Show I IOn Bosone Suggests Time limit I On U. U S. S Control of Indians WASHINGTON Jan 17 UP jP-A jP A year 25 time limit for winding up I federal control over the thc Indians was suggested Tues Tuesday ay by Rep Reva Beck Bosone Bosom D. D DUtah Utah With other members of the thc house public lands committee the Utah congresswoman visited a number of Indian settlements in inAr Ar Arizona zona last fall and returned to Washington saying she is convinced convinced convinced con con- i vinced the groups she saw were a very competent people South of Phoenix in the vIcinity vicinity vicinity vicin vIcin- ity of the Sells agency she said I the Indians wore were living Jiving in I dirt I homes But they were clean she told tolda a reporter The windows were curtained In fact they were well I kept desert homes Their farming operations s see seemed ee m e d competent Their fences jere were in good repair In fact some of the white farms I we saw suffered by comparison The committee she said saw I I Pimas diligently working in the fields I IAn I An Ap Apache che the assistant agent at the Colorado river reservation I Iwas was their guide for a day He told them Mrs Bosone said that the Indians should be sent to the white mans man's school turned out into the white mans man's world She quoted him as saying that all the Indians who are schooled want vant wanta vanta a chance to make their own way Mrs Bosone said she came to I the conclusion that the faster the Indian children are educated and I trained the better for all con con- I IVe We Ve will gain by the infusion I of their characteristics into our lives Jive she said Perhaps we can gain some of their calmness and humility We Ve will profit by their artistic ability their mechanical skill They seem to have a marvelous marvelous marvelous mar mar- capacity for adjustment to new conditions |