Show Salt Lake Children Will Join in Musical Fete By AL FERGUSON Where hero one ono sings there shall life Ute belong Evil 11 peoples people have ha no song Portraying that thought of or Martin Martin Martin Mar Mar- tin Luther Salt Lake Lako City school children will present their music festival May 13 at 8 p. p m. m and May 15 at the same hour hourin in the tabernacle Trained by officials of at the public school system the p participants will represent more than school schoolchildren schoolchildren schoolchildren children attending 29 elementary seven lower division and three upper upper upper up up- per division high schools Singing Sins voices will include fourth grade pupils 1000 fifth and 1 sixth grade pupils and articulating articulating articulating lating unit pupils Orchestrations will be supplied by musicians from lower division high schools musicians from upper division high schools the West high school woodwind ensemble ensemble ensemble ble and South high schools school's violin quartet Use of ot the tabernacle was arranged ar ax rang ranged t through c courtesy of L. L D. D S. S church hurch officials and performances will be be- befree free to t the e public a according to announcement by the he following executive committee George A. A Eaton chairman Dr L. L John Nuttall Jr r. r superintendent of schools J. J Spencer Cornwall program program program pro pro- pro pro- gram director Miss Charlotte Stewart Stewart Stewart Stew Stew- art in charge of oC arrangements for tableau and freeze portrayals Miss Elizabeth FitzGerald in charge charse of cadet ushers Joseph Driggs In in charge chars of ot transportation for re rehearsals rehearsals re- re and performances Archie Kesler In charge of seating guests and participants Marion Harris Invitations H. H M. M Jr McNeil Neil construction construction tion Uon of stages and Mark C. C Lloyd program and publicity The complete program follows WEDNESDAY EVENING MAY 13 1936 PART I 9 Fourth grade rado children present Cycle of a 0 Day Morning Sunrise en Beethoven Work Spinning Son Song The Bumble Dumble Dee Bee Play The Drum Smith The Water Dance Bach Tha Big Menagerie Manna NIGHT The Little Dustman BrAhms Brahma Thanks and Praise Pralle Mendelssohn J J. J Spencer Cornwall Conductor Sarah Castle Frieze depleting depicting i Cycle of a Day enacted acted by y upper et division I ehl high school h girls Combined lower division high school orchestra Tres Tru J Jolle lIe Norman Martin Marlin Conductor PART II Fifth and sixth grade children pre present ent Hours flours of a Day Morning Morning Invitation Veazie NOON Midsummer Noon Hosmer Madrigal of Spring Fletcher Twilight Sundown own Londonderry Air Evening E Ole Kin King Cole Cote with descant Lullaby Mozart Now the Day Is III Over Barnby J. J Spencer Cornwall Conductor Sarah Castle Accompanist Frieze depleting depicting Hours of ot a 8 Day enacted by lower division high school girls PART in III Combined lower loner lon high school I 1 Marche Militaire Schubert 2 Petite Suite de Ballet Dallel Gluck Cluck 3 Hungarian Dances Brahms Norman Martin MarUn Conductor PART IV Articulating units present Old Dance Forms Forma In la Song Gavotte otte Lemare Minuet When Minuet When Grandmother Dreams 5 Geor George c A. A EuLon music musio festival festi executive committee Beethoven Country Dance Bach Waltz Tales Waltz Tales from the Vienna Woods Wood 01 j 1 Strauss J 3 Spencer Cornwall Cornall Conductor Sarah Castle Accompanist Tableau depleting depicting old dance forms form enacted by upper dh III Ion high school girls FINALE Fifth sixth and articulating unit glee gleo clubs dubs Lullaby Brahms J J. J Spencer Cornwall Conductor Frank W. W Asper Accompanist FRIDAY EVENING MAY 15 15 1938 1936 PART I Combined lower loner division high schools school J S. S Spencer Cornwall Conductor Enid Accompanist Bo Boys Boys' s Glee Club Blue BlueBell Bells of Scotland Scotch Folk Son Song A Aura ura Lee Old Melody Oh Ohi Susanna Suanna Stephen Foster Bonnie Doon Miller Girls Girls' Glee Club Moonlit Meadows May Dance Lacome Mixed Chorus Venetian Love Son Song Nevin Old Irish Almighty Lord Mascagni PART II East High School Orchestra Augmented by students student from West Vest and South h high school g orchestras h Arthur Overlade O Conductor To S Spring Grieg The e Country h r D Dance Beet Beethoven en o Andante from Surprise Symphony Ha Haydn Hadn PART III Combined girls girls' choruses upper division high schools Lydia Ldla White Boothby Conductor April Annabelle Morris Buchanan Clouds Cloud II Charles Charies Del Dels The Last Song James Rogers West high school woodwind ensemble Kenneth Koj Roylance lance Conductor Petite Symphony Charles Gounod Andante and Scherzo P P. Melvin Petersen Conductor In the Luxembourg Gardens Kathleen Lockhart Manning The Jolly Roger Robertson Robertson-Dels Jg South t high f school violin quartet Lorenzo Mitchell Conductor Morning Peer Suite Grieg Combined A Capella chorus upper division high schools Lisle Bradford Conductor Begotten Son Only The Glory Train Noble Cain PART PAnT IV Combined up upper r and lower tower division high school choruses Accompanied by orchestra and tabernacle organ 1 J. J S Spencer nce Cornwall Conductor Frank W. W As Asper r Organist Holy Holy- Art Thou Handel Plastic frieze e portrayed Lower division high school girls Guests of honor honor Governor Governor and Mrs Henry H. H Bloo Blood l Ma Mayor Maor or and Mrs Irs E. E B B. Erwin State Superintendent and Mrs C C. H. H SkIdmore President and Mrs Irs Heber J J. J Grant Mr and Mrs David ld Smith Mr and Mrs A. A E. E Eberhardt Mr and Mrs Mr W W. IL JL Lovesy Dr and Mrs D D. D. D Stockman Mr and Mrs D. D E E. E Hammond Mr and Mrs Christian 0 O Jensen Mr Ir and Mrs John JohnB B B. Matheson Mr and Mrs Mr Harley W W. Gustin Mr and Mrs S S. S Billings Dilling Jr Jr Mr avid and Mrs Nephi L. L Morris Judge and Mrs Mu Frederick Loofbourow Mr and Mrs Mra A. A J J. J West Mr and Mrs Ira A A. R n. Curtis Mrs Edna E Evans Johnson Dr and Mr Mrs Mn George Thomas Professor and Mrs Thomas Thomaa Giles George D. D and Trac Tracy Y V. Cannon |