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Show tffWC- COMPOUND BONESET PILLS tjjlftW.a great remedy for headache, ln &XjS& digestion and lives complaints, SSar 9u$r coated. 25cti. All stores Wanted-An Idea :2eng MILLINERY SLAUGHTER SALE! Commencing Wednesday, s August 5, 1896. My entire stock of Summer Millinery must be closed out regardless of cost, to make room for my winter stock. Mrs. A. E Price, Cor. of Washington and Diagonal Sts, St George, Utah. HENRY H. RIDING, One door east of P. 0,. St. George, Utah, Manufacturer & Dcalcr in Furniture, Doors, Sash, Cubboards, Bureaus, Tables, Stands, &c Furniture neatly repaired on shori notice. Prices low. a ' - ' Mrs. Juie A. has not shut ud shop as some have said. but has on hand the LARGEST, FINEST uJ?ndni5?BApEST STOCK of SPRJHB and SUMMER MIL- LIIIEIiY south of . Provo. Call and examine for yourselves. your-selves. , jEvery t body welcome. . i6-6m At Dr. IvinsJ , t . . . - - Ca xxaxicnso with sncnisAH TO TUB sea; Tnidmd all the way on foot, over mountain and through moras, carrying knapsack and gun. slept on brush heaps to keep out of the mud, caught cold, from the effects of which, his friends thought he would never recover. lingering1 with slow consumption for many years, be saw Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Dis-covery advertised in a country newspaper, and he determined to try it. A few bottles worked a change: six months' continued usa cured him. Always too independent to ask his country for a pension, be now says he needs none. He helped save his country, he saved himself 1 Consumption is Lung-scrofula. For scrofula, in aU its myriad forms, tho D,Joovery" Is an unequaled remedy. It cleanses the system of all blood-taints from whatever cause arising, and cures all Skin and Seal Diseases. SahVr heu ra. Tetter, Eczema, Ecze-ma, and kindred ailments. It is guaranteed to benefit or cure in all diseases for which it Is recommended, or money paid for it will be refunded. . Sold by druggists. Ooprrlg ht, 1868, by Wobjld's dis. Mux. Assv. DR. GAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY cures Ihe worst cases, do matter of liow lofisT tanking. 60 cents, by druggist. , i ' f ' Pickett&Snow ST. GEORGE, UTAir, DEALERS IN Furniture, Wall Paper, Linoleum, Baby Carriages, New Home Sewinfc Machines and Washing Machines. Also Undertakers, with a good supply of coffin trimmings always oa hand. We also carry the celebrated Osborne Harvesting Machinery, Mitchel Wagons, all kinds of wagon Timbers, Irons, Bplts, &c. iS-6ni |