Show THE FISH QUESTION 5 commissioner newel r article shown to be rather fishy why dont he the editor we have read in tha dis patch of the a piece headed A protest against Sei nine written by myron G newell the utah county fish and game commissioner mr newell states that he has been the commissioner for said county for the last two years and the workings of the bsh business of utah lake he also etalea if we understand him rieba that all the seines that have been anaed in utah lake during that time are unlawful if that is true why has he not done hia duty and these seines accordine to law does mr newe il mean to eay that all the aeinza in utah lake have taken fish unlaw-fully if BO why has he not prosecuted the parties using them he also states that ahe trout in utah lake havi been reduced 95 per cent we are happy to eay that the state-ment ia cot true he alao state that the fish have been raisins in price for the last twenty years this is also a mistake twenty two yearn ago trout old at the rato of 25 cents a pound they are cheaper today twenty five 3 ears ago the com-mon fish were cold at an average of five cents a pound they now sell here at the fishery at one and one fourth cents a pound mr newell badma to that it will taka government agana to watch each net being hauled ie utah lake how many will it tabe to watch the sportsman and more especially the loafers who in order to get a living without work kill tho trout big and small regardless of the law using every device they can bant powder not ex cepter W now ask the public to for themselves which will be the and cheapest ta watch a yard breine and 3 or 4 men with a boat for from tw to four hours to make a haul out in plain eight on utah lake or to watch a man along the river in the brush with a fiah polo in his hhaannddlaanndd perhaps his pocket full of giant powder watching his chance at the trout and nothing else mr bawell also etalea that there is ample food in our fresh water lakes for times aa many gama fish as are now there this statement is simply foolish and not worthy of notice but it proves that he knows little or nothing about this important fish question if sbeeiinniinngg is stopped and the common fish are allowed to remain and increase in the lake it will be of no use to place any more imported fuh of any kind in utah lake at preaent we talk by experience and stand ready to prove what we eay mr newell has not been with na nor been ui make a haul during his two years in office which proves that he knows nothing of what ahe fisher man are doing L W 1894 |