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Show " if' ; I '" ':: I :! j RON A OSBORN, ROBERT JIMENEZ EXCHANGE VOWS AT ST. BRIDGETS The bride chose colors of orchid and yellow and the theme was carried through in the decorations of the church and reception hall. The bridesmaids wore floor-length floor-length dresses of orchid with yellow trim. The bride and groom were honored at a dinner for the immediate families and members of the wedding party par-ty at the home of the groom's parents, immediately following fol-lowing the ceremony. A reception followed at the Milford Elementary School. Refreshments were served by Cindy Jimenez, sister of the groom, Jeanne Kerns, Julie Brinkman, Cecelia Ce-celia Stewart and Louise Smith. Linda Jimenez took care of the wedding book and Sheila Brinkman and Mina Lepplnk were In charge of the gifts. Out-of-town guests attending at-tending were: Mrs. Keith Burgess and daughters, Pam, Vickie, Paula, and Nancy, Twin Falls, Ida.; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Osborn and son Tom, Coachella, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stewart Stew-art and Steven of Kearns, Utah; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Stewart, Granger, Utah; Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Allison, Joseph, Jo-seph, Utah; Mr. and Mrs. Luis Jimenez, Jr. and family, fam-ily, Las Vegas, Nev.; Mrs. Mary Blonquist and sons, Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Radke, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Evans, Mr. an Mrs. Don Wice, Salt Lake City; and Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Brinkman, Des Moines, la. Miss Rona June Osborn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Osborn, became the bride of Mr. Robert Allen Jimenez at a Nuptial Mass, Saturday evening, August 10, in the St. Bridget's Catholic Church with Father J.H. Valine Va-line officiating. Father Valine was assisted assist-ed in the Mass by Richard and Albert Osborn, brothers of the bride, who served as altar boys. Mrs. Bonnie Easton, accompanied ac-companied by Mrs. Vickie Fotheringham, sang "Ava Maria" and "The Lord's Prayer" during the Mass. The bride was attended by Miss Joan Leppink as Maid of Honor, and bridesmaids were Miss Debbie Rose; her sisters, Misses Kathy and Nancy Osborn, Miss LuAnft Jimenez, sister of the groom; and Miss Suzann Wice as Flower Girl. Brent McCulley was Best Man for Robert, and his brothers, bro-thers, Jerry and Larry Jimenez, Jim-enez, and Scott Bealer and George Smith served as ush-es. ush-es. The bride's dress, made by Mrs. A. A. Brinkman, was of the princess line of polyester satin, with long, full lace sleeves, fitted at the wrist. She wore a veil of white tulle "with a tiny cap covered with seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of yellow roses with orchid tinted carnations and a Georgette lace trimmed handkerchief of her grandmother's, grand-mother's, Mrs. Angela Nye. OLD TIMERS HOLD STEAK FRY Members of the Union Pacific Pa-cific Old Timers Club wish to express their sincere thanks to Flo Barnes for the privilege of holding their steak f rys during the sum -mer months at the Barnes " Ranch in South Milford. The August steak fry was held Saturday night and a good time was had by all. Those on the committee were Mr. and Mrs. Mack Thompson, Thomp-son, chairman; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Crane, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fernley, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Merry-weather, Merry-weather, Mrs. Olive Root and Mrs. Winnie Johnson. |