Show the Catholics The Kearns Party Steals its Slanders From the A. p. A and Makes Them Thomas I have a very important message for you this for what your Tribune is saying now is right in line with the tracts and anti-Catholic party distributed in the early Secret Your Tribune has told many times the alleged oaths that all Mormons take in the endowment Paden caused it to be published in many Eastern papers and Frederick pretends to know it by The endowment ath that he anti-Mormon papers have published for the past four or five years varies in different The following is Paden's version of That all Mormons swear ito avenge the blood of Joseph and Hyrum Smith on all the Gentiles of this nation and to teach their children's children unto the third and fourth Baptist Mormon The Mormon penalties for revealing according to the Mission are the throat will be cut from ear to ear and the tongue torn the breast be cut asunder and the heart and vitals be torn from the the body be cut asunder at the middle and if we wall give all we possess to support the Your Tribune also stated Mormon church claims to be the kingdom of God on and the only lawful It teaches that all other governments are fraudulent must be broken in It claims that its mission is to rule the whole beginning with the United Its teaching is treason and ill's leaders are Where the Tribune Stole I know where your editor got the above He boiled it down from alleged oaths that the said all Catholic priests and Jesuit Catholics had to In 1890 the party published these alleged oaths in tract form and spread them broadcast throughout the Eastern The following is an exact copy of an anti-Catholic American party including the explanatory head large of the popish priests in this country are from Maynooth The following is the oath taken by them on being admitted Ito the order of Roman Priest's A. do acknowledge the power of his holiness and the mother Church of as the chief head and matron above all pretended churches throughout the whole and that my zeal shall be for St. Peter and his successors as the founder of the true and ancient Catholic against all heretical states or repugnant unto the t and although A. may follow in case of or other- wise to be heretically yet in soul and conscience I shall aid and succor the mother Church of Rome as the an- I and apostolic A. j further do declare not to act j or control any matter or thing j judicial unto in her tenets or without leave of its power or its her appointed or to be and being so jhen to act and further her more than my own earth- good and earthly as ie and her his holiness and successors or ought to the supremacy over all or powers either to deprive of their countries or or to set up others in lieu they dissenting from the mother church and her i The Jesuit's I A. now the presence of Almighty the blessed Virgin the blessed Michael the blessed St. John the the holy apos-fie of St. Peter and St. Paul and ill the saints and sacred host of to my ghostly do declare from my without mental that lis Pope is Christ's and is the true and of the Catholic or universal church throughout the and that by the virtue of the keys of binding and given to his holiness by my Jesus he hath power to depose heretical and all being illegal without his sacred and ht they may safely be to the utmost P my I shall and will de-fed this doctrine and his holiness 's rights and customs against lH usurpers of the heretical authority especially against the now tended and Church and all in Jard that they and she be and opposing sacred mother Church of K I do renounce and disown allegiance as due to any prince or or obedience o any of their inferior magis-S or I do further je that the doctrine of the gurch of the and of others of the to be damnable Ee be will noi forsake the I do furth declare that I and or any of his holiness s agents in any pie wherever I shall be in Scotland and or in any other territory or kingdom I shall come and do my utmost to extirpate the heretical Protest ant's and to destroy all their regal or I do further promise and declare that notwithstanding I am dispensed to assume any religion for the propagating of the mother church's to keep secret and private all her agents' counsels from time to time as they entrust and not to directly or by writing or circumstance to execute all that shall be given in or discovered unto by my ghostly or any of this sacred All which A. do swear by the blessed Trinity and blessed which I am now to to and on my part to keep inviolably and do call all the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness these my real to keep this my In I take this most holy and blessed Sacrament of the and witness the same further with my hand and in the face of this holy this day of A. you being a Roman how do you like how do you enjoy hearing such statements published about your church leaders and church think that such anti-Mormon A. P. A. stuff as you publish every day in your Tribune is elevating and makes the people you know that your anti-Mormon Startling Disclosures of an Awful Community viler and more obscene than any tract that your party ever Over of your tracts were above anti-Mormon distributed from Tours V. S. miller wear a white Why does a To keep his head |