Show disgusted democrats we really need but say very little the democratic legisla-tive of this county for democrats are saying so much them-selves we feel more like defending tha ticket than condemning it under the there is M M warner for exam-ple their candidate for state senate ho has alwa B been u hale fellow well mar and we heard against his good name until the judicial convention met then to de-feat hia ccainnddiiddaaccyy whis-perings wre indulged in of coune by democrats strange to eay that kind of a fight is still made on him by his disgruntled party friends tha breer crowd of spanish fork is also disgruntled and unless the breach can be bridged between now and election day there will be con slashing of the name of alow going mMaarrttiinnuueB larsen we hardly believe that ho realizes the danger that awaits him the factional feeling may extend farther than the two names mention-ed but it is outspoken in the cases named abel J evang is becoming quite as chronic an office seeker as wm creer and if abel could be put up again we see no resson why william could not both hava bad bounty records but freers ia the better he voted for bounty once evans never did the we will say are talking of A 0 nomination for the legislature he will never be elected there has been too much recent liti-gation in which the peoples money was involved growing out of his last term of office people do nut forget such things BO soon the ticket is perhaps as strong as our opponents could well put up under the peculiar condition they have got into this year through their factional fights now if they will all pull for their ticket ab they should do we will have a close legislative contest this year but the natural republican increase which we find by our canvass will give tho party of prosperity and of homa industries a majority chii year of about a hun-dred and fifty men of course will mako bome difference for some are more popular than others but that will be about the average ke publican majority lale |