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Show FOR SALEM W have a pond 'Franklin & Diamond' Dia-mond' Sewing Machine at this office, for sale cheap. It is in good condition condi-tion and is adapted for fancy, as well as common sewing. Call and see it for yourselves. "Price $20. JT. W. Carpenter. Seventy-five page? 300 Illustrations, with Descriptions of thousands of the best Flowers and Vegetables in the world, and lh$way to grew Am all for a Two Cent pestape stamp. Tiiuted in English and German. Address James Viek, Rochester, N. Y. JOB PRINTING- OF ALL K I M NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED AT THE I 'St. eScorgK man' fftee AT BED ROCK PRICES ! ONE BLOCK WEST OP TOST OFFICE. ' " ' ' ...... .. r. , - . -, , ( TICK'S ILLUSTRATED Each Number contains Thirty-two pages oP reading, many fine Wood Cut Illustrations, Illustra-tions, and One Colored Plate. A beautiful Garden Magazine, printed on elegant pa. per, and full of information. In English and German. Price $1.25 a year or five copies for $5. Address, James Vtcic, Rochester, N. Y. MOTION. 0-0 All persons knowing themselves indebted indebt-ed to me for Job Printing, or olht-r work, are hereby Notified to call at the Union office ard settle their accounts on or before the 25th of August, 1878, or 2 per cent, per month will be added until said debts are paid. J. W. Carpenter St. George, Aug. 7, 1878. is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. Itc-ntains nearly InO page?, hundreds of lineilhif-tr itions, and six Chro-mo Chro-mo Plates of Flawas, beautiJully drawn and colored rrom nature. Price 50 cents in paper covers, $1.00 in elegant cloth. Printed in Euglish and German. Address, Janios VcL-, Rochester; N. Y. t L LJpiA N T J N L I J :rrSTFo r 'the HoSsET'lf I Catalogue with descriptions and prices H will be ready to send out by the 18dTbf H August. Forwarded free to all old custo H mers without application, 'ent to oil others who applv, for the priuo of postagot2 cents. JAMEti VICK, Kochestcr, K. Y. GENEALOGY. " I s I am preparing to Publish tho Weth- etbee, Hale, Doubleday, Griswold, and H Carpet. ter Genealogies in hook form, all persons by the above names and relatives of tlie same, nre respectfully solicited to apply for Blanks to fill, which will enable H them to furnish me the desired information that I need and aid in preparing the works for Publication. Respectfully Joseph Vcthrbee Carpenter, H Box 5G1. St George, -Utah. WM THE I An indepenflenl S e m i-M o n t b 1 y H Published at St. George, Qlab.by "I 3. Eirrarpentlr, proprietor. fl Its Proprietor will study the inter- esls of the people in Southern Ulub, Lm and ever strive to aid in the derelop- ment of wealth, honor and righteous 1 ness, and shall always u fight for the Hj right and oppose the wrong.' Lt TERMS-in Mvance: H Copy 1 year, post paid $1.00. I Copy 6 months " 60. H 1 Copy 3 months " 35. H 10 Copies for the price of nine. H Rales of .Advertisings One line one ye;r 1.00. H One line six months fo. H One line three months 35. Special terms for large advertise- vLW: menls furnished on application. H, Send nil orders for Subscriplions or Bj advertisements to Hk j. w. carpenter; Hp PuLlishep "UNION," flffi Box 561 8t George, Utah; " W |