Show 1- r'f'1 PAGE ff ' "xt iTftrtatffTlitiliiniJri rm SIX THE MOAB TIMES-INDEPENDENT THURSDAY UTAH Good That exactly is picture what and you kind the is us will we you make take if you send mcnts ' the Ides During the past few weeks joi theater has presented specii pictures rmay each mg wyn show nights After tomorrow and instead will be suspended theater commencing with October 'l will give Sunday night performances by marrying a (ier-L accompanied Mrs When it comes to O Simpson prince the in Junction on Simpson are Grand m in average Belgian xvo-i trip this pardoned if sbe protests business week from isWestman may be the But Celeste water Utah Mr Simpson when countess of Bersek alid to become a Westwater Mercan-: Krymn refused manager of the tile member of the family of Hun prince company - Grand Junction News wife her hie protests were unas until she literally took the: Mr ami Mrs JameCs Luster canw1 avijjnT5ier in mid Monday from their summer ranch li( jn escaped own teeth Watson Utah froni jcr natjve about 40 miles from country in search of They expect to remain tor aoout tern happinessand freedom in the United days at the George Standifird home States ruita cor Grand Junction Sen rtorv of! This is tbe basis of th - tinel "Out of Ciear Sky" the new 1'ar-amount photoplay starring' Marguerite the Ball the Mr who formerly was has will be at Clark which shown proprietor of the Palisade hotel Ides theatre Saturday It serves to leased the hotel at Sego Utah th's with of the one provide Miss Clark nl (nnzlnir V IIUl L) Cl IM (11 Cl VVCHUIH UWOI in wniun most piquant totes nao that matters in connection kn-m ness city mi ci'rm ID lYDlDV the yesterday- Grand Junction n)onlhsonnTu photoplayhas much News are nuenjoyable comedy and there that grip: dramatic moments merous James and John Wade came up1 and hold the attention of the audience the tradingfrom post in Arizona Miss Clark is supported by excep-I last Saturday to bring Mr and Mrs her tionally clever players leading and Wade John's children being Thomas Meighn The nun here are for the winter that the chil-j picture is based upon the novel by be in dren might school - Mancos Maria Thompson Daviess and it was i lines noune capably directed by Marshall Ncilan Taylor of Ouray Utah who returned from an ex-1 in Salt tended Lake City in spending a few weeks Gran to hei Junction before returning home - Grand Junction News VIEW CO Moab Utah N has A just visit Your I MvZ''4 head CrllllHre Mil b varus catalogues 1 Upjj wrappersWe M - so v imes-IndeaJ j b Tires! Rent i : or t 1 1 ' and Hundred Two I 1 of Sale good of tons fodder corn tons 3 a tons 0 Pasture hay of 00 I I Acre Seventy-five or a Watch (elta- I Mrs 104 COMING THE clip 22- ifty-four Salt Lake City Sept Utah tations county farmers of Millard clip of 32500 lbs butter pooled their wool it 50 and at cents a pound marketed of things one them 7 cents more thanto any that time do say had received up WEEK that films your UTAH Box when want OR PROGRAM IDES Our With Pictures SEPTEMiir 19) pooled farmers corn j in -i 1 1 I H r I j half On Tommy the Larsen Ranch I Richardson j -Jack We that McGuire Thos : ti I are a I i : 1 v V I 11 : 1 L ! 1 loo badly worn bring repair them and see fbr can easily cut tire expense ( I Before they them in and let us yourself that you 1 1 ' i have will we few a sell at good a used tires and lubes Utah - -who bargain A i Vacancies which ! Enid Bennett seems to have again occur in the regu-l tier United States army or any po-j scored in newest Ihonias II sitions that are created by act of con picture "When Do will be filled by We Eat?" which is to be shown at gross discharged the Ides theatre officers who served in the army during It next Tuesday the role to world war and by the officersgives her portray which calls the of characterization who arc on reserve list according upon all herthe powersshe to is a letter received yesterday rom time cast adrift show from Adjutant General P 0 wherein Harris when the Uncle Tom by Governor Bamberger - Salt Lake she plays Little Eva is seized by the A sheriff to the Tribune moment when she the cashier bank and saves young she gives E J Olsen the live real-estate defeats the bank robbers has it is declared a performancethat is man taken unto himself a partner in the not only artistic person of Robert Arm-sttong its sincerity and but characterized by of Moab and the verisimilitude Miss X Utah new firm will is close and have quarters hereafter at Pannett wtudent when 130 she is role South entrusted with new ourth street The name of the firm will studies its every phase and endeavors be "The Olson V to Armstrong Rea and mentally put herself in the position Estate Live of the character Stock Brokers" Mr which results Armstrong is well in a perfect rendition - known live-stock man of Utah- Grand Junction Sentinel DUCK SEASON OPENS OCT t ish and Mrs rank Brewer and children State Game Commissioner from II came m their summer mountain R Siddoway announces that the ranch Saturday to take in shooting commences season of duck Reunion At Anyone caught shooting the Brewer October this date will be rigidly home summer a baby bear has before that prosecuted been he states a captive and partly domesticated It caught while going to was Your order for without 'its job work will receive t water mother's protec-1 tion by A Brewer E T Dennis immediate efficient attention G and J Mock little A The fellow when given to the Times-Independent accompanied the Brewers to ruita and is the center of