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Show Auxiliary 89 Keports Meet American Legion Auxiliary Unit 89 met Monday night, at the homo of Mrs. Shirley Theobald, with a good attendance. Pres. Both Workman assigned members to various local districts to pet pledges from blood donors for the Red Cross F.loodmohile ' visit in February. J A report was made that nho of mystery novels had been shipped ship-ped to the Rehabilitation chairman in Salt Lake Citv, and a box of AUTO ACCESSORY BARGAINS SHOP HERE a SAVE.... BREEZES BUG DEFLECTORS GEAR SHIFT KNOBS HOOD ORNAMENTS CIGARETTE TRAYS 25 REAR VIEW MIRRORS 20 VISOR MIRRORS 25 EXHAUST PIPE EXTENSIONS 20 GAS CAP GUARDS 20 DOOR HANDLE GUARDS 20 WEATHER PROOF RUBBER SHIM .... 25 LICENSE PLATE FRAMES 25 SPOT LAMPS 20 CAR POLISHES WAXES 25 RUBBER CAR MATS 25 CAP RUBBER TilROW MATS in Rod. Green and Black 25 BUMPER CHAIN JACKS 25 ODD SIZE OIL FILTERS 25 ODD SIZE OIL FILTER CARTRIDGE 40 AUTOLITE SPRK PLUGS 50 FIRESTONE SPARK PLUGS 50 CAR STEEL WHEELS 40 SEAT CUSHIONS 10 HUB CAPS 25 DITZLER AUTO ENAMEL 20 LOWERING BLOCKS FOR FORD AND CHEVROLET 25 OFF DELTA AUTO SUPPLY 3E 5ZE VT'y U U V 3 distinctive lines 14 brilliant body styles You'll find that each new feature in the '5-1 Void is un extra dividend in driving driv-ing enjoyment. For example-, you pet a special dividend in sty ling with Ford's distinctive new appearance. You get sparkling spar-kling new interiors, too. that are a dividend divi-dend in themselves. And yon get special dividends in ride and peifonnuisce . . . with new Ball-Joint Front Suspension . . . w ith our choice of Ford's two great new engines! And. as an additional dividend, divi-dend, Foid irukes avaitahlet;'the power assists you might find only in eostliest cars. Come in. Test Drive the '51 Ford. New Ball .' r I'. , V. ml1 - ' '.N 1.1 I MILLARD COUNTY CHRONICLE Delta. Utah, Thurs Jan. 14, 1954! i i magazines had heen sont to the veteran's hospital. A letter of appreciation from Delta Lodge No. 59, I. O. 0. F to Post 89 and the Auxiliary was rend, thanking them for their contribution to th" I O () F Sub fo- Snta program. j Mo'lfpp Turner gave the lesson, v.'hic'i was on lr;islation, on nnt-;oin1 nnt-;oin1 end state levels. Memoes wee urpcrt to bring; in their articles for the Treasure Chest now, and not later than Feb. 25 OFF WHEEL SPINNERS 40 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Ub' declares a cfiuidend J "KS&-" HIJIi.JJIUHIi I I I.IIU. . -i-k The nevj tSO-h.p. 0VMHU0 VALVES HICH-TURIUUNCI (OMIirSTION CHAMItRS short snout. 10W rRKTION 0ESICN - Joint Front Suspension Thit rvoiu!taftory new aipnion it cluiv to Ford in itt Field-It Field-It aliowt gtatr up and down wheel travel fof a imootKer tide . . . help keep whU in tiue alignment lor contittentiy easy Kandling. Movement of wheeii u on bail jomli, whether in up end down motion or in iteering notion 01 whee't lurn rigKt or left. )Hx More 1 i i ! Mckc today yctt t'r !cr a Test Drlvo HELTA HIGH SCHOOL NEWS I'anol Discuniion and cheer i'rcictice Held An assembly was held last Fri-'v Fri-'v rvirnini; In the Delta High School auditorium. Both the Jr. and Sr. high schools were in at-; at-; e. da nee. The first part of the assembly wns carried out as a panel dis-( dis-( us .inn. Various problems in the fcliool were discussed. Activity dur i -i K the lunch hour, and good order in assemblies were some of the ital pnbli'ius discussed. Those participating on the panel were Muriel Skidmore, Max Black Karen Petersen, Kay Moody, Merlin Mer-lin Christcri.seri, (Chairman) Uon-111. Uon-111. i Hunsaker, David Moody, and Wayne Western. In the second half of the assemb ly, new yells were learned, and a rousing cheer practice was led by the cheerleaders. The band was also there to add to the cheer ln atmosphere. j Susan Nielson j First Basketball Dance j Scheduled Friday This Friday, January 15, the Delta Del-ta high school will hold its first basketball dance, Immediately following fol-lowing the Delta-Millard game. As you all know, it has been the privilege of the students of Delia In the past to have a dance after each home game, Inviting the visit Ing Ktudentbody and their team to participate in the event. Because this Is our first basketball basket-ball dance of the season, we are expecting a big crowd. Let us please have your support, and for heaven's sake, boys, get a date and help us make this a successful dance. It's your support that makes this school what It Is. 1, to Edna Workman or Irene Little. