Show WELL PAY JURORS tiie kent RL CULTURE worlds fair appropriation bill massed new rEeeccoorrddss MONDAYS JE booth introduced council joint memorial no 7 which cade aa follows to the hHoonnoorarabblyla Conr caa of the states respectfully represent first that in 1870 the legislature of utah territory granlee the richt of alt aga to women that alie uee thereof by the of utah waa creditable to tham balica and beneficial to the territory third tout in 1887 the congress of le united atla in it discretion and by reason of certain conditions which at that time existed but haya ceased now disapproved and aannnnuullleedd the act of the legislature of this in 1870 the said right rage tor women fourth that a laga number of women in utah territory are owneta in their own name and right respectively of great and valuable propertiieesa on which said owners pay taxes and are directly interested in the expenditure of efrid taxes your pray that you will restora to women who ara american citizens and otherwise anali fied ane of suffrage aad your memorialists will aver pray resolved that a copy of thi memorial bo hent etc the earlda fair appropriation was discussed at bome length and finally passed th bill gayea to defray the expenses of exhibit at the woolda fair council bill no 67 for aba protection of of wot kinsman ana nn iona with all special advertising mat ter wag taken up for consideration the bail was rejected and a substitute making the protection apply to all per arns or corporations wag taken up the substitute simply left out aba cords unions nicking tha act general the was pasa ed the committee on expanses reported upon a petition of tabbss horne for women asking for for the of the home the reason for the report is that the com-mittee considers thatcounty courts and city councils support such in-stitutions introduced H B so for an bet to amend chapter 47 of the laws of 1892 Committee on way and means it provides that notes and debts by trust deed or mortgage owned by corporations ahall not be de-ducted from the of their paid up capital committee on and irrigation filed two en H B no 27 for an act to the proddoucc tion of and the manufacture of leather tho majority signed by alark as chairman recommended it a pase aze and a minority report signed by moore and democratic and there-fore in tona urged ita rei jeejeccttiioonn filed for third reading by sanford H B aa act to amend section 1 chapter 81 of the aea baioa laws of ralating to tr ealah on judiciary H B no making for the payment of jurors and waa pissed alien H J it no 11 re-lating to investigation of the of records of real estaba tran efera and un der of tho rules referred to the committee on judiciary may you |