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Show RIO VIRGEN MILLS, I CT HIXGTOX, T71-9lZ, Manufacturers of Cottar and Woolen Goods, are taking in exchange for the same, Cotton, Wool, Flour, Grain, and all kinds of Farm and Dairy products. THOMAS JUDD, Lessee. 22tf FOB ' J. W. Carpenter, Editor andtProprietor, The only Newspaper published in Washington County. Published weekly at $1.50 per annum. Only 65 cents for the balance of this volume. pSpecial. All persons who will forward us 50 cents in Cash within the next TEN DAYs, will receive the UNION, the balance bal-ance of the year 1896. Tell it to your neighbors and everybodp. The Union Box 512, St. George, Utah. , . i i Subscribe for the Union only 65 cents for balance of this year. 1 |