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Show Friday, January 14, 2000 THE SIGNPOST Page 9 WSU students celebrate MLK day in unique way By Jenny Salerno senior news reporter-7ie Signpost On Monday, a national holiday will be celebrated in memory of Martin Luther King Jr. When Ronald Reagan declared the third Monday in January to be Martin Luther King Jr. Day in 1983, it was with King's service in mind. It is fitting that this holiday, which is celebrated at the time of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday, is a holiday intended as a day to serve others. "A day on, not a day off is the theme of the holiday, according to mlkday.org. King once said, "Life's most persistent and urgent question is what are you going to do for others?" That is a question that a panel of ethnically diverse stu dents, along with anyone who wants to participate, hopes to answer. . The activity will begin today at 10 a.m. in the Shepherd Union Building Ballroom under the direction of Herman Hooten from Services for Multicultural Students. Hooten wants to get the younger generation "energized about human rights." The day's activity will also showcase a photographic chronological display of King's life. The display will remain in the ballroom all day for anyone interested in viewing it. King's life was spent trying to change the injustices for black Americans and create equal human rights for everyone. His first major involvement came after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white person. "The holiday should be special for everyone. Martin Luther King's main objective was service and bringing everyone together." Jackie Shupe, Martin Luther King Day service project coordinator King assumed leadership of the Montgomery bus boycott that ended 381 days later with a Supreme Court ruling that would make segregation on public transportation illegal. This was his first involvement of many in the civil rights movement. "In the 32 years since Martin Luther King was killed we look differently upon what civil rights means. Civil rights is now interpreted as gay rights, disabled rights, and women's rights, not just ethnicity," he said. Others at Weber State University agree. Student Josh Fronk said, "Martin Luther King Day is about human rights and his dream in bringing equal human rights to everyone." Hooten thinks it is important for everyone to be involved, and not just on Martin Luther King Day. see MLK day page 10 Involve yourself Continuing the Dream 2000 Incorporating new energy and new ideas to revjialize-the struggle for equality . Today ' -. ' Shepherd Union Ballroofn 10 a.m. Teens of Ogden United for Community Harmony present the Ogden Interfaith Teen Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Sunday Ogden High auditorium 5 p.m. Various service projects are available throughout the community. Visit the Corporation For National Services, Martin Luther King Day Web site at www. ml kd ay.o rg. 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