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Show MILLARD COUNTY CHRONICLE Delta, Utah, Thurs.. Jan. 15, 1953 Trousseau Tea Hold fur ISricIi A delightful event of this past week was a trousseau tea given by Mrs. Lillian Roundy for her daughter, Erma, Saturday afternoon. after-noon. Friends from far and near called at the Roundy home to wTsh the bride-to-be all the joy that a happy marriage can bring. Miss Roundy has prepared a lovely collection of hand work, and necessary articles in preparation prepara-tion for a new home, and they were displayed beautifully. Mrs. Roundy and Mrs. Norman Gardner, the mother of the groom, were on hand to greet the guests. Miss Roundy and Mr. Gardner are to be married Wednesday in the Salt Lake temple. Mrs. Howard Roundy was in charge of the guest book. Kay Still, Mae Gene Petersen, Jeroldine All-red, All-red, Elaine Gardner and Marilyn Stanworth assisted in serving the lovely refreshments. A wedding reception will be given giv-en in honor of the young couple Saturday evening in the Stake recreation re-creation room. The evening will be spent dancing and ail are invited in-vited to come. WE ARE LISTING orders for head-gates head-gates to be poured before April 1. Purchase orders will be accept-ed.Balance accept-ed.Balance strictly cash. See Raleigh Ral-eigh Franklin or Bob Taylor, Abraham, Ab-raham, ph. 26F3. 129 pd. FOR SALE: Enamel range and hot water tank. Very reasonable. See Mrs. A. J. Bishop or call 1833. 1-15 IsT 'TiT: FOR BETTER RESULTS OSllMjtfLiiiT 11111,''' i ---J ADVERTISE IN THE CHRONICLE PROVED BEST by IIWEPEtWEIlT TEST I a- MODEL II Upright food Frotior 12 cu. ft. capacity. Hold approximately 420 fb. of food. "$-Uvol" Visibility I "Petitlve Contact" 'reeling . . . Ivory Shelf A frooxlng Surface I Take Up To 40 lot Floor And Wotl Space Thou Chad Model of Similar Capacity I -0 s 1: From where I Pretty Talking about dogs the other night and Sandy Johnson topped eyerything off with a tall story aboot his fox terrier, "Bosc urn." According to Sandy, "Comes bird season and that dog won't stir if I take down my rifle. Same if it's deer season and I go for my thotgun he won't move, but he's scratching at the door if I so much as look at my riSe ! One day, Sandy decided to fool him. He took down both his shotgun shot-gun and his rifle and swish, Boscumwasonhisway ! So Sandy put the guns hack and took out Copyright, lvi3, Sermon For Sunday . . . Fev. Robert H. Harper Jesus' Law of Doing Good (Temperance) (Tem-perance) Lesson: Matthew 12: 1-14 Golden Text: 111 John U The lesson, through the teaching of Jesus concerning the Sabbath, shows that conduct is to be judged by the extent that it lifts or destroys de-stroys good life. This is inferred from his statement that the Sabbath Sab-bath was made for man. The observance ob-servance of the seventh day as the Sabbath was not established to be a burden upon men but to be a blessing to them. In the incident in the field and later the occurrence in the synagogue, syna-gogue, Jesus exposed the narrow spirit of the Pharisees, and their extreme exactions concerning the keeping of the Sabbath, and showed that the Sabbath was not intended to be a burden to men but to bring good to them. And he refused to rebuke his disciples for plucking and eating grain on the Sabbath, end he freely ministered to the man of the withered hand. Apply the principle that conduct Is to be judged by the extent that it lifts or destroys right life to strong drink. The apologists for strong drink should show us what good there Is In it. They cannot. If it does not uplift human life, It should be condemned. The economic econom-ic ruin that drinking alcohol as a beverage is bad enough. But the spiritual ruin it brings is worse. Beware of the first drink. One of the old readers of our older generation genera-tion taught us that: also that he who bewares of the first drink will never become a drunkard. I GIVE i People who know food freezers know thai the speed with which food is frozen determines the ultimate ulti-mate quality and taste of the food