Show THE NEW LAND LAWS continued front from pur our last S sec i c 2 that an act to provida pro vide for the sale of desert lauds lands in certain states and territories approved 31 march arch 3 1 ba is hereby amended rain ended by b y adding addi ig thereto the following sections I 1 SEC 4 that at the time of ming filing the declaration la kierein hereinbefore before required the party shall also file a map of said land which shall exibia a plan of showings showing the mode of contemplated irrigation and which plan shall be sufficient to thoroughly irti irrigate gate and reclaim said land and prepare it to raise ordinary agricultural crops and shall it a so show the source of the batea to be used for irrigation and reclamation person pei son en entering terina or proposing to enter separate section 01 s or fractional parts of sections of desert lauds lands auty associate together in the 1 col of canals and ditches for irrigating 0 and reclaiming all of said tracts and may inay file a joint map or maps showing their plan of internal improvements SEC 5 that no land shall be patented to any person under this act unless he or his as signers shall hall s have expended in i n the necessary irrigation reclamation and cultivation thereof by me men iw of main canals and branch ditches and iu in permanent improvements upon the land I 1 and in the purchase 4 of water rights for tho ho irrigation of the same at least 3 per acre of bhole hole tract reclaimed and patentee patented in the mangei following c within one year after making entry for such tract of desert land as aforesaid the party so entering ei lt erin rr shall expend ex end not less than 1 per acre for the purposes af aforesaid I 1 j and he shall in a like manner expend the sum of ol 01 fl 1 per acre during the second and also during the third year thereafter until the sum of 3 per acre is so expended said party shall file during du ring each year with the register proof by the affidavits of two or op more credit bredl ild lc wit witnesses ne ss eq that the full sum of 1 per acre has been expended in such necessary improvements during such year and the manner in iii which expended and at the expiration of tile the third year a map or plau plan sli showing owing the character and extent exten t of liuch auch improvements if any party parly who baa made such aepli application aaion shall fail during any year to file the te testimony stimon testimony y aforesaid the alle hinds shall revert t to 0 th united states i aud and the 25 95 cents advanced payment shall be forfeited to the united states and tho the entry shall be ean canceled lancelet celet nothing herein contained aall prevent a 11 fra juam 1 ati a u f alu 1 H w k v 1 v c prescribed provided that he then make the required proof of reclamation to the aggregate extent of 3 per acre provided that proof be further required of the cultivation of one eighth of the land continued in our next |