Show Reno Results ts T First race five turlon Honey furlongs furlongs Honey Honey- Honeybunch bunch Horn 40 2 SO won woe on Portola 3 80 40 5 ond Strife Luther 00 third lime o. 1 J 02 1 15 Al Also o rans Talbot rans-Talbot Talbot My Ily O 0 Margaret Day Second race four tour and half hal fur tur Dry Dr Dry Joe Thompson 2 SO Z 60 1220 won Prince Tara Tars Foster 60 20 1340 second Rapid P Traveler Has Mas- t l i H n 60 third d Time TIme 56 lm 4 Al o orans rans rana- rana Norford ans-Norford orford Honey Nettle ole Cole lond Lilie Helle nelll All Al Esther Esthr E th r Third race tour four and one half furlongs Baby Baby Doll Luther l HO 00 2 20 20 won Olympian King Hornung 12 2201 20 1240 second Reene Fry Graham 12 U. 0 third Time 4 Also rani- rani R Recruit Gold Colonist WIse Cracker Blur Big Wig S Fourth race five furlongs Robin furlongs Robin miller 3 20 won Lillie Stout eHU Hunt OU 2 80 second ec g S Sierra Shot t H. H Thompson 4 1480 80 third Time 1 03 45 4 Also AlBo rans rena Kinneys Kinney's Duckert Fifth race race mile and s seventy venty yards yards- Wolf Welt Jr Thompson 1200 2 00 80 1040 40 1500 won Chilliwack 9 00 OO 2 20 second Mildred Ruth nuth HornIng HornIng HornIng Horn- Horn Ing 2 40 third Time 2 OS Al o rans rails Au Re Re- Little Reb nb SIxth race ral mile and an seventy yards- yards Wee Wie Girl Horning 12 1280 SO 3 00 3 00 wont Martin L 6 40 3 SO second Mabel Krupp Owens Owen 3 30 00 third Time l U. U Also cans rans Golden Sweep Composer Compose Billy Dilly Todd Seventh race ac five furlongs furlongs For For Me T Thompson n 4 u W won Lake Laka Dykes Dyke 3 SO 4 20 second secondi I Raymond Dale Luther third Time 1 I 04 Also rans ran Alm- Alm gren gre Miss La Go Comete ete Picnic |