when thawed out. Independent laboratory tests, of the 9 major brands proved conclusively that the Amana Upright freezes large quantities quan-tities of food faster than all other freezers tested . . . and at the same time consumed less electricity. The Amana Upright maintains zero temperatures more economically than the average of all other freezers tested I Comt In ond mo ifco vfttondmg A mono lino of food fMrt . . . thoro'i e tiu ond mods' far very family. Cot your fro copy of the Amana food Mvingi chart . . . thow you how yov can ndvco prnont food colli 20 to 23. A4trtUmtmt sit ... It Joe Marsh "Foxy" Terrier his fishing rod. He went outside and there was Boscura digging like crazy for worms! From where I sit, a dog that can outguess humans is as rare as a human that can outguess other humans. For instance, I like a glass of beer with lunch but I wouldn't think of pouring you one without first asking. Everjbody has preferences and it's Ending out what they are and respecting them that keeps freedom free-dom from "going to the dogs." United Slattt Brcmxrt toundaitem tw&sg&zf 'j nil V:- II ' 1 01 . t :nf '1 -10 fiM vhi Rabbits Plaster Millard In First League Game, 44-30 The Delta Rabbits got off to a good start, Friday, by dumping Millard, 44 to 30, in their first league game of the season. Delta took the lead right aftei the starting whistle, and kept it throughout the first quarter. But in the second quarter the Eagles rallied up 9 points to tie the score at 12 all, and from then on it was strictly the Rabbit's game. Both teams were handicaped in their shooting, because of the new glass bankboards, and did very poor on their shots. Donald Floyd stacked up 13 points pefore he went out of the game on fouls, in the first of the last quarter, to hold scoring honors for the game. Winfield followed close behind, with 12, and Moody had 9, for Delta. For Millard, Konald was high with 11, followed by Kimball, with 9 points. CORRECTION Last week I said that the Delta High Sshool had bought some new glass gankboards, well they didn't buy them. The Deseret Stake did. Delta Nam Winfield Jensen Floyd Prestwich Roper Dewsnup Workman Hansen Moody Sehlappi G 5 o' 5 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 15 T 4 0 3 3 2 0 0 2 8 0 22 F 2 0 3 1 1 0 0 2 5 0 14 Ptt. 12 0 13 3 3 0 0 4 9 0 44 Millard Name G T F Pts.1 Pobson 0 0 0 0 Iverson 0 0 0 0 Marshall 0 0 0 o! Nielson 0 0 0 o! Kesler 1 0 0 21 Konald 3 12 5 11 j Kimball 2 11 5 9 Terrell 0 2 0 0 Adams 2 0 0 4 Jacks, m 0 3 2 2 Tomkinson 0 5 2 2 8 33 14 30 Scor by quarters Delta j 10 22 j 33 j 44 I Millard j 3 132230 BY Leon Huntaker - 1TL111" i tv iiiiT i -i AAJOMkJr RCUV00M . Ivri Ml" - $ is -m m w j f - A- 7. as. --iv 1 -y- -..r-i . X, Delta Wrestlers Trounce Cedar City Grapplemen When the Delta wrestling team meet Cedar City eariler in the season, sea-son, they lost by a few points, but when they went to Cedar on Wed-desday, Wed-desday, January 7, the tables turned, turn-ed, and Delta came up wilth a 36 to 19, victory over the Redmen. The wrestlers have lost one match, mat-ch, and won two, this year. Their next home game will be January 28, with Beaver, so keep this date in mind. Remaining Schulde January 13, Beaver, there, anuary 22, Provo, there. January 24, Millard, there. January 28, Beaver, here, ebuary 7, Millard, here. Wednesday's results Overson, Delta, dec. Barrett Cedar. J. Knight, Delta, dec. Slack, Cedar. Carpenter, Cedar, dec. Orten, Delta. Hollingshead, Delta, pined, Sinkim, Cedar City. Brunsen, Delta, Grant, Cedar, draw. Callister, Delta, dec. Tarres, Cedar. W. Knight, dec. Stratton, Cedar. Black, Delta, dec. Nielson, Cedar Snow, Delta, pinned Palmer, Cedar. Steele, Delta, pinned Mathison, Cedar City. Vest, Delta, Terry.Cedar, draw. Nielson, Delta, Smith, Cedar, draw Prince, Cedar, pinned Western, Delta. Benson, Cedar, pinned Jones, Delto. IMav Par own n Friday Jan. 10 The Rabbits will play the Paro- i wan Rams, Friday, for their last nome game lor a wntie. Alter this game the Delta basketball squad will go to Beaver and Hinck game here. That will