Show ANCIENT PRICES the reign of ns lions from africa were worth nearly vach cePnItGuSryfeaett stohled irnateboomfe tiwnetnhtey fofuorrth4 cents THE price of a days board in athens i C was 4 cents or about a month A of four rooms rented in pompeii for sa a month a single room ost sa LORD BACON paid 3 as for his judges aig the box was extra it cost a shilling ACCOUNT books such as were used by merchants in the days of pericles cost 18 cents Is 1620 silk stockings sold in paris for 30 they were long reaching above the knee A GENT LEMANS hat in the time of charles I1 cost and the plumes cost sl more trae genuine damascus blades that bould be bent into circle cost from to 1000 THE price of a wife in zZuulluullaanndd twenty years ago was six cows with their calves |