Show LEWER LETTER F 5 f fort eort ic av I 1 i i p 1 editor the wrice i to 4 cert certain jin ci tien ji j I 1 arto aj t i f v i ou ine hie this a 1 n u 1 i n i i ia 0 11 vi riu to the hay snik fo tok r A i fea feasell beason soll I 1 anfor 11 I 1 i i th tint tt 1 11 l ja 0 o eril ments methora lioI of procuring supplies lic is by contract awai led to tile i 13 vy it bi I 1 torl that in the case un ler co co i ii 1 ail c ITI I TI I 1 or interested had beai given an opportunity to bid and that it was my duty to tile the gov erni eminent nent to facilitate the work of the party to wl who 0 ii th contract h biad ad been awarded incidentally I 1 stated to them that my sympathies were strongly with men destined to to exist in the world through fruits follit i of honest toil that I 1 recognize 1 the liberty of the human himan will in religion 0 and polities politics and believe in the openly uniting of men for lawful ol 01 acts such as mutual protection against chuse who make largest 0 profits out of lowest wages anes intolerable hours of work and the like but that the lawless action of individual or combinations developed in your see section to prevent the contractor from furnishing inc rl our lia hay y supply had been such as to condemn in ill i y mind the community that tolerates it and advised them to return and counsel the people to attend to their individual at af fail aud not molest oi allorto to be molested pa who ho havu hav sold their hay to the ron con from filling their obligations and that tilt the hemr dy for what they consi considered dereI ri auff could only ime b bloed booed for th through I 1 it ii to tc get u better batu lor thir th ir lu alwa year since the sap left slit my u 00 1 I have 0 learue v I 1 u a ti by q of JO sa on ule that five aau citizens oi jo your anos county who OTA PILI bid lor the aej hay guil contract ou oal tm 1 to it for less ss thau pill that 11 0 ov o oi ain int deis cic inq bill 23 P it iiii iti bid of jo ip the anty I 1 1 i 1 warded I 1 must budt t ailt xi I op tiri 11 of 10 amoz anoz bour SwI to 01 ile irit 1 ol 01 ym 11 of jo the mv lall IP toi tho otil aini 0 ji mop downin him pal all ill alie GOC or to II I 1 tj t j 0 mentis officials than for rabin the dill ImI A value all of jo hay jioji vill eliat the all bihn ftp judic ment of jo all alv good 0 po of jo your val y p biml av as earnestly aa 1 I 1 the I 1 same S il 1 u I 1 ID A very respectfully IS james F randlett Kand lett bajor oil 11 cavalry 1 post |