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Show Young Democrats Select New Officers And Charter The reorganized campus Young Democrats (YD) in a meeting Tuesday Tues-day voted for a state charter and elected new officers for the coming year. The organization, which caused some disturbances in late March highlighted by factional clashing within the group, changed temporarily tempor-arily its name to College Democrats during the dispute. Mike Peterson was elected president presi-dent following article six of its proposed pro-posed constitution. Other officers include Alice East, first vice-president; Wayne Peay, second vice-president; vice-president; Carla Bump, secretary; and LuDean Robeson, coordinator. In a third move, the YD's voted endorsement for the Student Educational Edu-cational Endowment for King (SEEK), a program which sets up a fund in behalf of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Preceeding Tuesday's meeting were two gatherings of a fact finding find-ing committee appointed at t h e time of the party split last month to look into and iron out organizational organiza-tional differences. According to committee member Kay Israel, the fact finding group was surprised to find very little difference in modes of thinking. "The differences weren't nearly as bad as we thought," said Israel. "Most resentment came from outside out-side sources. This is something we don't want in the future and we'll try not to have it." Israel commented the fact finding find-ing committee first tried to find common ground to settle differences. differ-ences. "We were interested to learn that most people wanted a charter with the state, and very few complaints com-plaints were present after that." The leaders of the two "theoretical "theoreti-cal factions" namely George Mil-ligan Mil-ligan and Fred Bruhn, were called in and helped to modify the YD constitution. "We modified very little," commented com-mented Israel. "We toned down words mostly; an example being changing the phrasing 'strongly support' to 'support actively' and so on. In the end, the constitution was accepted by both sides." In speaking about the YD's future, fu-ture, Israel said its success or failure fail-ure would depend on an individual willingness to remain united on different questions. "Success or failure will not lie with the leadership leader-ship but instead wth thei factions." |