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Show TT TfWW? ,A T Millard County Chronicle V Thursday, November 3, 1960 Pi A Gl 5 "i RICHARD M. NIXON for President of the United States For Governor Gov. George D. CLYDE MILLARD COUNTY needs his experience ex-perience in water and reclamation development. To assure the future of the Central Utah rroject thi Valley NEEDS GEORGE DEWEY CLYDE! f' For Secretary of State LAMONT F. TORONTO A former state legi.lator, businessman, busin-essman, veteran and LDS bishop, Mr. Toronto has proved himself a capable administrator. During his I'ight years as Secretary of State lie has exercised a strong influence for economy as a member mem-ber of the Board of Examiners. Experience Counts TT (01 JL o 'A a s a. 2 o h tr, M Si Ui J t s H o 'A A For State Representative LAMAR RALPH MONROE College graduate, Tarm Bureau president, vc-teran, farmer and stockman, Mr. Monroe is admirably admir-ably qualified by education and experience- to represent Millard County in the Stats Legislature. Your vote for him will be appreciated. appreci-ated. 2 i c ffc on No Time ROVEN EXPEDIENCE ATUflE LEADERSHIP SiiEAT TEAM FOR A ' Si 5- For Attorney General WALTER L. BUDGE His eight years of experience In the Attorney General's Office is a valuable asset to the State. He served first as Assistant, then as Deputy Attorney General and now occupies the position of Attorney General. His office has been recognized re-cognized as one of the finest In the history of the state. Opinions are handled promptly and efficiently. effic-iently. amdlid. For District Attorney ELDON A. ELIASON Fliason's wide expcrWnce in court work qualify him for this position which is important to the Fifth District. Your vote for him will help put the DLstrict Attorney In Millard Couny for the first time in three decades. For EXPERIMENT! VOTE FOR REPUBLICAN PARTY MOV. 8, 1960 Introducing Candidates for National, State, District and County Offices. 0 For President of the United States RICHARD M. NIXON 1 fl For Vice-President of the United States I HENRY CABOT LODGE J For U. S. Representative in Congress I I A. WALTER STEVENSON 1 I For Governor I j GEORGE DEWEY CLYDE U For Secretary of State 1 LAMONT F. TORONTO U For Attorney General j WALTER L BUDGE LJ For State Auditor I I SHERMAN J. PREECE LJ For State Treasurer r " SID LAMBOURNE LJ For District Attorney j ELDON A. ELIASON LJ For State Representative r" LAMAR RALPH MONROE LJ For County Commissioner, 4 yr. term rl ARCHIE P. CHRISTENSEN LJ For County Commissioner, 2 yr. term """"j FRANK A. LYMAN 1J THE BEST TRAINED CANDIDATES FOR NATIONAL, STATE AND LOCAL OFFICES! o 111 'A e O 3 C 2 o H A bi - e A bi U A bi o S IPaiJ Political announcement by Millard County Republican Central Committee.) THE DAY YOU DETEHiViiME YOUR FUTURE OV. 8 IIVE WANT TO WORK FO YOU! I- J I For State Auditor SID LAMBOURNE Mr. Lamboume's wide experience in both private and public accounting ac-counting are invaluable to one in this position. His methods are modern in all respects, this assuring assur-ing efficiency In this important office of-fice of State Government. o A e I 3 3 C & 2 o 2 H e 'A ! 1 -. - J v M 1 v j i j ; j Li ii a a For 4-Yr. Co. Commissioner ARCHIE P. CHRISTENSEN Mr. Chrlstensen is an active civic and church worker, and a diligent advocate of cheaper power for our communities. lle is a farmer and stockman, thus realizing the needs of an agricultural county. He also believes In promoting the tourist attractions of this County. u o S I J j n i Si X l i ' J , HENRY CABOT LODGE For Vice President For U. S. Congressman A. WALTER STEVENSON Mr. STEVENSON has had wide experience in civic and church organizations or-ganizations from which he has gained first hand knowledge of the problems in Utah's First Congressional Con-gressional District. He began his business career as an office boy. Is a member at large of the National Na-tional Boy Scouts of America Council. For State Treasurer SHERMAN J. PREECE As State Treasurer he has collected collect-ed two million dollars in interest on the state's cash balances, the first time in 25 years the state has received interest on these balances. balan-ces. His office is a model of ef ficiency that means extra for the State of Utah. K i For 2-Yr. Co. Commissioner FRANK A. LYMAN Mr. Lyman's experience as an incumbent in-cumbent member of the Board of County Commissioners, makes his service especially valuable to all of Millard County. He is a farmer, church and civic worker, and says "If elected I will continue to give fair and impartial srice to very one in Millard Count v." |