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Show tutor's ilafile. .'. We have received from Von Bibber, nn article on Printers Rollers, which are ofiValue-to every printer, prin-ter, g-fvin plain directions for. casting rollers, &c. 1 Thanks. ' " " " ': ! " uIIc:irt ' and Hand,'" formerly "Matrimonial 1 . , G'obcj" is a neatly printed. j column, Spajre, Scmi-MontMy Scmi-MontMy paper; and is full of interesting reading-. Subscription pnef,- postfrcc, only $i on a year. W. j T Thomson, 340 25th St.. Chicago, 111. ' Catalogue and Price-List of Printers Supplies, from Graham Paper Co., St. T.ouis, Mo., ' is very handy, being nicely indexed. ' Dec. ISS3 Catalogue and Pricelist of Snider & 1 Holmes, Paper Dealers, St Louis, Mo. for Print- J ers, Publishers, Lithographers nnd Hinders. The jt paper on which the Union is printed is a sample of j News Print. , ; 1 "The American Garden" is now neatly ornamen- ted with an illustrated cover and is otherwise much , improved. B K. Bliss fc Co., New Vrrk. ' j 1 Breeders tlournal is one of the best stock" Jour- nals extent. Contains 64 pages, monthly, $1 a year ' Beech er, 111. , , j Descriptive ciiculars, tc. of M. J. ITnglu-s. (-N. ' Y. City,) Stereotyping outfits tfec., to hand. . Wc , J consider them the best manufactured ns they are the ' most simple and eailv understood of any we" know '" of. ' : " I 1 1 Gregory's Bctail Cata'ogue of Warranted Seeds, is valuable to farmers and gardeners. Free - to all A applicants. See Adv. ... A Vick's Floral Guide is replete yith useful infor- jp mation. Price 10 cents. J. V:ck, Rochester, N.Y. We pave received .No. 1. Vol. 1, of . the "Cciir D'Alen'c Miner,'" . published at Spokane Falls, w Washington Ter. It is very interesting and think mm it wi'l prove a success. K San Francisco Daily Report, a large 54 column K Newspaper, third edition, is on our table. It . is a K first-cbjss Newspaper and treats on all topics of the m day, of interest. Per year $6: six months $3.50: X three months $ 1. 75. "The Iowa Farmer" should be 1 in the home of everybody interest- 1 ed in farm'ng. See advs. 1 M f THE OLDEST, LARGEST AND BEST 1 I S Stock & Agricultural Journal! I Wi K1 '1" Norlhwest. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. ' I mi iiPlliili 1 11 1 1 I I'i Improved Methods of Farmins;. Breeding B VTTWiililillil or Improved Stock. Dairyinjr imd Jbruit & m Wm Pwp'l I III lllll! Ill I Growing. Fai'in Crops and Aospocts. m 31 wiPlIl l Are all treated fully in our column's. Besides wo have H 1 Wm 'MSEMi i 1 1MB JSW; decided to plvo for a few m onths t ho most elegant pro- H f S2 mWKmwSiSi' mlum to subscribers, of aw paper in the world, viz : H (a! If Hnin m H I 1 iySliiWPMilNumi Iso -American Popular Jiictionary, cut of Vm 111 I Pif1 which is hero given, well Worth three' limes what the Wm i 'ffl 1 8i il i Mil II I I P Farmeu costs. . It contains over 500 largo pages, hand- H KM IHH ili U I I somely bound, gilt lettered, etc. Every person nub- H vM ilBiiHl tt I Pil scribing for Tins Iowa Farmrr ono year and for-lB mm WUfl$ warding onodollar, will secure the Farmer a whole tfl ffl In II I 11 1 liP year' postage paW, and receive by return mail, free of bH l i 'iW charge, as an absolute premium, a copy of this elegant H WtmWi dictionary, postage paid. Send at once and address all H fePP -orders to TJOLIi IOWA. FAllMKai, C! J CEPAIt APlDSriOWA. 1 |