar-dena. Gar-dena. Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Red Levi, of South Dakota, and Miss Cheryl Greathouse, of San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Abegglen drove to Provo for the day, Saturday. Satur-day. Saturday evening the Mutual Marrieds joined in a Holloween party. Most of the guests were in costume and a very fine time was enjoyed by all attending. Ben Stephenson is leader of the group. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Trotter took their trailer home, Monday, and left for a warmer climate. They plan to settle in Arizona, where fishing is still good, iney are par ents of Mrs. Betty meison. rw Nielson came down from Salt Lake, Monday, for an over night stay at the Bishop Mieison home. i ' f f t v 1 1 II Trfd IViV'J U old 3.w I l t . V f V I America's Most Imitated STORM WINDOW KIT Over 15,000,000 User rJKJ m Old Glenmore it's Chill-Filtered X " i960 86 PROOF KENTUCKY S18MGH1 80U8B0H WHlSKft OUNMORE DISTILLERIES CO., LOUISVILLE, KY. . iml mpm,w ii.ii. i - irni -------mmmmmmmMmmmimmmMmmmm y ""I With Genuine Original . t 1 K i fl y 0n,rZVinVV Anyone Can Afford ItNHKf i AT YOUR LOCAL DEALER made by manufacturer of genuine flex-O-Glass Warp Bros., Chicago 51 Crystal CI Plastic Shatterproof Lasts For Years I 36 inches wide J f J also in 28" I 48" wi4thsJ----r - I I r) 1 11 IS u M . r Costs So Little... Anyone Can Afford It Compare the low cost, light weight, convenience and weatherproof qualities qual-ities of Warp's Flex-O-Glass with expensive, breakable glass. So Easy... Anyone Can Do It It takes only a few minutes to put up any of Warp's Shatterproof Window Materials. It's so easy that warp Bros, also make even the womenfolks enjoy doing it. wyr 0-GLASS Don t let cold weather catch you scrIen-glass unprepared! Get Flex-O-Glass now! FLEX-0-PANE Just Cut & Tack On vv v-v y cut ' -, .:. r"- WITH TACK WJfl SECURELY rfTI IB cm lOY THAI Woney-in-the-BonK FEELING This month end every month First Security pays interest fcr the full month on deposits made by the 10th. Paid Political Advertisement by Lon Wood It's wonderful that feeling of security and accomplisliment that comes with being a THOUSANDAIRE having $1000 tucked away in a First Security Bank Savings account ! No need to stop there, of course; but $1000 is a good round sum - and a savings goal that you can achieve. The savings records of our customers reveal that most of our THOU-SANDAIRES THOU-SANDAIRES ,with $1000 or more, accumulated it by saving a definite amount each month systematically. Start today to enjoy that good money-in-the-bank feeling and become a THOUSANDAIRE, too ! .n r?-'- HOW SYSTEMATIC SAVINGS CROW lt M 1W I 500 S $310 I tOO I 7J0 10 500 1000 1S0O I0OO U 7 SO 1500 J2S0 3000 10 1000 I00O J000 ooo piwt 3 F"t Wrily lank ntt Choos Your Saving Plan Now fey v 111 '. I J ,V STANDARD Tyk!K1 t ( AUTOMATIC SAVINGS r TW!N$SAV.NGS T SAVIN3S |