Show z SHOTS ATHE AT HE NEWS CalI Cal I given last night by Kent and a a. number of ot his lila l Pleasant View branch of or lent wa ward rd The hall was as well weil was excellent r the Law pan call attorney for tor the Salt association ad ad- of oC the association meeting meeting- of that the legal points I rs r Brooks of Salt Lake City gat the New England music susic in Boston appeared presented by theston the tho ston and won a great greaton Ion on The success of the due to the wonderful s Brooks of Saint Gluck-Saint from n the mountains n a is not notIs I Is t shown by a report o st rc- rc SJ tiLed forest service from Crom fromin lion in Big Dig Cottonwood port is to the effect elect that lighter in the t than it was at atI I ear bar lion U ilon r rational U nal bank declared Its its W ot 3 3 per cent yesterday i to No ac- ac WI in I the matter a of filling J e n r occasioned sn by Winder but the po- po O o- o which was made madet death eath of Moses Thatcher t j lAj lIO t yn T v Park Son to lay out at least lt at Liberty park this reposed that the city lay Ind the net and ands s sc them furnish their halls alls and pay a small h grounds kept In good has grown so ex- ex thY last year that it has the lecture room roomI an additional book room The Ithe librarian shows a aird ard rd ird holders bottlers a gain of 25 I her lier V the tho Period was the sting address on Martin last llast night at Barratt JR It Lloyd Luther ac- ac oyd was one of the re- re world and In eu- eu the period I 3 old a son of Mr Morgan was operated EUls at the Groves L. L D. D flay a The Tue operation was and Trust corn corn- property owners in the of ot the King permission Ju utIn In a wooden bridge street that Caroline street is beh be- be h nd Sixth South and East streets I-I I r I Jr works will meet Fr- Fr ti tr for sidewalk 1 I Includes cc s Ninth streets between sixth SJ lh South streets I B Bonn nn has lias brought stilt t Eight ht and Railway in the 1000 damages for tor In- In falling fa from a street t luth uth and Main streets says she boarded a a. tint tint- sta and when the conr con con- r roff joff she was thrown to I II I yng vIng serious injuries ence 0 guIlty Sidney Fanta tit v larceny was sentenced to pay a fine 1 eIlOO days hi in the county L Bishops Bishop's ishop's court yesterday 1 ivas s ca-s taken to the county count stolen a watch from W. W of a bakery at I Street reet and had disposed I 00 Joe charged with TI icene ordinance has hasI hasay I r day ay before Justice F F. Spry Mrs Spry and l return home tol to- to l 1 trip in Mr W ar first to California i home by way of kling left the party at sew w York where he was wasi i Railway company for a track on from Main to Second West from Ninth South streets and will work of occupying the i has tiled filed suit ging cruelty an and non non- her husband Orlando OrlandoS S hat he lisa has frequently tier beaten and abused d her hr Further she asserts ts that he has haJ wrongfully fun accused d her hel of unc an and she he was compelled to leave him on June Jun 1909 1502 since Ince whit which time lime she has received no su support port from him Thc They were vero married In Salt Lake City on Xo- Xo omber 2 2 1906 and have one child whose custody Mrs Irl Fr asks with th the tue right to r resume sumE her maiden name of Paris |