Show salt lakes poverty and property we hope it will not be understood that THE is not in sympathy wih the poor unemployed in salt lake we lave been deeply moved by the sad reports of destitution which come from that city but at the same time wo desire to condemn most severely the action of the territ-orial legislature for resolving itself into a charity society for the relief that ccoouunnttyess poor the laws of the territory contemp-late that each county shall take earn of its own indigent by special tax if needs be for that purpose how well able is isalt lake county to do this ia the cage of its poverty stricken let us consider ahn question for a moment the census of 1890 egowa the total population of the territory to be af pf sags 27 par cent reside in salt lake county the last of the territorial auditor places he total of the property of utah at of which halt lake county owna or about 42 per cent anuw we submit that 27 per cent of the population ef utah owning 42 per cent of wealth of the territory is able to take caro of its hpaauuppeerrss with cut asking the rest of utah to tax itself for that purpose there are poor elsewhere in the territory besides in salt lake that could well claim a share of the territorial revenue if our legisl-ature as seems to be the case is going into the charity business we have them in utah county they have them in ogden in the counties in the north and in tha in the south their appeals might also be made to reach the ears of the legi-slature eyen if they can not parada the streets of the capital would the legislature barken to their cries of distress and appropriate the peo-ples bard earned taxes for their re lief wo faar not tor the policy ever has been and is today to civo salt lake everything she asks for conr seem not to have the courage to refuse her requests though salt lake now has all tace rest of the terr-itory paying humble tribute l1o0 her in many ways it would not surprise us to see ahe splendid school at logan be from hat city and located at salt lake and then besides for our legislature to bond thia territory for the erection of a capitol building at provide other means of support for salt lakes purposes salt lake has said she wants the agricultural college and that ought to settle it salt lake has eaid that she wants the capitol built oa one of the worst of sites in that city and there is no disputing her august will no matter though in-habitants are south of the salt lake city latitude and only north of jt salt lakes word counts for more than all tha rest of utah imperial eister we boar to thee |