Show RACE Results I NEW ORLEANS 1181 1 First race six furlongs Maquire 1220 1062 1236 won on mood Gate Leyland second Coverlet Arnold 1056 1036 third Time Time 1 Also rans rans L. L Fast Tast Wind Tensas Tenas Isabelle Isabelie I Quick Asset 11 Lilla II a. a B. B Capt Devil Devi Aflame Second race one and one sIxteenth miles mlles miles India is Leonard 8 24 4 24 48 40 won Queen Roya Royal Arnold 1358 second Sporting Vein C. C Allen third Also Alro rans Charlady ran Charlady Stowaway Stow Stow- away nt Little Kid Carroll Silent Jack Nauset Sister Zoe Zoo Third race I six x furlongs Bookie F FSmith F. F Smith won on Beaure gard Bard Craver Graver second An clent Mariner Arnold third Time Tim 11 1145 4 Also rans rans Hogans Alley Our Own Hush Itushi Dear dum Faraway Bess Dess Martin Fourth race six sis X furlongs furlongs Marconi Ma Marcon Workman l n ei 3 f won I Lounger Pichon 1854 eec eec- ec ond end l W. W Garner third Time Time Also rans rans rans-Laddie Laddie Saxon Kentucky Cardinal Sanford Crystal Domino Fifth race one mile and seventy yards yard Medley Dellow 2262 2281 1768 won Von John Speed Anderson 46 29 94 4 second Nevermore Geving third Time TIme 3 S. Also Tans ran Tip Tip Top Rival Frank McMahon Peek boo I Sixth race one and one eighth miles mile Duckweed Bowden Dowden 38 won North orth Breeze Leonard 1432 1 second Blockhead MeI Me Me- Tague third Time Time Time- 3 5 I Also rans rans Despard Atol Atel Adieu Heed Frightful Red lIed D Banner Seventh race race ona one and sixteenth one miles mlles Leyland 1926 2344 1264 won Grange Steele 1278 second Plain Dealer P. P Hebert lIebert third Time 2 rans ran Den Ben Ben McGraw Repeater Star Sta Falcon Golden G. G Mint Toddy Todd Delphi King of or Fortune HAVANA TUESDAY First Fint race six furlon furlongs s Clelland CleIland 4 44 to 1 7 to 5 6 3 to S 5 6 won Basha 4 to S 5 I. I 1 to 3 3 second sec eec Second ond end Dolly Dunham GWynne 1 to 4 third Time Time- Time 1 1 I-G. Also AIo rans Ta Ta Tamale male Dick Nan O. O Second race six siS furlongs fUrlongs fUrlongs- furlongs C. C Meyer Meer 5 to 2 4 to 5 6 2 I to 6 5 wo E Expressive Guerra 7 to 5 6 3 to S 5 6 second sec eec ond Crestwood Boy Doy Noel 1 to 3 third Time 1114 l U 1 Also rans rans Black Black Deer Sandalwood Seth's Flower Drummond Third race three furlongs furlongs- Standby even 1 to S 3 1 to 6 S won On Cora even 2 I to 5 6 5 second sec see ond Athens 12 H. H Fisher 4 to 5 6 third Time 35 3 33 2 25 Also rans rans Harry Harry W W. i Brown Drown Jeff ONeal Charmaine Bab Baby Delhi Sheet Lightning Western Eagle Fourth race six furlongs Mary furlongs fary Heller Itch Hel ler len Robertson 6 to 5 5 1 to 3 1 to 6 G. G Von won Ford 2 I to B 5 Ii 1 to I 5 5 second Lemnos C. C Meyer 1 to 2 third Time Time 1 1 Also rans rans rans' Matador Donetta The Engineer Fifth Firth race one and one-eighth one miles mile FIre Fire Under C. C Meyer 6 to to-S. to 5 2 to 5 5 out won Bill Hare Ford even out peer peer-nd Bethlehem Robertson out outs third Time 1 Also rans King Icing Solomons Solomon's Seal Black Hawk Sixth race one and sixteenth one miles miles Jingle Jingle Woodstock 4 to 1 7 to 5 3 to 5 S. won Its Irs and Ands rot root 2 to 3 1 even second Sleepy DIe Dick Ie Ford 1 1 to 2 I. third Time Time 3 3 Also rans Queen rans-Queen Queen Emma John 1 F. F Kleaver Frankman Maggie Walters TIAJUANA TU TUESDAY Y First race three furlongs Charming Charming Shot Fisher 15 D. D won Frank D. D Elston J 0 second Lady Holly Fields third Time TIme TIme- 37 Also rans Bunker rena-Bunker Bunker Hilt Hill Star Slav Prince Gold Chain Moneys Moneys- worth orth Day Bay Lad Black Dlack Dar Dar- ling hing Second race rare six sir furlongs furlongs Foe Foe Louman Louman Loumen Lou Lou- man men 46 1300 1250 won Lemon Squash Mondon 40 s second Cond Sister Josella 11 II Philpot tOO 1400 third Time Time 4 S. Also Abo fans rans Jago Dunny Bunny Girl Good Time A A. Lester Herbert lien Her bert Snow Mountain Manoa Manna Skywards Regular Girl Maurice Mulcahy Third race one ona mile and seventy yards yards Little Little Man Luther 1080 1340 won Galloping Galloping- Joe P P. Fisher second Fair Fall Trial third Time Tinie 3 5 Also rans Colonel rans-Colonel Colonel Carr Fairy's Beau Peter Pierson son Sue Four Pour Sixty Cloud Accelerator Plain Rock nock Ii II Share London Smoke Fourth race five and one half furlongs fur Cur longs longs Betty Betty ONeal Horning 1 1060 60 won on Frank tight Light Inzelone Inze- Inze lone lonc second Maximus Luther third Time Time 4 5 Also runs rane Applesauce Miss Patterson 1 ril Ida Newell Ne Master Ace I-ce c S Stout out I Fifth FIrth race one oae mile Platinum mlle Platinum Russell fibs Rus sell ell won James BBrown B. B Brown 1560 second i Welty Welly Snider third Time 4 Also rans rans-Dulcy rans Dulcy Lou Singapore Singapore Singa Singa- pore Brian I Kent Hent ent Brookwood Buzzer Heathe Wynnewood Fort Wayne ane Sixth race five and one half furlongs Ray nay 60 20 won Shasta Pine Elston 10 20 second nd Johnny Agee 1 Floyd loyd third Time TIme 4 45 Also ran rans Kentucky Babe Dabe Miss Misa Drapeau Sunny Saint Seventh race 1000 1100 S 2 olds year and up one mile lint and seventy yard Fore yards Fore Forecaster caster Fields 60 3 U. 0 Taoist ranlEt lOG Luther 4 l second Blue I Fish 98 OS I Kelly third Time 1 1 4 Inca Stat Mat Hunter and anti Pegasus also ran Eighth race 30 SOil 4 year and up Clubhouse course claiming Robertson 1380 1180 UCO won Ginger ryle Pyle CO second Shasta Grafton Gratton Jenner Jen- Jen ner ncr 10 third l Time 38 46 C. Ii 74 My 1 l heady Daddy Paula Shay Dora and Tommie McComb also ran Ninth race ace 3 y 3 ear ar and up claiming claim claim- In ing nc one mile Julie Alm Almgren Almgren ren 04 Luther Lu ther D. D 60 w m tn Louman 2260 1320 1320 second Bank Dank Jr 10 U Baker 50 third thir Time 1431 15 1 Master Rock BooS Blow Horn Jorn Rex flex Roms Rome Frank Gallon Gallor Motile Dear and Common Gold also ran |