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Show HdtPolitical- Campaign Is v Closed Today Both Big Political Parties Claim Everything "With Confidence" and "Overwhelming Majorities"; Majori-ties"; Only Count Will Tell. 41 ' By Kayem Crier ; THE finishing touches hav been applied to one. of the hottest ant. unmistakably the moat unique political campaign ever held ' in I'tah. Tomorrow I'tah s citlsenry will K" to the polls and definitely register their political sentiment. It has always al-ways been posslhle In other campaigns to scan the surface of public opinion and forecast a likely result. But the campaign this year has been vastly different and tha outcom will remain re-main highly problematical until the last ballot. has been counted. hope are Indicative of victory, both sides are destined to wfn. There Is no choice to be made or probable result lo be meaaured by party expressions of confidence. Both Republicans and Democrat are running true to form and bearing out the truth of the old campaign adage that "It la political ethics to claim everything with confidence." confi-dence." BOTH 8IDES OPTIMISTIC. There Is every Indication that Ih prpf'ialon and even confusion -o optimism op-timism that harcharactertsed the campaign cam-paign on both sides will not decrease In strength or recede in volume until the final ballot has been counted. Campaign managers of the Iemocrata and Republicans claim 'their representative repre-sentative party standards will be i swept on to victory with overwhelming i majorities. Both sides totally ignore I the possibility of . a change In the po-1 po-1 Utical tide or waning or support for the incumbent forces. Two national congreasmen. three Judges of the supreme court, state lg-lFlaWrs lg-lFlaWrs and all county officers wilt be Chosen hy the voters tomorrow. Outside Out-side of the fight for the congressional plumw," the "contest tn Kwtt Tialra hr centered around the selection of sheriff. sher-iff. Next In Importance is considered the county commission with the legls- tare Robert E Currie. Orftce Ht rat Ion Airey. James W. McKinney and Kltra-i Kltra-i beth Wayward, the two latter legislH-; legislH-; tore having this year been nominated t for the state seimte. , The Socialist ticket contains the i name of only one candidate . for the j supreme Iwt'ch. A. H. Kempton la ! the candidate for congress from th i Second district. LIST OF CANDIDATES. Following Is the complete lemo-cratlc, lemo-cratlc, .Republican and Hoclatist tickets thst will appear on the ballot to-morrow to-morrow : DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. For Just ice of the supreme court, Teh-year-lerm,"iamuel R " Thurman; eight-year term, Valentine (iideuo; six-year term. Albert J. Weber, j Kor congressman, Second district, j James M. Mays. The Democratic I nominee for the Kirst .district, whose j name will not apWHr on local ballot. I is Milton 11. Welling, for Judge of Uu- district court, i Third Judicial district. John K. Tobui. Kor state senators, tSixib district, Oeorga H. Dern, Klizabeth Hay ward, Allen T. Hanford. James W. McKlnncy. Kor atata representatives, KJignth district c. C. Richards, Frank R. Newman. Arthur Welling, Robert K. Ourrie. Anna T. Ptercey. leiora K. Klukely, Krancfs W. Quinn, John Hanaon Jr., K. Kugcne aiorna, Grace htratton'-Alrey. Kor county commissioners, four-year term, Joseph a. Lindsay ; two-year term, Charles F. rUillman; county i clerk, John E. Clark; county sheriff, j John 8. Corless; county attorney, ! Richard Hartley; county treasurer, W. W. Barton; county aHsessor, James E. Lynch; county recorder, Berkley Olson; county auditor, M. C. Iveraon; county surveyor, George G. Bywater; Judge of the city gourt, Joseph W. Stnngfellow; Justices of the peace, Hem V Lund and William Rrget . t for conatablea. Halt Lake precinct, Albert J. Cope and Thomaa S. Fowler.! REPUBLICAN TICKET. j For Justices of the supreme court, ten-year term. James W Cherry; eight-year term, A. E. Bowen; six-year six-year term. J. E. Frlck. For congressman, Second district, William Spry. The other nominee for congressman on the Republican ticket is William H. Wattls. but inasmuch as this county Is not in the first district, dis-trict, his name does not appear on this county official ballot. For Judge of tha district court. Third Judicial district, for the unexpired unex-pired term of George F. Goodwin, deceased, de-ceased, William H. Folland. For atate senators. Sixth district: John M. Knight. Joseph