make It Feb. 6, before their next home 0 1 game. farowan is rated above Delta in this region, but that wont make any difference. The Rabbits are out to get another victory. The winner of this game will be tied for first place with Beaver, if the Beavers win their game with MUford. The game will start at 8:00. FOB BETTER RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE CHHONICLF RESEARCH I 1 7 , - tr?:?; - ." ,,rl5 "i - . - s1 tx Oasis Mrs ta Vada Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Skeem spent Saturday and Sunday in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Belle Pewtress from Ogden visied her children, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cahoon during the week, returning home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Skeem were in Tooele and Salt Lake City Sat urday. " Don Holtzman spent Saturday and Sunday in Salt Lake City. Last Friday evening friends and relatives congregated at the home of Mrs. Ethel Skeem to help her celebrate her birthday. A lovely supper was served, games were played and everyone had o good time. Friday Mr. and Mrs. Arlyn Sty-ler Sty-ler and family from Bountiful, arrived ar-rived to give their folks a surprise sur-prise visit. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Messinger and family of Beaver, Bea-ver, stopped at the Styler home long enough to say hello, and leave the children, Elizabeth and Stephen, who are staying the week with their grandparents, while Mr. Messinger is attending the state legislature in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Messinger will stay a week and then return for her children. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Anderson from Ephraim joined the family get-together. On Sunday afternoon Arlyn and Mary Mary, Robert and Ellen and their families returned to their homes. Sesiior Seoist Lengne Standings 1..! TEAM W L Pet. Delta 2nd 5 0 1.000 ! Oak City 5 2 .714 ! Delta 1st 5 2 .714! Leamington 5 2 .714' Lynndyl 4 2 .667 1 Hinckley 3 - 4 .429 j Sutherland 2 4 J533; Delta 3rd 2 4 .333 Deseret 2 4 .333 Sugarville 0" 5 .000 Abraham 0 5 .000 This weeks results Oak City 62. Hinckley 43. Leamington 17, Sutherland 13. Delta 1st 30, Abraham 20. Delta 3rd 28, Lynndyl 23. Deseret 45 Sugarville 43. 3 SZikmm it HlTH QfnANT ADS A LITTLE INVESTMENT in a CLASSIFIED AD WILL PAY BIG DIVIDENDS 5 line or less 50c or 3 times for - JL00 Chatter Box I Mrs. Harriet Eliason was hos-Dear hos-Dear Suzy, ! tess t0 the Lyric Lore club ThUrs- The Spit and Argue Club at the da niSht-Reed niSht-Reed Turner Mail and Barbed Wire Dinner was served and later Mau-store Mau-store has missed Jack Reid very tme Anderson gave a book review much this past winter, and are of "The Caine Mutiny." wondering about his absence. It Present were Leona Jeffery, Cora seems that last year Mr. Reid sat Harr'S. Alice Gardner, Eleanore on an opened nail keg about the Skidmore, Olive Barney, Angie furnace uotlet from Nov. 7 to April Warner, Verna Gardner, Thelma 21, taking part in the discussions B1ack, Zerma Sehlappi, Maurine and doing all he could to help JeffeO', Carol Sehlappi, club mem-solve mem-solve the problems confronting the bers Shirley Christensen and farmer, stockmen, town, state, the Cleo Eliason, guests, nation and world. This year he' has been absent and the other members of the club are wondering wonder-ing ii he got mad, or put in some heat oJ! his own to soak up He has heat nf his own out at the homestead and he is not mad, I unless you would call sulking Jua Jcl!,L aQ ne staiea lnal tne BanK mad. For at the latest report hel d,d not have a liberal Policy in resits re-sits nho.it thA hPrth out there 1 ard to credit. a"d When Ot Walch sits about the hearth out there and listens to the radio, all because be-cause his wife, June, tried to make him comfortable. It seems that this fall June rea soned that if he sat on the nail keg another winter he would be come permanently disfigured or crippled, as he was rapidly acquir ing a circular callous on his posterior post-erior that would make him ill at