Show OUE local contemporary saya alco hoi ia in the grain and the appetite of men god himself placed it there it hayg of conrao if god has done that then prohibition will ba a failure in utah and all other communities ve believe man places alcohol in bis appetite and some are so steeped in their sins that prohibi-tion cannot be made to prohibit in most communities in utah god that is not the case and prohi-bition may be made an entire anc ceas IT is to be hoped that western hintea with senatorial contests trill not fail to elect senators this year as did wyoming and montana two dwars ago we need all the western sen-ators possible in the next congress silver is working and the question of free coinage will soon coma to a head MAYOR holbrooks cheap lighting for provo has caused a com-motion in salt lake aad osden salt lake finally got the rate down to per arc light and now ogden wants a reduction provo leads them all by its mayor having to pay less than 6 per light per month |