Christensen, E. E. Dudley, E. J. Eardley. For state representatives. Eighth district: Jear.ette A. Hyde. William D. Livingston. I res ton Ntbley. Harry B. Windsor. M. Burgesa And rue, Har- old Goff, F. C. Richmond. B. O. Walters. George J. Cannon, William H. Mines. For county commissioner, " four years, George T. Sharp; two years E. G. O'Donnell. For county clerk. Daniel J. McRae; county sheriff, C. L, Sehettler; county attorney. K. R. Catheter; county treasurer. Archibald R. Gardner; county assessor, c. W Johnson; county recorder. Jennie Patten Mus-ser: Mus-ser: county auditor. Robert J. Delgh-ton: Delgh-ton: count v surveyor Richard C. Towler; Judge of the city court, Nathaniel Na-thaniel II. Tanner; Justices of the peace Arthur ,V. Watkins, Noel H. j fConttnned cm pnee 6 " I Ilative ticket and the supreme Justice positions seemingly holding the lowest low-est order of Importance In the trend of I political gossip. BOURBONS ENTHUSIASTIC. The I democratic state committee claim a complete victory for the entire en-tire Bourbon ticket. Sonie of the more optimistic members predict that even greater majorities will be rolled up by the party than two years ago, when the result was outside of the bounds of a landslide. This opinion Is based, they claim, on the determination of the free thinking independent citizen and voter to support sup-port President Wilson and his war policy. They assert that the attacks of the Republican party on all Democratic Demo-cratic candidates and the dogmatic antagonism of the president by national na-tional Republican leaders has offended offend-ed the free voter and challenged his right of thought and freedom of franchise. fran-chise. ..The Democrats claim that citizens throughout th nation are aroused to the Importance of sustaining the president pres-ident in this great crucial hour. They have adopted the solgan that if a Republican Re-publican congress Is elected it will be interpreted as a repudiation of the president's leadership and his war policy. pol-icy. REPUBLICAN CLAIMS. Republican leaders are wielding ss an ax the campaign slogan of the Ikemocrats two years ago that "President "Presi-dent Wilson kept us out -of war" They claim that the manner In which the j war has been conducted by the Iemo- J crata has been hopelessly muddled be- 1 cause the Republican party Is really the war party of the nation and that j the Democrats tackled a Job with which they were not familiar. Republican leaders also baae their claima for victory on the welding together to-gether of the Progressive and Hf pub-i .Itcan parties and the unity of opinion that has been generated in the tl- O. P. during the past two years. The campaign which closed today is j admitted by politicians to hav been the most unique and unusual In thej history of the state. It has ' been ! meeting-loss, speech lesS and stum pleas j on account of the influenza embargo: and the fight has mostly been con- j ducted through the newspapers In' paid advertising. FRESH AIR RULE. 1 With a view toward protecting vot-J ers against possible infection from Spanish influenxa at th polls, Thomas Homer, county clerk, stated today that I in some districts tenta would be erect- ed to insure a maximum of fresh air. J It ts also probable that in a few fsolat-, ed districts church chapels will be used . for voting pls-e if It is found that congestion will occur In tb regular voting places. 1 Th Republican are presenting to th voters an entirely new ticket from I two years ago. Th Iiemocrata nom- inated Congressmen James H. Mas; and Milton H Welling for reeletcion. ; Four member of the state senate and . legislature are up for reelection. They j ... t. HOT-POLITICAI j ff"ontfnued from page 1 I Pratt; mnstahlea. Palt 1ake precinct. f Jermre --pr-l'tnrea. I.. Oahlqiila:. 1 SOCIALIST TICKET. . For Justice of the aupreme court.! ten-vea. term. .1. F Tarson. j For congressman. A. H. Kempton. For state senators. William fiolden- berg. Wllllnm Moore. Cart Wtlhr. H F. Knojwiew. For tate repreaentativies, Fighth district. A. J. Anderaon. N. A. Hsg-herg. Hsg-herg. R. A, Hsnna, Jamea .lohnaon. rieorge Koffe. Frlek Pearson. (ustave Brink, F. A. Carlson. John Sanlger.j Thomua Markham. j For county commissioner, four yeara. C I,. Cray; two yeara. F. R. Lloyd: I for county ,r lerk. Lydia Colhurg; county sheriff. Hyrum Pwenson; county treasurer, Charles Robertson : county assessor. Marlnua Oall; county recorder. Henry Mitchell; county auditor. Andrew Renner. |