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Show MRS. MARTIN LUTHER KING if V" :A - M ' '' - -v w ' I 7:00 p.m. Nov. 12 One dollar donation Sports and Special Events Center for scholarship M MARIE CALENDERS PIES Cj AND COFFEE SHOP 5 min. from .Campus 1313 Foothill Blvd. I M AFTER STUDYING Jr DROP IN FOR A SNACK UV Coffee Shop features Sandwiches, T Homemade Chili, Salads, etc. J Apple Pie without some cheese JJ Is like a kiss without a squeeze. POSTER COLLECTORS SAN FRANCrSCO ROCK CONCERT POSTERS Pull color. Out of print. Full size originals, from the Fillmore Auditorium.. Audi-torium.. .Guaranteed highest quality qual-ity or money refunded. Originally cost $1.50 ea. Limited offer 6 for 54.95. We pay postage. Arbuckle Bros., 3871 Piedmont Ave., Oakland, Oak-land, California 94611. DICK: Are there other ways to qualify quali-fy for Air Force ROTC scholarships? scholar-ships? Gladls KRIS: Thanks for all the fun on the night of the great pumpkin. Steve CONGRATULATIONS to Ann Richards Rich-ards who Is FINALLY 21. Step aside boys and girls 1970 eight. '70 LANGE Pro's, 2nd issue, 12M, $100. Excellent condition. Call 328-2832 328-2832 or 355-8146. 350 HONDA Moto-Sport 1970. 2,500 mUes. Call .298-4820. $750 or best offer. MUST SELL 1964 Mallbu with '69 Z-28 Camaro engine. 4-speed. Make offer. 322-4901. ATTENTION Bargain Hunters ! BRAND NEW TIRES, $13.95 and up (plus tax). (All sizes for foreign for-eign & American cars). Just off campus ... at CHEER, Corner 2nd Ave. & "R" Street MUST SELL 1969 Yellow 850 Flat like new! CaU 295-5053. 1967 CAMARO 4-speed disc brakes full Instrumentation nwe Goodyear Polyglas tires excellent excel-lent condition forced sale, very cheap. 359-7231 after 10 p.m. or 277-5225. 1965 CORVAIR 4-spd., 4-dr., good condition. 17 ft. one-man kayak. Call after 5. 485-9018. SERVICES -4K your reading barriers Im- your speed - Up to 4000 . 1 Improve your comprehen- - Unlock new words Organ-11 Organ-11 mr memory patterns Eduea-l Eduea-l Computer Clinic can help you ' Call 277-7914. !SSTONAL TYPING-lass pa-theses, pa-theses, etc. IBM Selectrlc type- C5X.pairs-Ca11 ANNE - the gal who loves to Z J0"' DWtoble, accurate, Arable. 466-2905. Srs mother fre y &50T7 Startlng- CaU LInda- INSURANCE -Unme-Superior Bene- WSST F1Tret -student "'S320. e Jerry Peterson, WANTED PART-TIME with ALCOA SUBSIDIARY SUBSID-IARY 17 hours week $72.00 up Need Car Scholarships Interviews 466-9278. OPPORTUNITY, spare' time, addressing address-ing envelopes and circulars! Make $27.00 per thousand. Handwritten, or typed, in your home. Send Just $2 for INSTRUCTIONS plus a LIST OF FIRMS using addressers. Satisfaction Satis-faction Guaranteed! B & V Enterprises, Enter-prises, Dept. 9-210. P.O. Box 1056, Yucalpa, California 92399. FEMALE GRADUATE STUDENT to share very luxurious furnished house with one girl. Beautiful private bedroom bed-room and bath. Divine ground with woods and mountains. $150 each. Call Marcla. 355-7033. SELF PROTECTION LectureDemonstration. LectureDem-onstration. Metropolitan Hall o f Justice Auditorium. 11-12-70. 8:00 p.m. Information, call 297-2268. POETRY WANTED for cooperative poetry anthology. Please include stamped return envelope. Send poetry po-etry to Idlewlld Press. 