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Theobald, Barbara Spendlove and Merelene Turner, and the meeting adjourned until next session ses-sion Feb. 8. A LITTLE INVESTMENT IN A CLASSIFIED AD WILL PAY BIG DIVIDENDS 5 lines or less M)c or 3 timet for a $1.00 - ' -rv..' The nfl rv) n r n r m a m m r i r i ' ' . J.: , ,. i ? A-.jriHiW Wl.. ..... . ' v l""lt-ww.Jf H-block DXX DOUlll-DKK INTAKf MANIFOLD OVISMEAO VAIVK HICH-TURIUUNa C0M1USTI0N CHAMIiRS DHf-tASt Y" IIOCI SHORT-STROKE IOW-IRICT10N CtSICN The greatest engine advances since the original FORD V-S Invrii nlw 19"54 Ford engines have overhead valves for most i Ilicicnt high-compression uHi'atiou on today's fuels. Both ngines have a deep-east hloek with skirt that extendi well he low the crankshaft for greater strength and rigidity . . . MUitother, quieter performance and extra-long engine life. Their modern short-stroke, low-friction design etits faction ! sses . . . gives you more us.dde horsepower, more miles per c.d'on of gasoline. And new high-tnibulence combustion ili.inil'eis aNsnve a more thorough mixiiij; of fuel and air for (aster, more efficient firing of fuel. Flan to Test Drive a 5 Ford. You'll find these new F"ord power plants stand out a .!ic greatet engine advances since the oticiiuil Ford than ever... THE 7.'JDARD for THE AMERICAN ROAD Annual II. II. S. HMay Cast Try-outs for the school play, "C!ementin", were held last Wed-les Wed-les lay and Thursday after school. The cast was announced Friday 'an S,. 'ihey are as fallows; Cle.ii J.uJean Roper Ma.y K'-!ly ..Karen Petersen Gerald Kelly Kay Gardner Hank Howard Johnson Pete Phi! Erunson Tubby A.B. Johnson Cathy Wally Holman Jane Ann Muriel Skidmore Abe Carl Bakec Bertha Margaret Hansen Ann McNeil Marilyn Murray Prunella Pringle Janice Nielson Student director ....Margene Hilton Advisor Mr. Dana Pratt . j,ua Marie Hilton Modern Dance Captivates Girls' P.E. Classes Originality and gracefulness are rampant in the girls' Phys. Ed. classes as they prepare their modern mod-ern dances. These dances will be presented in a review to be held January JTl and 28. Miss Bowman, the girls' P.E. teacher, Is directing the group Miss Barton, Home Ec. teacher, is helping to prepare the costumes, nd Mr. Pratt, English and speed teacher will narrate the review. Leah Church Invite Frfoncls To IScM'Cfttion Mr. and Mrs. LaVon Ellertson of Nephi are announcing the wedding of their daughter, Carol, to Mr. Golden L. Thedbald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Theobald, of Hinckley, on Saturday, Jan. 16. A recption to honor the young couple will be held Saturday evening, even-ing, at 8 o'clock, in the LDS Third ward chapel at Nephi. A cordial invitation is extended to all their many friends and relatives re-latives to attend the reception Saturday Sat-urday night. FOUND: Hydraulic jack, on June Hinckley's corner Jan. 4. Owner may claim at Chronicle office. "-z sv new 1t5'h.p. JB, :a,ll 4-fORT INTAKE MANIFOtO DUF-CAST -r iiocr .C A WW 4 . V Delf a a Millard i0ieciG2i!e ! Friday High Friday night, January 15, in the Pa'.omar, t!ic Delta Rnbbits and the Millard F. igles, are Kning to batle ojt a game that is goin;.; to one of the best of th? year. This fjame, as far as the Rabbits are concerned, is cither going to put them 2 games ahead of the Eagles, or tie them up, at a 1-1 standing, and they are going to be giving it all they've got to make it the first one, and if so might decide about that tie the Deseret News predicts, early in the season. j Millard, on the other hand, is j ;a'n to be in there fighting for! all their worth, as they lost last , wee!:, and if they lose this one,! things will look pretty bad for! them for a while. j Parowan had a bye last week, but this week they are going to; play Milford, and they will taster their first league basketball this! year. Milford has got a mighty good team this year, and as for Parowan, all that can be said is they better be "hot". Game time Friday will be at 8 p.m. and If you haven't got your ticket yet, you had better hurry because there are only a few left. You can get them at the Baker Pharmacy or Service Drug. Dance After the game Immediately after the game their will be a dance for all those who foel like they could stand a little