Show 4 IN S S 5 5 Pp 55 is t MANY HELPFUL 1 I y h 13 1 and Of the th and sessions bIng held S Y rind th a moSt when the of O SIOU Ot M I conte contend L by thc gen nd bY 13 ro t fl oLit I II I hL take It Into held o ir iSo ed thc ifa 01 Il ij lid Is ad Josh V ai the ns A TIlE ork no Ot the pro Id out oung men ar tia In U theology traIns In tIie pertain to theIr Is ho ser 1119 to hao zUl ts cond w to us tO I IaL II before and to Ing pi cI I aIr Jhc I Ini ni nt bi id to t n flO ilent ot cUbS The to i il l aID ci Ill to a wi to full 0 1 consistent ond ot tho the so oC their O It loots it Church but iko tIo and V to the PlaCe r nt br ILI Saints r or puhl C nail nailI I Ti ie an alId all I deen th t ta a bo at thIs as nos ly I In the t sr in our lut rather l out 1 f le tt to mis lon thol ol Zion Th ho Occupied fhe i nOtis tobo foi a Ito but ham loung sere fir t tet tidy k nto ot oui 10 III th o ui ot the and E the t d v oik a d to Ct Ih hutli ito to d all other gifts 7 includes control oi I mcI tc meats ind als fold ts th and TIlL a oie In tuu it muk I teal contests lectures ess o s sS S S nailer of tilo oit If caviled In th I ular IS Ms TO 1 hoard lo Ill these oE ur with ln the who hiLtL o the add ar ln our c arc ws i A on laid I i A fl 4 A ad social S A on library lug 5 I on and A I I on ranil S or add th board exigencies oC the dc and organIzations nia ba In and warl as fi as or feces At the ot tIc from Uc given ast S lVe that this course will the of create a good feeling our young which So ox ot that the does foster and desire to I of Ing the the cara 01 young nn s tb tO provida pf I eel In w having elsewhere I Fi Church in the of ZIon and ln the wai ls 1111 s a th i in our to sustain and andS S the rn pr the field of outlined and 10 I WC be for and special 1 ho I in young S the the order and ot tho Ili encourage In the faith and be not I Iii ii S but en Way for s via Lord Jho Mu Improvement as In reLl detha hell to to tho e being that oui will ic violated lut that they vIll prove loyal to tho I II I s tile ork ot time S JOS F 13 S Era wis the it I ers varIous hc said take Union Bear River and stood st The piker th heipel the oung melt to lead bet S B on tiie subject liim tIn i a ber 01 stories humor A wimp n of lead r time Mutual as re of tween tIia a the feud lit th matter o i a and that ar at tin foot does r a of wealth or n but buthi hi Of WOrk lder paid of of for Iad Among U ul b sIzed ol one ii I 1 1101 S on th non hoUld Lri OriC f Time a and directors S 1 L r and to he plit othe S 5 i VIf 5 e conference held In hail Pid if CooperatIon between Ut time Young Men the omIng it advisable tt look at both as simply two branches of time same organization To of both t time t and Cli In among the C tile In ting uj of very t m bc desired S IlLS O cooperation as in time aIt raie stake I iJ hart to closer to uniformity In I A lie out tin hess there Is eric of Said who Oil the of she said be ih tim ar alid should appeal to the To slie told or tile caine amid explained imo ft cami lie I In a Sue I gave oilier ladies ChrIt S time sub I Of low to Secure It ire irethe I II the at ls PVC the punctuality I I I ro who are out of order realize that are Iii nt o will itle pm culling authorIty zis th mule or law Stop theme 1 disorder mower I pt Order the not around li luke to be managed IC only the th Idea that they ate Cooperation a om eIght ot on the foil I SUNJY SESSION I S In IntilLi tilLi ti bernacle was a meet lug There a jt and y ung Ond a most tIme wait Prest Joseph F at the a testimony truth stability of by the of the Father dime to thu young Jo S Smith html earnest fO ly the congre in the meeting what had who had borne their felt that tho Lord had greatly blessed thu meeting Itt only still im of the 1 to dent said he mit pl to bee d th anti their good ft after S the fashions of th depie depieS S S time io amid hair I lii Is cl A J A associations at 2 p mn Sunday T l cre the I Ellei of the th bY Is 10 look after time Irl mary on the work I this work Is so Important that lit tOC tinder the of I wards of the ik and aid them in war warThe The r of 5 1 talk b F Ho said that In tho past there had not S care Over PeOPle lit as thought that the was the cOn have in city talie young iii contact with the world Iii will greatly aid young rime Associations tio time of the y by time of of Iles ko in tile hands of Pure noble wo I Imen men men assay from on lifo to Illustrate Time s1 advised people tb tbS S lie ear ready to and to defend S the gospel and Saints will be gi en of tills city causi of tima many people wilt vISIt CItY summer Ruth Mim representing the I yi IM I been sail the of chap S but wished as nr liat a over I thelm of need lof between parents 1 work of 1 iii im bY IC A baritone Tim S spoke on dork SI over r of ach ers iro graded mU three divisions mid limo limov v rk t to suit tile various age Pearl r ad of 1 leading d to mis an educational factor In President Francis M iii th and in worship ho ito It bettem for us all would prolong our meetings late Into thea id do our our pleasure Iii tile day tie th rests Whit the sun goes birds on the Paws of lature to they tro alive stir ink that g put to Zion forti totter oa I the W should o b Jata W I too fired tog tO Oil OilI I T 5 1 ire nUch tIle 1 Ing si quid Pot n of limo of this alice Tumey thU tim ro Is a spirIt of dc In because of the tru b dc ted ed vilu idid hati So I doing their in tiis I oiCe of rati iQ I II l lAlice Alice K Sn could fOr of Y I 11 1 tho of Or V CI C united Iti ilijiN Iii the anti sero fo both tiu young tim thou to toil il a of |