Show tim ExQuinER has a circulation that every week exceeds that of all the other newspapers in central and 1 QSiHflheerrnn utah combined in utah county it has a circulation thait ex-ceeds that of all the other territorial papers combined vl 1 I 11 EFzHT closed for want of support T it seems to cuas that nnooww is the time for organi-zation and a united effort in behalf of theo garden city Ttin logan journal democratic speaks very harshly of the deseret news calling it A janus faced oOrrggaannaanndd saying there wasa a time when the news was looked uunpoonn as the reliable organ of tthhoe church iimmpplI1yyiinngg that that time had passed we wish to say that sBoO far as known to nus the deseret news iiss giving better satisfaction now than ever before people regard it more in tthhoe light of a wide awake newspaper than during the old regime when it wwaass of that slow going style so non suited to our progressive times FEx BosE tthhoe Ogden standard iias winning fresh laurels for the democratic party by reason of his unwarranted interference in wyoming politics he has thus far shown a woeful lack of good sense and propriety but that was to haveo been expected of a representative of the salt lake herald which long aago0 becaammee noted for its pursuit of ways that are dark and devious SSAILLTT lake business men bhaye be-come aroused to tho nneecceeessity of do-A ithnegirsocmityethinoggiltfeooerr tpheeoopplreoshpaevreoitybeeonf t pulling together with good results fsoormsoemteimtimee how long will provo remain in her present lethargic state and see even our present iinndduustariterise I1 I1 am I itI- |