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Show I FINANCIAL REPORT WASHINGTON COUNTY, I : for the year ending May 31st., 1881. Tiucs. STAtEMENT ' Rj7nuo' Ko'ad DUtrirtsy.".,.S'lS $4,891.76 STATEMENT II. Disbursements. ' To J udge Two years an d Se Jectinan onu year $558.40 To County Clerk.,, 400.00 To Treasurer, Attorney and t ' To Assessor and Collector ....." .4257 To License Collector 75,00 , "w'r1 To C'ountv Recorder, (abstract-To (abstract-To Criminal expenses ' . , iaiid? To Elections h!3 f- To Cour House, Gaol and To Koadsan Bridges. ii.'.'.'.'.'.iSiS ' To Insane Persons 340.50 To Fuel,Stationery & Incidentals.81.75 16 Taxes Remitted... 86-e, 'CiCdiisc I hi 1 j STATEMENT ill. ' Finances. Property: kin hand ........ 1,227.77 x ., Amouni dxie the County 1,369.17 $2,596.04 Scrip in Circulation , i.o. - . Hills Payable Is $5.4 ' 1 ' v:. ' li!nre f. : J...'::'.-.'. .. .$3 589 7'-t' . - i , : y STATEMENT I Y. " 'Court Ifotice and ('irounds, ;:. . ' ;! -' ' tW St IO d,te" V.-' V ..ao.S80.44 A. R. Whitehead, " " .. CX.UKK. THE TRUTH ABOUT K tub DAVIS VERTICAL FEED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. 1 ' , Is that it is the Best Machlno In the WORLD,! It :; does not take an hour to get ready to do a minute's work! but is always ready in a minute to do a day's work, - The Favorite of the Fstmily circle, wherever used. Runs more Easily and Quietly than any other Machine I The Davis presents the following advantages, I which should not be overlooked : It prevents fulling full-ing or gathering-of poods; will 'sew over thick seams, or from one thickness to another, without ' I change of stitch or tension, and make the most J Elastic, Durable, and Uniform Lock Stitch of any I ; Machine before the public. - . 1 The only Machine having an Automatic Bob- I bin Winder, and the most wonderful attachment I for making the Knife Pleating. , The peculiar featurds of the Davis is its VERTICAL. VER-TICAL. FEED, whidh is essentially different from any other Machine manufactured, requiring no acquired skill to operate it, nor Basting of the goods, and all should give it an examination at least, before Purchasing any other. Alter six weeks1 trial at the Franklin Institute Exhibition, held at Philadelphia in 1874, it was Awarded the Grand Medal Against Nineteen Competitors!! And has universally been awarded the FIRST PREMIUM at all principal Fairs where exhib- ited. . It js the best Manufacturing Machine in use. It is the only Machine that will sew velvet or plush, without drawing or puckering; For tucking, cording, braiding, quilting, cm- ' broidermg, shbc-fUting, dress making, tailoring, , and general f amily use or general manufacturing, ' ; , ! t has no equal! . 1 BURTON, HER RICK ,t WHITE, I t nr o Apcnts for Utah, Ogden, Utah, J: X CARPi--VT);:u' Local Afet for Southern Utali St. George, Utah. Manufacrarorflof the original and only genuine Sta,- Wood Pumps, Chamnton Wind Mills, Iron Pumps. Boss ' i. Sickle Grinders, Patent Door and fain- ' dow Screens, Etc. W Usi OYM 80 mn ntfflmt Mho maaufaotwa of ' Puajif. ana, Wind Kills, . , tit wilt not cost yoh. nvo cts. ' per day 011 Uu? investment to ... eryiIiU waMntc'd'never Sold by dealers oyory where. , i . er-SendtorOdtaidguo. ' . i Powell &vdugla8, "Waukegan, 111. Jf u y t 0 |