Show t. t I li fi 4 l 4 fj 0 t v u tI j a. a p 4 1 1 HE lIE PICKED EM OUT SHE SERVES EM Lewis Owsley and Mrs Thomas B B. B Sadler Draper Drape Egg Produces Producers Feast on Chicken One One hundred and three forty-three prime Draper chickens virtually melted in the mouths of visitors at Draper Egg Producers' Producers Association Inc annual stockholders' stockholders conven conven- tion Lion here Saturday evening I I In case any of the nearly 1000 persons served at the dinner by members of the ward Relief so societies societies societies so- so of the two Draper L D S Swards Swards Swards wards under direction of Mrs J. J E. E Mrs Eva B. B Clements and Mrs Thomas B. B Sadler are wondering why it was wasso wasso wasso so good it wasn't all in the cook cook- ing Picking was the thing A. A R. R association president said Just to make sure the chickens were the best and nothing but the best aest we had Lewis Owsley pick them hem while touring Draper chicken chick chick- en houses he said Now Mr Owsley any Draper will tell you can not only tell whether a chicken is laying layng lay lay- ing ng or lying but also can pick them hem so they will melt in your mouth Mr Owsley employed by the Draper poultry association makes his lis living by going through chicken chick chick- en coops and pointing out which chickens are only boarders and which are regular layers |