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Show Raising Flu Ban , to Be Decided Tomorrow Jill MM Strength of Epidemic Is Tested by Great Gatherings Gath-erings on Monday; Im-' Im-' provement in State DLTINITK decision on the lifting of the influenza closing Iihii will be reached by the state board of health tomorrow, tomor-row, according to announcement made today by lr. T. B. Heatty. atate beaten commissioner. Health authorities were anxiously watching today the result on the epidemic epi-demic of the great peace demonstration Monday. " As the period of Incubation of Influenza germs is from forty-eight to eeventy'-two hours, it will be determined deter-mined tomorrow whether or not the cTirn ' bi'e during the great demonstration will cuuse a new outbreak In the epidemic. SEVEREST TEST. k "The disease waa put to the aeverest Vltcst Monday and If It eurvivee tomorrow tomor-row without serious results, I believe the schools and public places can be opened with safety." said Dr. Beatty. "If any great number of persons contracted con-tracted the disease Monday they will begin to feel the effects today and tomorrow. to-morrow. If only the average number of cases are reported we can lie assured as-sured that the disease has passed the epidemic form." REPORTS ENCOURAGING. Reports received today from several aectlon of the stale were ncourag-Ing. ncourag-Ing. ticnerally. Dr. Realty says, the situation is splendid and that each day brings a reduction in the number of deaths and new cases. HOPEFUL FOR SUNDAY. Several local theatres itave announced an-nounced their opening Sunday, confident con-fident Ihut the situation will be cleared sufficiently to warrant it. Health authorities say this has been lone purely out of expectation and hoie. i4 no official notice has been given thai public aatherinca can be resumed at Hint lime. However. It Jian been intimated that if the ept-.lmic ept-.lmic continues to show abatement t'te reopening will lie permitted humility hum-ility InMcad of Monday. This will permit per-mit the holding f church services Sunday. FULL PAY FOR TEACHERS. Throimli a resolution passed by the bpanl of education of Salt Lake last night all IimkI school teachers will receive re-ceive their full pay for the period of' the enforced vacation. The hoard also adopted a resolution thanking, the . teachera for their services in aiding families afflicted with the malady. (Inly six persona remained in Judge Mercy hospital yewterday when the Institution was dosed. These were removed to other lio-pitals. DEATH TOLL SMALLEST. Twenty-eight new .cases and two deaths were reported to the city board . nf health yesterday. Thia doea not In-xdicate In-xdicate any material Increase In the number of new cases, while the report of deaths waa the smallest that has been made at rny time during the epidemic. ASSIST OTHER TOWNS. Several towns of the atate are atlll repealing to theRed Croea for nurses Continued on pace 4.1 SUNDAY MAY BE t Continue from page l.i and doctors. 'ory effort is being (ni'-v to lend uii.tftftPe. aitnnugn twelve calls remained unanswered laat niitht bceauae of Tile shortage of nurses. PHYSICIAN ARRIVES. It. V. T. McCiillyruddy of San Frn n -cihco, arrived In Salt Iike today to aid In combating the disease here. He w;.s -i,t to Ctah by Surgeon ueneral Kupert Hlue of the I'nlted Slates public pub-lic health acrvice. Four government ooctoi a are now engaged in fighting the disrupt in I'tah. Ir. Mct.HIycuddy reports that people peo-ple went wild with enthusiasm over the peace news at Son Francisco and that heal tit authorities (here are eagerly watching the effect of the denmnatra- t 'fin on h sprea r of the disease |