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Show . 'ST. pEORGE BUSINESS DIRECTLY: ' j , Net Boon To Post q-kc. " MEALS KEASONABLE. . JOHN PYMM, PROPRIETOR. . . ALSO AGENT & DEAI-EK IN Pish Bro's Wagonsj Timbers, Plows, Reapers itf. Mowers, Extras; &c, &c. JOHN EARDLEY, MANUFACTURER. . . ..I am now manufacturing a l'lRST class article!. and guarantee it to be superior to any manufac-H- tiircn in the Territory. Will supply all Co-op- crativc Stores on Commission or cheap for Cash at 90 days. Orders solicited from all Stores bo 13-ian tween Beaver and Bunkcryille. "' H WABR'JUN HARDY,' " Machinist, Millwright, Wood & Iron Turner, Scroll & other Sawing, Chopping all linds oJ Grain & Grindrog Silt; ,SW Mill & Shop on 2nd North Street, cast of latf. Town, St. George, Pgfe.SS H. EDWIN T. RYDINQ ' " I CUSTOM BOOT & SH0E MAKER, H , r. a. mcqu ARiiiiii CA RP ENTER BUILDER, Hi " A:LSO "DEALER 1N i, FURNITURE H . . If. CARPEN T E R " Blank BQoh Manufacturer. BOX. 501. TTM. 7T. SMIT2 , f"v82rrbouth side ist. block South of Tabernacle.; H ' , St. .'George , SJtati. . H - George Co-pjerpfve. Store, i UBBRl MHE BUSINESS STAMPS MADE JAMES BOOfff, Svnv J)tirattn.tnit the buildingrrecently occupied : ..'bv the Ladies' Co o Stoke, r George. Utah, H 1 weck dtl-vs onV'V nK'RwWablo! J&V'.K Ar-to -wy made kAs-t or wi&f : Canaan vA,.flJJ!l t'actory pay taken at Cash rates. " v. H. PICKETTJStJpr . .i)pdt lUNdrtH beet-'iipat Fo&Qte.' H -y&. MnffetnnMrs andkDea'leVs1'n -alt?kiHds;'of H ' V bllOK i' NO TICK and H EASONAULETisums, H i ' Wall Paper and Bonders J&Stook$ ' 1 ' lumbar, Shingles, &o. Constantly onMfand. "MAES"' -fW:P.A H A R BY, tmS"pR. ,. ofcVcal,.Ppik, Mutton, and Sausages: :VJo u-Vy Wagon yun rodnifoffi&g H j'; V? Surveyor & Attornoy-at-Law. Hi ' ' ea?-Officc n'Coiirthouse,wS&t,. I. 4 4- U.-MACD'tt'ilttf ! . V .. ' DBA LEU IN ; OSteorge., Mfdiffonlutah H ML 4 HAS ' . ' JUST RBOKlVJLt) A.NW SUPPLY OF GENUINE Mm SEWING IIAdiHB Which hd offers at - He has also the best Variutyqf; , ; Flower Pots, Picture Frames, Vrtscs Shells, . Ornarhenfe'Glassyare, Crpckcryi Machine Extras, Ex-tras, and Nqtion?,. South of Salt iJakc, City. 'Also' on hand . CLOTHS,;BATriNG y pvEHIRTS ' Fronthp 'WASHINGTON; MILLS: F-LOUR, , '.' , GRAIN and SALT. t'.''-' ORGANS & MUSlCAL.MERqHANDISEx . In fact everything in the musical line ; if not on hand, can be-ordered on Short Is'oticc. Cjiye, me a call. ' "Cash paid for dried'Peclies at Whiteheads. 237-Fifty Cord of Wood Wanted, fonwhich I will pay Factory 'pay and Canaan. r ; B A. R. WHITEHEAD. VICK'8 ILLUSTftAFED FLORAL GUIDE, A beautiful work of loo Pages, One Colored Flower Plate, and ,5oo Illustrations, with Description's mf the best FhowenJ an'd Ycetables, with price of seeds, and how to grow, them. All for a.FiVii Cent St mi In English or Ger-man. Ger-man. Address,jAMES A.tcKIlochestcr, Y. ; . t ffl "' I . ' Live BusiriessJIoiem tadnelrU. I ftndJeft;n:KTleyar,d.', 1 ' """ 1 lrl1 "'mmKtjmaMmmtummmaiman V?,e resrjectfull invite the buSIHbbs ' 1 "meri .0f thlB city to stdp tor word ' witfe'V 1 their adyertisements ;md aid in bub- I taiuing jihe Ukou, ;tjie only hornet'.. I . pap'-r in southern Utah. I ' ' H Job Printing, Plain, or jn dolors, ' 1 . "neatly itid expeditidusly .executed . ni I this office, at prices that defy ?cp.npe I tition. Address, J. W. Carpenter, I -Box 561, . 1 ,;S0irOJS'&' FOR SALEP I ST. GEOItSGB UNION OFPIOE. I Song, on Pres. B. Young's Birthday, C. L. W. . ic . V, 75 M A. Randall,.. 2c Temple Song'Nq; iby C. L. Wal kcrl r .ac l No. 2, " :v3c ' Temple Dedication Song, 1S77, ,l . IV. .:..:.3C abilee Song-i,S?o, .....,'..,. .3c 1 31st Anniversary of Pioneers' 1 v"1. '. '. entering SiiltLake Valloyi r $ ' $i.!...,izc S.trike the Cy mbal, . 4 . 1 .l Rules of the U nited Order, . .v.'.!. . , i 10c I "Fosta.'re Stamps taken in paymeht-J.:- I THE' ;'&0r ' ,;. IS MANUFACTURED J ,..,7! ,! ; : s",.,,. . Kaeine,' Wis;. ... f '' V " WE MAKE EVERY VARIETY QF .;, ; - FARM, FREIGHT & SPRING teflUS, 'And by confining oursclvlcs strictly to one .class of work ; by employing .none, but the . i?' : '. . ... '"-v.'t . 3lJltJ ,v ' ' " Using nothing but - - PIRST-Ot'ABS IIVIPBOVED MACHINERY and the' ' . 'iJW'y'MA .1 i VERY BEST OF SELECTED TIMBER, ,. ' , ',''' ''Vnnri ' And by a THOROUGI"t KNOWLEDGE of the business,, we haye justly earned , the .reputation . . , . of making , J T ' 1 , , " ' 1 -JV 9 t Manhfacturer8haveabJll8he4tho warranty, but Agents may,' op thei . oAyu' resppnslJjlUty, givo the following. warranty with each wagon, li bo agreed:. . . We Hereby Warrant the FISH BROS. AVAGON No .... . . to be well made in every' Viiar1(icii- ' lar and of, good materia and that the strength of the sitme id sufilcentfor all vhork,with iair usage. Should any breakage occur within' one.yearfrom this date by reaspn of defective material "or workmanship, work-manship, repairs $or Uie same wiil'bc furnished at place of b'ale, free of charg6iior ie pfic6,of said rcpauts, is per agent's price list, will be j)aid in cash by the purchaser producing a sample . of the broken" of defective parts as'cvidencel 4 , , 'i 'lil.'!'w - i K Knowing wo can HuVtydct. we solicit, patrqnago foui every; Uootion of tho Unitea.Stat'cB. .-Send for IMces and Torms, and'f or'a copy of THE RACINE AGRICULTURIST, to , , , t , ,. . ' ' c - ri . . VT FISH BROS, & (to., RRcii'eWii.. rmicim ,Cttrn ; ' . . . v.,-o ,f,,T '''.'. |