Show MILLINERY just arrived at LE je ADAMS co also fine legions ea ait rt haig haight lit froni from ouray duniy is vita I 1 t rand parents mr and mr fair a LH abight has gone to S silt lake i mr geo youngs fancily for a fo 0 to WHITES WHITER place elery aery sunke CREAM CAKE mr jake workman and alid wife made a hying trip last week to jensen they went on business I 1 hut ut say it proved to be 4 decided d pleasure trip the primary conference wis was in m session the exercises exercises were fine and the picnic afterward wwi cwi a very docil abir dr mr and mrs Vor knan de decaire elart tint hutt 1 it hn been a long iong 0 thile since they had so 30 plem sint uit a time josf 4 GRAND OF JULY L acob it I 1 b AA T IR 0 ap 1 AT VERNAL UTAH 1 JULY ITH 1891 0 PARADE Commence ing at 10 it a m and concluding with speeches etc at the grand stand afternoon exercises commencing at 2 0 clock f p in consisting of all kinds of athletic sports TUU 00 given away in rash cash prizes prices dance at the two halls at night COME ONE COME ALL SUMMONS in the justies court vernal venial Fro cinet territory tm atory of utah es ea county of uintah C john pope popa plaintiff t vs demand S J large defendant i to S J large lare greeting you are hereby summoned to W b anil and appear before me the tit at my office in vernal precinct uintah county utah territory to answer a complaint filed against 0 you herein by said plaintiff within five days ex elusive of the day of service if this sui summons is served on you within vernal precinct within ten days if served on you yon outside of said vernal precinct but within the county of uintah and within twenty days daya if served elsewhere suid said action is brought to recover from you the sum of 0 7 7 00 with interest from octo october er 1890 alleged to be due for taxes remaining unpaid the collector which will fully appear anear by the complaint ou on file herein to which you yon are arc cefere d and you are hereby notified that if you fall to so BO appear and answer as above raqu required raqul red ired the plaintiff will take a judgment against you for the sum of SOO with interest and costs coats of euit ault given under my hand this ath day of june A D 1801 DAVID r Ju justice Latice of the peace SUMMONS in the Jnet ices court vernal precinct territory of utah pa ia county or of vintah uintah f john pope plaintiff vs VIS Deni demand and and int ac stall turly defendant to stall A turley greeting you are hereby summoned to be and appear before me the undersigned undersigner under signed at ray my office iu fia vernal precinct uintah cou county rity utah territory to answer a complaint mod filed against you yon herein by sald said plaintiff within five dayo exclusive of the day of per i if this summons is ia on you within vernal vernl precinct within acu days if on boj yo outside of said bomal V Pree iKc but within tte te conaty of ata bcd wa lu tw U i era s where said antior is brought to from you the ui aquor due as aa unpaid taz gaea eis for the year 1800 which sald amount was duly assessed asse sped for the yar and d unpaid which will 11 ll fully app appear NV on the complaint Pl elut axa hecei to W which you fire axe ref refer erod cd and you are hereby no titled that if you yoa fail to so ap pearland pear and answer as aa above required the plaintiff vii take a judgment against you to lo of entert since ince oc october obar slait and coat of pull given under my hand this ath da of ef neej A 11 10 1101 u qa Q P ua t mr john vil aou br barrt rot ul the first from his buea ainu thi year they were dell i cioci many th fr most of our sheep mn me 11 hue duj old ali their air 01 ol at the 1 corral corrah for fair t 15 and if 1 ciutti pr p pr r i lit ind L 6 the taj hive h ive dono 1 vr vry v byll mil much eh oetter than if thy they hi alp 1 1 it v c ur WA horney at all alo W 0 at er M asep I 1 1 I 1 J I ic collections made real hatate bought and old eold pdt pat ronae solicited poli cited S K kinq attorney and counselor at law will practice before the department of the interior legal business attended to in all courts PRICE 14 aed t office vernal street w H PARKS PHYSICIAN AND AD 4 0 J b U R U 11 E ut X office at tillmans Dill mane mans drug store vernal mah P IL 11 B BUTLER U T L R R 1 IT tz calls or night office on vernal street next door west of the coop co op NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF HERY HENRY M FORD deceased cell sed notice is hereby given by theonder signed executor of the will of henry M ford deceased to the creditors of and all dersons having claims against the deceased to exhibit them with the propel vouchers within too ton months montha after the first publication of this notice to the said executor ut at hi hh 1 g redde e in ashley achley ui uintah I 1 utah county I 1 utah Teri Tori torr tory I 1 tho the place of blis of saia executor D COLTON executor of the will 0 ot henry 31 ford deceased dea eased dit aay may the 1891 for tit U next 80 0 dayl deyss the uta willia A raish mathel wat brial nod aud ahoo your for I 1 por s span pan for badh 6 or OP grai grain j a 11 II A 4 fc you cant pay don donic t play any jockey bricke all other work in ia proportion all work wor k guaranteed eed vemil aar apr ap r J J haight |