attraction in the backyard of the Brewer home in ruita It is the intention to have it in town on exhibition ruita Cor Grand Junction Sentinel- lar Retreading A i Ince-Paramount Specialty II Moab-Thompson Stage a Moab To 1 Company Vulcanizing Schedule t t and Mail Passenger Passenger Car Thompson Leaves Moab Moab Car Leaves reight Trucks Morning Two a a To a 5 p 10 Leave tn a in Every Moab ' The Invisible Operator £ t i A i I A A J A You enter a store the clerks are all busy-as most of them are Independent City nowadays Yoou wait there are things to look at -perhaps a friend to greet You do not demand that the clerks drop everything instantly and wait on you You expect to await your turnit is customary Ar while awaitingyour turn at the telephone as you as patient waiting it in the store? As patient as you you are while are while you wait for the sjreei car- or whir while you stand in line at the ticket window? The telephone operator is invisible Just at the moment she you call has of probaly a or other "customers" also score more demandmg her attentionrBut you carnot see them- they are separated perhaps by miles You do not see her nimble fingers flying to make a dozen or so connections on the switch-board before her You do not the little signals flashing at that see many minute before her She is just as busy as the busiest of clerks in town but you do not realizeit because you cannot see her at work To you at the telephone she is just a Voice Won't you think it over please (he next time you call Central and ask yourself if you are as patient as you should be while waiting your turn at the telephone? MIDI ANA Tn illli nuvuiiw J EDU AMD X CORBIN N Y X J X Passenger Thompson Thompson Car Leave Y X i T X ¥ Y Y Leaves Two reight Trucks Leave 8 5 Each a m p Afternoon Moab & Uy Standifird on Monday of this purchased one of Tunis Koops' Holstein cows- Pearletina Korn-dyke and calf by the 1- heifer grand championbull of Colorado King Segis Pontiac Garmesa This cow was one of first Mr Koops' purchases from Garmesa If arms Mr Standifird builds his herd up ‘o the standard of this it will cow and calf never be will enroll in school - ruita Mail week A h Company Garage "4 ite JHOAB I'cst 1 tuinrun A Manager Mr and Mr1 John Wetherill daughter Miss Ida and Ventress Wade came in from the trading post at last Kayenta Ariz riday on a short visit with relatievs and friends Mrs Wetherill and and Miss Ida Ventress will go at once or soon to Tucson Ariz where the last two will the enter State University fbr the school year Ventress has been working with Prof Cummings formerly Dean of the University of Utah but now Dean of the University of Arizona during the summer in his work and the old professor! prevailedupon the young people to attend the big Arizona school this ANK The Need Capital of a'-dl I Kalsomine X A I t We A i 4 I can desire have just furnish you received a new lot of kalsomine with most any color you may X £1 £ year- Mancos Paints and Brushes have large assortment of paints and brushes on hand Our line of floor varnish and polish is complete try coat of this polish and see how much nicer the exterior of your house will also a £ A x Window Glass other weather writh the glass to put is in A OR A We can furnish you those broken windows now I Drug I AA J last of the Taylor's sheep from the mountains week for supplies ! There In thl section more Catarrh of the all other diseasea country than put together and for years it was sup posed to be Incurable Doctors prescribed local remedies and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment pronounced it Incurable Catarrh is a local disease greatly influencedby constitutional conditions and therefore requires constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Medicine by J manufactured Cheney & Co Ohio Is Toledo a constitutional is remedy taken internally and acta thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System One Hundred Dollars is offered for any that Hall's case fails Catarrh Medicine to cure Send for circulars and testimonials & CO J by Toledo Ohio Sold Druggists 75c Hall's amily Pills for constipation reward A I States supply must needs own expansion but for also Savings Capital are Thrift is the registered Cause Insure I the X £ Williams nations secure industrial SALE and Saunders of Grand have a car load of Hereford and Short Horn two year old bulls for sale coming at moderate prices a the sugar factory feed lots Grand Junction' dur-ing the week of the Inter-Mountain Show rair and Stock September 30 2 October and 3 These bulls are ready for service having never been pampered and are of the big-bone rugged thrifty desirable kind fori range breeding This firm also has several cars of pure bred Herefords and Short Horn range bulls for sale which are exceptionally good individuals and in prime condition Anyone interested in good breeding bulls can secure full information by writing or seeing Vickery and Saunders Reed block Grand Junction room 7 Telephone 116 Junction B Prigmore Don foreman was down here X its country to will (Adv) Cooler for Your of Own 1 a look United the only not Europe and Times-Tribune HULLS a commercial Now capital started this war from heavily for means Vickery Junction We European the borrowed exploration X x Before I i and m 1 Y X Car th-Cowboy I X rnunAiTv iiuiiL Passenger 1 in A and Mail j CHENEY III flip II Capital Aiding nnikl uapiidi f1 vuuvuvn One by uture PtAfllirhnn ui Dollar Starts an Account Moab State HE bank WITH A STATE HEART" Bank |