dancing. Students Entertained by Noon MoTies To relieve the noon hour congestion con-gestion In the halls, the yearbook staff is sponsoring a short movie each Wednesday noon for the Delta Senior and Junior high students. The movies are all selected shorts of comedies and cartoons. Each movie costs ten cents. Clarene Willden OUR COMPLETE STOCK CATALINA SWEATERS i3 DISCOUNT Good Assortment Left MEN'S & BOYS' Winter Coats 13 DISCOUNT BOYS' SUITS yA DISCOUNT BOYS' COTTON Flannel Shirts Reg. 2.93 2.49 NOW Sl-68 MEN'S SUITS y4 DISCOUNT A GOOD SELECTION RAG RUGS COTTON Each 49c LADIES' WINTER Flannel Pajamas! Reduced in Price Good Selection of Men's SPORT SHIRTS Reg G.93 Sale S2.88 v r pniB p fl Delta Tskes Toah Battie Flora Milford The Rnbbiis started their league play out i.i a &ood way last week by boating Mii.'ord, 57 to 38, in their first gsmc of the 1954 !eag-jf schedule. Mii.'ord has got height this year an i plenty of experience, and they ara going to give some teams in this league a bad time. They have one of the hardest fighting teams I have seen for a long time, and one thing is for sure, they never give up. The game was close for the first two ouarters, with one team making mak-ing a basket and then the other. But after the half, the Rabbits had things all their own way, and put on a scoring rally that ended the third quarter, 42 to 28. In the last 8 minutes, things went about the same, with Milford Mil-ford still behind by a good margin, mar-gin, arid couldn't seem to hit their shots. Delta Name Winfield Prestwich D. Moody Schlappi D. Bennett Jensen C. Bennett Vest Totals lq is pts 8 4 20 C 1 1 0 2 1 o 7'19 1 3 21 IS 57 Milford Name iq is pts McDonald 2 0 4 Ashworth 0 0 0 Anderson 4 19 Stoker 4 1 9 Wadsworth 3 4 10 LeFevre 2 2 6 Totals IS 8 38 Score by Quarters Delta j 11 1 26 42 57 Milford ' 9 21 28 38 Score by Quarters for Beaver , Millard Game Beaver 1 14 1 20 29 42 ; Millard 1 13 I 21 I 28 I 38 j KELVINATOR RANGES Refrigerators Heme Freezers 10 DOWN 24 months to Pay THESE AT BIG REDUCTIONS 4 ONLY- Scwing Machines REG, NOW! 299.95 $239.95 249.95 199.95 199.95 159.95 149.95 119.95 10 DOWN 24 months to Pay NEW HOI.E EHAND BOYS' & MEN'S WINTER CAPS 20 DISCOUNT Junior Chamber Or Commerce Week Jsn. 14-21 You never know what kind of politics you will find when you look under a JayCee's membership member-ship button. The JayCee organization organizat-ion is a non-partisan group and members come from ail sides of the political area. Local Jayceegroups usually be id over backward to avoid political sidetaking, although occasionally they will head reform movements to replace public officials who they feel are incompetent. I Former Jaycees now in politics are distinguished by their concern j with principles rather than with 1 party issues. Senator Estes Ke-fauver, Ke-fauver, the reformminded Democrat Demo-crat from Tennesse, was an active j Jaycee when he was in the organization's organ-ization's 21 through 35 age limit. He was named "Outstanding Young ! Man of Tennessee" by his fellow ' Jaycees in 1938-nearly 13 years before he won national attention on the Senate crime investigation committee. Another Jaycee who has won national attention in Congress is a RepublicanVice President Richard Rich-ard Nixon. Naxon helped father the Mundt-Kixon bill to ferret out subversive activities in the United States. Jaycees don't tell their fellow citizens how to vote at the polls, but they work overtime getting them there. Some of the methods they use are unusual, but effective. effect-ive. The Jaycees use more conventional convent-ional methods also, such as providing provid-ing free transportation for voters and sponsoring pre-election forums for-ums where candidates can debate campaign issues. There is a concluding phrase in the Jaycee Creed that members are fond of quoting when asked why they work so hard to im prove their community, 'we believe, be-lieve, "they repeat, "that service to humanity is the best work of life." CHILDREN'S Winter Dresses Sizes 1-3, 3-Bx. 7-14 'j DISCOUNT ALL LADIES' & GIRLS' SKIRTS PRICE PERCALE 80 Square Fancy Prints 39c Plain Colors .. 49c SLEEPERS Sizes 1 to 6 20 DISCOUNT OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF BOYS' S MEN'S DRESS PANTS 20 DISCOUNT ALL WOOL FLANNEL PIECE GOODS Reg 3.49 Sale 2.49 SKIRT MATERIAL At Reduced Price DELTA MOTOR COMPANY Your New Ford Dealer DELTA, UTAH |