1807 East Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90021. PART TIME$$$$$ 1 or 2 evenings per week 2 to 3 hours per evening. eve-ning. $150 $350.00 per month. Rapid advancement to $500.00 plus per month, still part-time. Only serious parties need Inquire. Call Mr. Peterson, weekdays 7:30-8:30 a.m. or 3:30-7:00 p.m., Sat., 9:00-12:00 9:00-12:00 a.m. 485-9069. PERSONAL GIRLS! Come learn that guys are people too at least our Tekes are. Daughters of Diana reception, Wednesday, November 4, 7:009:00 p.m. 74 South Wolcott. ATTENTION Bargain Hunters! TEL-AR TEL-AR ANTI-FREEZE, $1.39 gal. Just off campus ... at CHEER, Corner 2nd Ave. & "R" Street 1969 SUZUKI 305 cc. Scrambler. 6 gears, dual carburetors. Injected, tachometer, detachable windshield. Won Datona 350 cc. class last year. Impeccable shape. Must sell! Closest offer to $585.00 accepted. 484-1801. SCORPIOS with ID get 20 percent discount off today at Black and White Bookstore, 875 E. Ninth So. FENDER guitar, Gibson reverb Amp. Excellent condition, $150. 3594945 after 6:00 p.m. 1969 KAWASAKI 250 cc. green streak racer. Full cross-country & track equipment Including 2 sets of handlebars. han-dlebars. 2 exhaust systems, 2 sets of tires. MAKE OFFER AROUND $475.00. CHECKERED FLAG. 305Q W. 3500 So. 298-3524. JAG. '59 XK-150 Roadster. Overhauled engine. Over $2,000 invested. Will take $995. 35CM330 after 7:00 p.m. DRIVE a '69 Bultaco Matador! Excel, condition, well-tuned. After 5 p.m., 484-1309. COMPLETE ski outfit. $150.00. Head Standards, buckle boots, Miller bindings, ski coat and pants. 322-0481. 322-0481. MUST SELL Stereo system, like new: KLH Model 20 (FM receiver, speakers, speak-ers, Gerrard turntable), TEAC 1500 W. tape deck, Pioneer SE-30 Headphones. Head-phones. Bring recordexpert for demonstration. Call 277-9436. '69 Z28 CAMARO, excellent condition. $2650. Call 355-9330. WANT to help me help a friend out of a bad financial situation? Need $850 bfeore Nov. 1st. Call 467-5035, ask for Val or 484-5523 ask for Betty or Shar. TO A DAMSEL in distress: Sorry the police had to be your escort Saturday Satur-day night (Oct 24). If you would like more directions I'll promise you a personal escort. What was your name anyway? 277-3190. STUDENTS whose cars have been towed away, contact Ron at the Chrony. 322-7041, 103 dally. LOST & FOUND HEART-SHAPED gold ring enameled blue with pearl, lost In restroom near museum auditorium. Please mall to 2162 Wyoming Street or call 486-0512 after 10 p.m. It means more to me than it ever will to you. Reward offered. LOST small dog dirty, long black curly hair, white puff on chest Male. 1040 E. 2nd South. '68 BMW-2002. 2 year old for new price. $1800. '70 Honda Moto-sport Moto-sport 100. Low miles. Under warranty. war-ranty. Extras. $350 or ? Must sell both in two weeks. 278-1682. URGENT. Leaving town. Must sell 1970 Moto-sport 1200 miles. Excellent Excel-lent condition. $690. 322-6746 days, 3594326 evenings. ONE OWNER. '67 Mustang, full power, pow-er, auto transmission, blue color, fastback, GTA model. 277-4130 anytime. any-time. FOB BENT MALE STUDENT Share apt. TV, private room, all utilities Included. $46.50. Walk to University. 322-1873. S65 00 THREE-room apartment, Capitol Hill area. Hot water, heat Call 485-5673. MG At lt triple s lCmprehenslon on all HI. 61 0niy $28.00. Call 266-F0E 266-F0E SALE -?isSerb0'Ss7- Ient condl-iiCailjl condl-iiCailjl 5 buckles. 'STIC 26i f'Jtall fH'," amP- You pay 2T' ne """P 'or only 322-$ tlree-speed bicycle. |