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Show tffff COMPOUND BONESET PILLS 05 great remedy for headache, ir V&4& digestioaand livib complaints. rfi2' ugw coated. 25cts, Allitore i Wanted-fln Idea SSSs Protect your Idea; they may bring you wealtb. Write JOHN WEDDERBURN ft CO.. Patent Attor. Leys. Washington. D. C. for tbelr $1,800 prise offer ana Uat of two hundred lnrentioni wanted. MILLINERY SLAUGHTER SALE I Commencing Wednesday, August 5, 1896. My entire stock of Summer Millinery must be closed out regardless of cost, to make room for my winter stock. Mrs. A. E Price, Cor. of Washington and Diagonal Sts. St. George, Utah. HENRY H. RIDING, One door east of P. 0 St. George, Utah, Manufacturer & Dealer in Furniture, Doors, Sash, Cubboards, Bureaus, Tables, Stands, &C Furniture neatly repaired on short notice. Prices low. Mrs. Juie A. jyjACDONALrj has not shut ud shop as some have said., but has on hand the LARGEST, FINEST and CHEAPEST STOCK of SPRING and SUMMER MILLINERY MIL-LINERY south of Provo. Call and examine for yourselves. your-selves. Every body welcome. 16-6m At Dr. Ivins' Pickett&Snow ST. GEORGE, UTAH, DEALERS IN Furniture, Wall Paper, Linoleum, Baby Carriages, New Home Sewing Machines and Washing Machines. Also Undertakers, with a good supply of coffin trimmings always on hand. We also carry the celebrated Osborne Harvesting Machinery, J Mitchel Wagons, all kinds of wagon Timbers, Irons, Bolts, &c. i8-6m |