ease in a regular chair, and June felt that it would not be in good taste to take a keyhole saw and cut circular holes in all the chairs at the rancho just to fit Jack. So she got a good sturdy chair, painted it a tasty color, placed a goose down cushion on the seat and put it beside the fumace outlet out-let at the store with a tag on it saying, ""personal property of Jack Reid, please park yours someplace else." When Jack came in the store for his first session of the fall talking fest he spied the chair and at first was pleased and then asked in a rather gruff voice, "Where did that thing come from and who put it there?" When told that his wife had left it there for his comfort he stalked out of the joint and hasn't been back since. This season the chair has stood idle with no one daring to sit on it as they feel that Jack might relent at any minute and come in. Should he find the chair occupied he might be in a huff again and take off, to be seen no more about the club forum. Nobe Peterson, lowbrow of the low rent district, has tossed in the towel and faded from the business scene in Delta, like an Arab in the night. Somehow or other he was fortunate enough to find a couple of men who would buy him out, and so he has left them holding the bag (spare parts) while he holds forth. His plans for the future are rather indefinite, but his plans at any time are the same way, so he has made no appreciable ap-preciable change. He says, "I always thought I was smarter than Dick, but he has Let us Prove the of the FARMALL SUPER C BORDER OR r T t A I - 3-P01N1 HITCH V'A? T.'ow you can have the three- W;. r7 -iA ? point hitch with the Super C for r any tool bar operation, giving you greater versatility than with X , tJ any other tractor. (See picture x and insert.) - You'll use 20 LESS GAS Farmall is First in the Field. With or without the three-pdint hitch, no matter what your tractor task, whether it's plowing, discing, seed-bed work, breaking up hard pan . . . you can do it BETTER and CHEAPER with the dependable r-armail Super C. Ask us to Prove It with a SHOWDOWN DEMONSTRATION on your farm or anywhere that's convenient. Call or drop in at our show room. ASHBY'S, INC. Helta - - - Mali Lyric Lore Club Is Entertained outlasted me five fold and is still going strong, whereas I am trying to learn how to tan wolf hides so that 1 can make a P from the 'na"y who stand at the door" In was quizzed on the subject he stat ed, "Our policy has always been the same, put a little, in, take a little out. The troubl? with Nobe was he forgot to put an in, and always wanted to be taking it out." As I said at the first Ot only said this, he didn't sign it. When Bill Starley asked Nobe when he heard Nobe had sold out, "What are you going to do now, Nobe, retire?" To which Nobe replied, re-plied, "Yes, don't you wish you had saved your money so that you could retire with me?" Bill pro--ceeded to ponder the follies and foibles of life and wondered why he hadn't made it a practice to save a little up for a rainy day, or at least foggy one. We hear of storms that are worth a million dollars, but never of one that would save a million of same not that a milion of same dollars amounts to much these days, but nice to dream about. But had this storm on Wednesday morning not come stockmen around here woud have lost that much next year. They would, next fall, remembered remember-ed the open winter that we have had up to date and planned to do a lot of feeding and then after getting the yards well filled with a various assortment of critters, the boom would be lowered and we would really have a toughy. Its' a good thing that Mother Nature dropped a little wet blanket blan-ket this week, just to remind them that she can get tough when least expected. Whats' happened to the Rainmakers? Rain-makers? That's a field for Nobe to enter. Nobody knows if you are doing anything anyway. Toots. NEED AND GET HELP AuSitxtrn li iHitfir-ii-ifeA lrti,aii,f m tii - iisu.il BEDDING 1 ft K4 at INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER r-i r i r- |